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21. Technology Law And Policy News: IT Law, Intellectual Property, Public Policy, Na A daily news digest on the ITrelated law and policy. With coverage of intellectualproperty, public policy, national, international law, government. http://www.corante.com/policy/ | |
22. BNA, Inc. - Essential Information. Expert Analysis. Get information about taxrelated books and software, read publications, contact customer support, or follow links to subsidiaries. For the latest news, click on BNA's Corporate law Business Professional Information Center. http://www.bna.com/ | |
23. JURIST - Legal News And Information From The Law School Source A free, searchable online legal information service dedicated to furthering academic, professional Category Society law Legal Information Resources......Legal news, legal research and legal education resources from JURIST TheLegal Education Network, at the University of Pittsburgh School of law. http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/ | |
24. Law.com - Tech Law Practice Center A collection of UK law-related databases - The Inns of Court, Chambers and more - Details of the UK solicitors' profession - Who we are and the services we offer http://www.law.com/professionals/techlaw.html | |
25. JURIST - Legal News JURIST LEGAL news. law Watch Hot Topics Full Coverage TO BE SURE OF SEEINGTHE VERY LATEST LEGAL news ON THIS PAGE, HOLD DOWN THE SHIFT KEY AND HIT http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/issues/ | |
26. Government Documents In The News University of Michigan site that provides current and archived documents related to events in the news. Bridge Collapse in Oklahoma. Cardinal law. Chandra Levy. College Drinking http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/docnewsnew.html | |
27. PESTICIDE.NET -- Pesticide News, Information And Resources news and regulatory information on conventional, antimicrobial, and biopesticides, from the law Firm Category Society law Legal Information Environmental law......Maintained by the law firm of Wright Sielaty and the scientific and regulatoryconsultants at ChemReg Int'l with news, Information and Resources on http://www.pestlaw.com/ | |
28. Consumer Law News, The - Consumer Justice Group law firm offers this consumer guide on new drugs, FDA recalls, legal issues, and drug safety. Find articles on Stadol, Baycol, Lotronex, FenPhen, and Mercury Autism. http://redirect-west.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.looksmart.com/og/pr%3Dcdd%3B |
29. Out-law.com - Legal News And Business Guides Current news news Archive. news Search. To get a weekly roundupof OUT-law news, Register Free or amend your Profile. http://www.out-law.com/php/news.php?area=news |
30. Www.ltpn.com/ Comprehensive legal guide, containing cases, codes, forms, links to law reviews, law schools, bar Category Society law Legal Information Resources...... Dockets law Firm Center Stock Quotes Name Search. Legal news Commentary. http://www.ltpn.com/ |
31. The 'Lectric Law Library's Legal News And Events Room The 'Lectric law Library news ROOM. Like a scrofulous band of pirateskyacking the 17 seas on the lookout for drunken, Rolexclad http://www.lectlaw.com/top.html | |
32. Welcome To Lawschool.com, The Site For Law Students, Lawyers, Future Lawyers, La law school activities, admissions, information, news, and resources. http://www.lawschool.com | |
33. CUA Columbus School Of Law The Catholic University of America, School of law, present. a symposium on. The Ruleof law and the Information Age Reconciling Private Rights and Public Interest. http://law.cua.edu/news/conference/informationage/ | |
34. ACLU Takes On Virginia Net Decency Law Expanding its campaign to shoot down state and local censorship statutes, the civil liberties organization targets a law that makes it illegal for some professors to check out risqu Victorian poems. Wired news http://www.wired.com/news/news/story/3732.html |
35. Security Workers: Copyright Law Stifles | CNET News.com Related news Microsoft ebook security in doubt August 31, 2001; Protestersdeclare war on copyright law August 30, 2001; lawyer Lessig http://news.com.com/2100-1001-272716.html?legacy=cnet |
36. Cyberstalking Law Invoked In the first prosecution under California's new electronic stalking law, a Los Angeles County security guard is accused of targeting a woman who didn't want to date him. Wired news http://www.wired.com/news/news/story/17504.html |
37. N.Y. Decency Law Challenged | CNET News.com NY decency law challenged By CNET news.com Staff April 3, 1997, 1015 AM PT updateAs the US Supreme Court scrutinizes the Communications Decency Act, a http://news.com.com/2100-1023-278504.html?tag=rn |
38. LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, L.L.P. Analysis of major changes in Russian legislation affecting business and investment activities. Publications and Internet links. Maintained by the Moscow office of LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene MacRae, L.L.P. http://www.russianlaws.com | |
39. Privacy Stories Main Page. Tech law Journal. news, records, and analysis of legislation, litigation,and regulation affecting the computer and Internet industry. http://www.techlawjournal.com/privacy/Default.htm | |
40. Untitled Document A general site for law enforcement explorers to exchange information. Site offers post and explorer directories, message boards, chatroom, and a news area. http://www.policeexplorer.com |
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