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Kansas Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||
1. Kansas State Department Of Education / Student Support Services Homepage kansas State Board of education Student Support Service for Special and Gifted education, interactive information, forms, and data resources kansas State Improvement Plan. resources. kansas Special education Process Handbook State Regulations (pdf). parent Rights Document (Proceedural Safeguards) (pdf) http://www.kansped.org/ | |
2. Preface: Critical Parenting Practices National Extension parent education Model Of Critical parenting Practices This report is an electronic version of the complete printed report and does not include many of the graphics that are an integral part of the final model. Justin Hall, kansas State University, Manhattan, kansas 66506 or resources listed in the Curriculum Guide section are examples of more specific parent education programs that http://www.cyfernet.org/parenting_practices/preface.html | |
3. Special Education And Disabilities Resources Mental Disabilities/Developmental Disabilities. parent and Family Issues. School University of kansas Extensive list of resources from the Department of Special education at the http://www.educ.drake.edu/rc/Sp_ed_top.html | |
4. Special Ed Resources Special Ed resources on the Internet international network system between parent groups, foundations, educational institutions and Special education resources at the University of kansas. The Dept. of Special education http://www.nhgs.tec.va.us/SpecialEd/sped_resources.html | |
5. Marc's Special Education/Exceptionality Page Search by state for nonprofit special education resources. Find family centers, parent coalitions, counselors, medical facilities, and support groups. Internet Special education resources. Special education Learning Disabilities resources A Nationwide Families Together, the parent Training and Information Center for kansas http://www.halcyon.com/marcs/sped.html |
6. Parent Resources kansas State Web Site/Legislative News State history, government Javits Gifted andTalented Students education Act of Specific parent resources are available. http://connections.smsd.org/highlands/parent_resources.htm | |
7. ERIC/CRESS At AEL Provides details for educators on rural education as well as education in minority communities. Also conference and publication information. School of Information resources and Library Science Westin Crown Center in kansas City, MO. education IS AT HOME, NOT AT SCHOOL. The traditional definition of parent involvement http://www.ael.org/eric | |
9. Education World® - Parent Resources : Children's Issues : School Readiness 1854 act that created the states of kansas and Nebraska vital news about your child'seducation in grades 6; tutoring in reading and math, resources in science http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=428 |
10. ERIC/EECE. Elementary And Early Childhood Educational Resources On The Internet Universities of Minnesota, kansas, and Oregon who launched and resources for parents and those who work with parents on topics such as raising children, parent education programs, http://ericeece.org/ed2link.html | |
11. Parent Education- Additional Web Resources parent, Family and Child Care education resources Additional parent education resources on the Web The following links provide an option for finding further information of a variety of parent education resources. award winning resource developed by Dr. Charles Smith of kansas State University. http://www.ianr.unl.edu/ianr/burt/parent.htm | |
12. Education, Student & Teacher--Reference Resources Government kansas Info kansas Library Catalog education PLACE education Place providesK Student resources, Teacher resources, parent resources, and Librarian http://skyways.lib.ks.us/library/reference/education.html | |
13. Special Education Resources Centers: Non-profit Organizations Training and Information Center for kansas Center for Missouri parents Act theStatewide parent Training and New Hampshire educationA-Must, Inc., a non http://www.iser.com/nps.html | |
14. INTERNET SPECIAL EDUCATION RESOURCES: Non-Profit Resource Centers: Families Toge also offers additional programs, including education Advocate Program;Child Advocate Training Program; parentto-parent of kansas. http://www.iser.com/familiestogether-KS.html | |
15. Kent State University Parent Resources Delaware parent education Resource Center http//www.childinc.com/DPERC.htm. DISTRICTOF COLUMBIA kansas Department of education http//www.ksde.org/. http://fpsrv.dl.kent.edu/ecis/Web/Parent Resources/ParentResource.htm | |
16. Educational Resources education World; Educator's Toolkit; Farm kansas; Free Worksheets; Best Sites forChildren; A parent's Guide to Safety; US Department of education parents Guide to http://www.mwedconnection.org/resources.html | |
17. The Northeast Kansas Education Service Center A road map for global electronic exploration for the K12 classroom, with emphasis on educational, Category Regional North America Regions Northeast education......Welcome Header. Index of resources. Coop Members. Message Board. Position Vacancy.kansas State Department of education, kansas parent Information Resource http://nekesc.org/ | |
18. Kansas State Resources Guide to programs available throughout the state.Category Regional North America Disability Information...... KS 666121816 (785) 233-8732; (800) 499-8732 (parent line) E the views or policiesof the Department of education, nor does NICHCY State resources Kansas http://www.nichcy.org/stateshe/ks.htm | |
19. MEL: Education: Special Education SPED OnLine from University of kansas; University of Virginia SpecialEducation Web Site. parent resources Advocacy Groups. American http://mel.lib.mi.us/education/edu-special.html | |
20. NKCSD | About The District | Resources parent Links, School Report Card. Preschool Form Preschool Special education EnrollmentForm for Missouri residents YouthFriends application for kansas residents. http://www.nkcsd.k12.mo.us/about/resources.shtml?a |
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