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41. Resources - Links Roads to learning The Public Libraries' learning disabilities Initiative. TeensHelping Teens. NCIP National Center to Improve Practice in special ed. http://www.ldam.org/resources/links.html | |
42. Gifted/Special Ed Acronyms FAQ EYSD, Extended Year special ed. FAPE, Free Appropriate Public education. IDEA,Individuals with disabilities education Act. LD, learning Disability. http://www.gtworld.org/gtspecacro.html | |
43. ED352779 1992-00-00 Learning Disabilities. ERIC Digest #E516. A Parent Guide and Workbook. (2nd ed). The learning Elementary Secondary education,Handicap Identification, learning disabilities, special Needs Students http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed352779.html | |
44. SAN DIEGO LDA HOME PAGE Local branch of national, nonprofit organization working to advance the education and general welfare Category Regional North America San Diego Health Associations...... Diego LDA, disabilities, learning disabilities, learning disabilities san organizations,disabilities organizations organizations, special ed, special education http://www.ldasandiego.org/ | |
45. National-Louis University--National College Of Education for Type 10 Certification/learning disabilities M.ed.(32) MS.ed.(32) CAS(32) SPE505Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading disabilities/special education 2 http://www.nl.edu/nlu_nce/programs/graduate/special_ed/ld.html | |
46. Inclusion/Special Ed Index Inclusion/special ed. Inclusion Times For Children with disabilities. TeachingStudents with learning disabilities in the Regular Classroom. 2 Video set http://www.nprinc.com/catalog/spec-ed/inclusn/ | |
47. Sierra County Office Of Education special education learning disabilities Resources and Youth with disabilities (NICHCY),National Opportunities WorkAbility Transition Programs special ed. http://www.sierra-coe.k12.ca.us/spedlnk.htm | |
48. Learning Disabilities About learning disabilities Barb Day, special ed. Guide has created aresourceful library dedicated to learning disabilities. From About. http://specialchildren.about.com/cs/learningdisabled/ | |
49. TSANJ Links learning disabilities OnLine LD InDepth Your Child's IEP Practical andLegal Guidance for Parents; special ed Advocacy Nine Rules of Thumb at http://www.tsanj.org/tsa/links.htm | |
50. Learning Disabilities The Brain Gym(R) Option for Hyperactivity, ADD, EH, special ed., LD and FAS. AdvocacyOrganizations learning disabilities Association of America purpose is to http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/sci_edu/education/learningdisabilities.html | |
51. $8.7 Million In Special Education Grants Awarded For New Centers To Study Readin so far as part of the US Office of special education Programs Nashville, VanderbiltUniversity, Center for Research on learning disabilities, Doug Fuchs ed Home http://www.ed.gov/PressReleases/10-2001/10052001i.html | |
52. Mar 19 2003 Famous People with disabilities. Use this convenient list to initiate classroom discussionsabout learning disabilities. Federal Resource Center for special ed. http://www.teaching.com/ednow/resources.cfm?ID=35 |
53. Elementary Links: Subject Results Explains different technologies and their use for special ed. edit.14. LD Online learning disabilities Information Resources, learning...... http://www.oswego.org/Staff/CCHAMBER/linkscf/subjects.cfm?code=Special Needs |
54. Special Education Papers Reading and learning disabilities Resource Guide (Briefing Paper) FS17. Severeand/or Multiple disabilities FS10. IDEA Articles from The special ed Advocate. http://www.theteachersguide.com/Specialedpapers.htm | |
55. Special Education Resources Gifted ed Gophers at William and Mary Contains resources Scholarship Programs -early acceptance programs and special scholarships for learning disabilities http://www.theteachersguide.com/Specialeducation.html | |
56. The Heritage Foundation: Research: Features: Family And Society Database: Result Results button at the bottom. Results. Displaying records 1 to 7 outof 7 total results (Keywords learning disabilities/special ed). http://www.heritage.org/research/features/familydatabase/results.cfm?Key=355 |
57. Special Ed Before Gifted special ed before gifted. level of support that is necessary for students with specialneeds. About 75 per cent of young offenders have learning disabilities. http://www.carleton.ca/ctown/archiv/oct1102/editorial1.htm | |
58. Buffalo Public Schools Special Ed Website on the web for special ed families. site http//www.reedmartin.com special educationInformational for Children with learning disabilities, Attention Deficit http://www.clir.buffalo.edu/specialed/links.shtml | |
59. KidSource Calendar/Learning And Other Disabilities be priority reading for every parent of a learning disabled child the NICHCY Directoriesof Summer Camps For Children With disabilities 7 special ed or Inclusion http://www.kidsource.com/ld/disabilities.calendar.html | |
60. Product Reviews From Your About Guide To Special Education special ed Guide reviews of relevant products disabilities that need special educationservices. Understanding learning disabilities Understanding learning http://specialed.about.com/cs/productreviews/ | |
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