HOME INFO NEWS DOSSIER ... LADIN Inhalt 4. DIE LATEINAMERIKANISCHEN KONVENTIONSSTAATEN 5. DIE ILO-KONVENTION NR.169 IN EUROPA Bibliographie Dokumentenanhang .: oben :. .: oben :. Berber: 12.000.000 in Algerien, Marokko, Tunesien; Quichua: 12.000.000 in Bolivien, Chile, Ecuador, Peru; Uiguren: 6.000.000 in China, Kasachistan, Usbekistan; Hmong: 6.000.000 in China, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam; Maya: 5.000.000 in Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexiko, El Salvador; Tibeter: 4.000.000 in China, Tibet; Kashmiren: 4.000.000 in Indien, Pakistan; Karen: 3.500.000 in Burma, Thailand; Santal: 3.200.000 in Bangladesch, Indien; Indianer*: 2.500.000 in Kanada, USA; Aymara: 2.000.000 Bolivien, Chile, Ecuador, Peru; Tuareg: 1.500.000 in Algerien, Burkina Faso, Lybien, Mali, Niger; Mapuche: 1.400.000 in Argentinien, Chile; Naga: 1.000.000 in Burma, Indien Tabelle aus dem Dossier " Popoli Indigeni - Popoli Minacciati " von Michelucci A. (APM) (1998) .: oben :. "This Convention applies to: a) tribal peoples in independent countries whose social, cultural and economic conditions distinguish them from other sections of the national community, and whose status is regulated wholly or partially by their own customsor by special laws or regulations; | |