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         Legal Publications Children:     more books (106)
  1. Legal Directory of Children's Rights: Volume 4: State Statutes, North Dakota-Wyoming
  2. The Child Witness: Legal Issues and Dilemmas by Nancy Walker Perry, Lawrence S. Wrightsman, 1991-05-01
  3. Legal directory of children's rights by United States, 1985
  4. Child Abuse: Governing Law and Legislation (Oceana's Legal Almanacs) by Irving J. Sloan, 1983-05
  5. The Law of Child Custody (Oceana's Legal Almanac SeriesLaw for the Layperson) by Margaret C. Jasper, 1997-08
  6. Juvenile Justice and Children's Law (Oceana's Legal Almanac SeriesLaw for the Layperson) by Margaret C. Jasper, 2001-06
  7. Children's Welfare and the Law: The Limits of Legal Intervention by Michael King, Judith Trowell, 1992-10-05
  8. Divorce & Child Custody: Your Options and Legal Rights (Layman's Law Guide) by Deanna Peters, Richard L. Strohm, 1997-03
  9. Children and Adolescents in Need: A Legal Primer for the Helping Professional by Virginia G. Weisz, 1994-10-20
  10. Child Welfare and Social Defense: Science State and the Professions during the Emergence of Child Welfare in Norway (Norwegian University Press Publication) by Tove Stang Dahl, 1986-07-17
  11. Protection of Children's Rights in Southern Africa: The Domestication of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, S by Emmah Gweshe, 2004-01
  12. Understanding Child Molesters: Taking Charge by Dr. Eric Leberg, 1997-06-04
  13. Assuring Child Support: An Extension of Social Security by Irwin Garfinkel, 1994-08
  14. Child Custody: Achieving a Parenting Partnership by Janice M. Dimick, Kenneth M. Dimick, 2002-02

Victims of Violent Crime How to Claim Compensation, Free. Victims ofViolence and Abuse Compensation for children and Young Adults, Free.
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The following advice leaflets are free and available on-line for you to view, save to your disk, or to print out. GENERAL LEAFLETS AVAILABILITY Free Damp, Cold and Mouldy Housing:Using the law Free Eviction and Tenants Rights Free Fines and How to pay them (published with other law centres) Free Home loss and Disturbance Payments: How To Claim Compensation Free Noisy Neighbours (New! May 2001) Free Rights to Compensation for Improvement Scheme - Secure Tenants (New! July 2001) Free Right to Repairs Scheme - Secure Tenants (New! July 2001) Free Short Assured Tenancies Free Victims of Violent Crime: How to Claim Compensation Free Victims of Violence and Abuse: Compensation for Children and Young Adults Free Further information (Books)

42. Publications
BOOKS children, Parents, and the Law (with Leslie Harris 27493 (Newbury Park, CASage publications,1988 Spurious, Tractable, and Intractable legal Problems A
Children, Parents, and the Law (with Leslie Harris) (Aspen Publishing Company, 2002). Family Law in Action: A Reader
Standards Relating to Counsel for Private Parties (Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Pub. Co., 1980). (Institute of Judicial Administration, American Bar Association, Juvenile Justice Standards. Spine title: Counsel for Private Parties. "Approved by the House of Delegates, American Bar Association, 1979").
Beyond Control: Status Offenders in the Juvenile Court (with A. Gough) (Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Pub. Co., 1977).
In Defense of Youth: The Role of Counsel in American Juvenile Courts (with W. V. Stapleton) (New York, NY: Russell Sage, 1972).
Family Law: Cases and Materials (with L. Harris) (Gaithersburg: Aspen Law and Business, 2nd ed., 2000).
Family Law: Cases and Materials
"Status Offenses and Status Offenders," in M. Rosenheim, et al., eds., A Century of Juvenile Justice (University of Chicago Press, 2002). "First-Generation Issues: Access to Law Schools," in

43. Nevada Legislative Publications
Your source for the Official legal publications of the The following publicationscan be ordered online children and Family Law Manual; Criminal Law Manual;

44. APSAC Publications
Watch, analysis of key federal and state legislation effecting children. Back toPublications. on the task force, the membership of APSAC, legal counsel, and
The APSAC Publications program offers important resources for professionals working in the field of child maltreatment. Among the most valuable benefits of APSAC membership are two quarterly publications, Child Maltreatment and the APSAC Advisor. APSAC members also receive substantial discounts on all other APSAC publications.

Child Maltreatment The Journal of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children Preventing and responding to child maltreatment requires thoughtful interdisciplinary coordination. Child Maltreatment , APSAC's quarterly journal, meets this need for interdisciplinary education with articles covering a wide variety of disciplines and every aspect of child maltreatment: prevention, intervention, and treatment of neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse and psychological maltreatment. To ensure that each of the disciplines and professions dealing with child maltreatment is expertly explored, CM has Section Editors, highly respected authorities in their fields who gather breaking developments in their specialties and report them in

45. Dansk Flygtningehjælp - Publikationer
It is based on experiences from the counselling of and legal assistance to the children,interviews with the pedagogical staff at the centres, interviews with

46. English Version - Danish Refugee Council
Download Adobe Acrobat for publications in pdf format Unaccompanied children in theDanish Asylum Process Experiences from legal Counselling of and

47. MALDEF - Publications
publications, The Sacramento public policy office of the Mexican American legal Defenseand California's Latino children Ages 05 For some time we have known

The Treatment of Undocumented Victims of Labor Law Violations Since Hoffman Plastics : Last year, the U.S. Supreme Court opened the door to abuse of undocumented workers in the case of Hoffman Plastics. The ruling states that federal immigration policy precludes the awarding of certain back pay remedies under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) to undocumented workers. This report was prepared by MALDEF and the National Employment Law Project on reported cases that have attempted to curtail labor and employment rights of undocumented workers after the Hoffman Plastics decision. MALDEF_Newsletter_Fall2002.pdf
MALDEF Newsletter for Fall 2002 : MALDEF'S latest newsletter featuring information on: Education, Employment, Immigrants’ Rights, Political Access, Voting Rights, Public Resource Equity and our recent and coming Events. 2002AdvocacyNewsletter.pdf
California 2002 Legislative Advocacy Newsletter : The Sacramento public policy office of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) focuses its advocacy efforts on legislation in the areas of education, immigrants' rights, public resource equity, employment, and political access on behalf of California's Latinos. In this newsletter, we highlight legislation in our main policy areas that affect the Latino community. Printer Friendly Version 58784 ExecSumtext.pdf

48. HomeBase / Legal And Technical Services Supporting Shared Prosperity
publications on Homelessness and How We Solve It Improving Educational Opportunitiesfor Homeless children and Youth; and in the Shelters legal and Policy
HOMEBASE PUBLICATIONS AND RESOURCE PROGRAM The HomeBase Library The HomeBase Library consists of a collection of more than 3,500 reports, books, magazine articles and studies categorized into 29 subjects including housing, health care, needs of homeless children, public funding and government, emergency shelters and employment. If you are interested in using our library, please call and ask the receptionist to speak with somebody about doing research at HomeBase. Typically an appointment needs to be made with a Research Associate. The Research Associate will assist you by giving you an orientation to our collection and an introduction to our database. HomeBase Publications HomeBase conducts comprehensive research and formulates concrete strategies to address homelessness, and our publications cover every topic related to the fight to end homelessness from community acceptance to operating transitional housing. If you are interested in ordering one of the publications listed on this page, please call and ask the receptionist to speak with someone about ordering a HomeBase publication. You can also mail or email your request. Please include your name, organization, mailing address, and telephone number, as well as the name of the publication you are requesting. A HomeBase staff member will fill your request at his/her earliest convenience. PLEASE NOTE that there is a suggested donation of $25 for each publication. HomeBase publishes these reports as a community service and honors all requests for distribution. The suggested donation is used to help cover the costs of printing, production, and postage. If you are able to help defray our costs, we graciously accept your donation.

49. HomeBase / Legal And Technical Services Supporting Shared Prosperity
for the Education of Homeless children and Youth Hunger Year; Oregon Law ResourceCenter legal Aid. National Alliance to End Homelessness; publications of NAEH;


50. National Child Welfare Resource Center On Legal And Judicial Issues
with training, produces and disseminates publications on law Child Welfare ResourceCenter on legal and Judicial Issues, funded by the children’s Bureau, is
About Us Staff Training and Technical Assistance Publications ... Child Welfare Court Improvement
Other Children's Bureau Resource Centers Abandoned Infants Assistance R.C. R.C. on Child Maltreatment R.C. for Community-Based Family Resource Services R.C. for Foster Care and Permanency Planning R.C. for Organizational Improvement R.C. for Special Needs Adoptions R.C. for Youth Developement R.C. for Information Technology U.S. Children's Bureau Website
National Child Welfare Resource Center on Legal and Judicial Issues

The National Child Welfare Resource Center on Legal and Judicial Issues is dedicated to achieving safety, permanence and well-being for abused and neglected children through improved laws and judicial decision-making. The Resource Center provides training, technical assistance and consultation to agencies and courts on all legal and judicial aspects of the child welfare system, including court improvement, agency and court collaboration, court process, reasonable efforts requirements, legal representation of children and their families, guardianship, confidentiality and other emerging child welfare issues. The Resource Center also works to broaden the knowledge of agencies, courts, bar organizations, and other professional on issues involving child maltreatment, foster care, permanency planning, and adoption. It organizes and assists with training, produces and disseminates publications on law related child welfare topics, develops training materials, and helps others to improve laws, regulations, court rules, and policies.

51. Save The Children: Every Mother/Every Child Publications
Save the children’s publications. Site Map Contact Us Careers Shop Newsroom Link to Us Financial Information Terms of Use Privacy Policy legal
Every Mother/Every Child
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Reports Children in a World of AIDS
State of the World’s Newborns 2001

State of the World’s Mothers 2001

State of the World’s Mothers 2000
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Behind Every Healthy Child Is a Healthy Mother
(PDF file)
Girls Education: Strong Beginnings
Fact Sheets Family Planning Saves Children’s Lives Family Planning Saves Women’s Lives Maternal Health Quick Facts Saving Newborn Lives ... About the Planet Campaign View all of Save the Children’s publications Site Map Contact Us Careers ... Search Agreements have changed effective February 10, 2003. 1-800-SAVETHECHILDREN

52. Save The Children: Site Index
1.3 Mb) Annual Report 2000 publications State of the Contact Us Shop Save the ChildrenGift Collection Opportunities Link to Us Privacy Policy legal Policy
Use these links to reach content listings for each section at right: Children in Emergency and Crisis America's Forgotten Children Every Mother/Every Child Join Our Community ... State of the World's Mothers 2001 (PDF Format, 1.3 Mb) Annual Report 2000 Publications State of the World's Mothers 2002
State of the World's Mothers 2001
... State of the World's Mothers 2000 (PDF Format, 1.3 Mb)
Kohistan Assessment: Nutritional Survey Report
(PDF Format, 229 Kb)
Save The Children Brochure
(PDF Format, 146 Kb)
Sponsorship Guide

Annual Report 2002
(PDF Format, 1.8 Mb)
Annual Report 2001
(PDF Format, 1 Mb)
Annual Report 2000
Annual Report 1999 Girls Education: Strong Beginnings Web of Support Guidebook ... Printing Instructions 1-800-SAVETHECHILDREN

53. Selected Publications: Legal Rights To AT
This is particularly true for children who live at home rather than in aresidential facility. At this point, you may need to seek legal help.
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Selected Publications:
Legal Rights to AT
Assitive Technology, Employment and Your Rights Assistive Technology in Public Education: Do You Know Your Rights? Tools for life Breaking the funding barriers
Assistive Technology, Employment and Your Rights
Table of Contents:
What is Assistive Technology? People use assistive technology, devices and services, to achieve greater independence and to enhance the quality of their lives. Assistive Technology includes both devices and services. Devices include any item or piece of equipment used to maintain or improve the functional capabilities of a person with a disability, including devices like wheelchairs, computers, ramps, assistive listening devices, augmentative communication devices, and aids for daily living.Services are supports provided to people with disabilities or their caregivers to help them select, acquire, or use assistive technology devices. Services also include functional evaluations, training on or demonstration of devices, and purchasing or leasing devices. Top of Page

Laws Against Discrimination In Employment
Employers are often required to provide assistive devices and/or services in order to comply with their duty of "reasonable accommodation" under federal and state anti-discrimination laws. The key laws are:

54. Site Map
Other. publications. Manuals Guides. legal Policy. Laws. ·legal Base. Commissionsand Boards. children's Trust Fund. Commission for the Blind.,1607,7-124-8312---SM,00.html
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55. National Centre For Social Research : Publications : Crime & Socio-Legal Studies
Centre for Sociolegal Studies, Oxford University, investigated the financial andcustody arrangements made by separated parents in respect of their children.
Natcen Publications Publications List
Other Research

Material not published by Natcen Crime and Socio-Legal Studies British Crime Survey 2000 British Crime Survey (England and Wales): Technical Report
This report documents the 2000 British Crime Survey (England and Wales) which was carried out for the Home Office. The 2000 survey was the largest to date, with a target sample of 24,000 households in England and Wales, including a representative cross-section of 20,000 households and a special booster sample of 4,000 black and Asian adults.
Available from the Home Office (
The data arising from the BCS are mainly reported by the Home Office's Crime and Criminal Justice Unit. The reports include: Chris Kershaw and others The 2000 British Crime Survey (England and Wales) Home Office Statistical Bulletin 18/00. Home Office, 2000; Longer subject-specific reports in the Home Office Research Series; Brief Research Papers dealing with specific topics. For more details see

56. Publications Of The CCJFS, London Family Court Clinic
the challenges faced by child witnesses, legal factors, and Professions from the Centrefor children and Families Sigma publications are brief summaries of the
The Centre is committed to sharing information through publication and dissemination of our research findings and clinical experience.
Documents Available On This Website
1999 Annual Report, Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition: Adobe version (file size 639K) Evaluation Update for the Clinical Trials of Multisystemic Therapy, April 2000: version Adobe version (file size 198K) Frequently Asked Questions Aabout the Clinical Trials of Multisystemic Therapy in Ontario: version Adobe version (file size 49K) Clinical Trials of Multisystemic Therapy (MST) with High Risk Phase I Young Offenders, Ontario, Canada from 1997 to 2001, Year-End Report 1997/98: version Adobe version (file size 144K) Adolescent Female Aggression: Proposal for a Reseach Agenda (2000): version version (file size 54K) Theory-derived Explanations for Male Violence Against Female Partners: Literature Review and Related Implications for Treatment and Evaluation (1998): version (file size 202K) Child Protective Services for Children of Battered Women: version (file size 43K) Information About Bullying for Teachers and Parents: version Violence in Teen Dating Relationships (Executive Summary): version Three Years After the Verdict , a follow-up study of child sexual abuse victims whose cases were prosecuted in criminal court (1993): Executive Summary For an Adobe .pdf version of the entire document, go

57. Centre For Children And Families In The Justice System -- London Family Court Cl
Home Mandate What's New publications Services Research Services for the special needsof children and families community, governments and the legal system a
Linda L. Baker, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Alison Cunningham, M.A.
Dan Ashbourne, Ph.D.

Director of Clinical Services Karen Rhiger
Director of Corporate Services Peter G. Jaffe, Ph.D.
Special Advisor on Violence Prevention The Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System of the London Family Court Clinic is a non-profit agency in London, Ontario, Canada, which advocates for the special needs of children and families involved in the justice system. We share with the community, governments and the legal system a responsibility and an opportunity to ....
  • support victims of violence and express our collective abhorrence of abuse
  • redress wrongs and achieve a balance for people injured by breaches of trust and authority
  • foster public safety by addressing the needs of youth who have broken the law
  • find the best interests of children when separated parents disagree on custody
  • help children, teenagers and families who need support through difficult times
We are committed to encouraging the legal, education, social service, health, mental health and political systems to be more sensitive and responsive to the needs of children and families in crisis because of crime and violence. We strive to accomplish this goal by undertaking clinical assessment, intervention, consultation, training, collaboration, program development, public education, research and advocacy. The Centre has seven core areas: Since 1974, we have served the London community and surrounding areas by conducting court-ordered forensic assessments of young people in conflict with the law. Other client-focussed services are those that assist:

58. Office Of The Utah Attorney General
About the Office AG publications children's Issues Consumer Assistance Crime andViolence Prevention Environmental Protection Opinions and legal Research Tools

59. Office Of The Utah Attorney General
AG publications. children's Issues. Consumer Assistance. Crime and Violence Prevention.Environment and Natural Resources. AG Opinions and legal Research Tools.
Site Map Home /Site Map About the Office AG Publications AG Bio
AG Duties


Office History
Children's Issues White Collar Crime Child Abuse
Children's Justice Centers

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Child Custody
Tobacco Related Links

Violence Crime and Drug Abuse Environment and Natural Resources Crimes Against Seniors
Domestic Violence/Dating Violence
Gangs Drugs ... ICAC (Internet Crimes Against Children) Internet Safety Mentoring (Utah Mentoring Partnership) Victim Assistance Pornography Rachael Alert Environmental Violations ... Natural Resources Opinions and Legal Research Tools News AG Opinions Legal Research Tools Legal Glossary Utah Code ... News Video Clips Kids' Page Great Stuff for Kids Coming Soon!

60. --> Public Legal Information Association Of Newfoundland.....
English French Inuktitut Innu The Facts on children under 12. Lets lookat how many youth under twelve are actually involved in criminal behavior.
PUBLICATIONS English French Inuktitut Innu
The Facts on... Children under 12 Lets look at how many youth under twelve are actually involved in criminal behavior.
  • 76% of police officers view the problems with youth under 12 as “not serious.” 73% of crime committed by youth under 12 are “behavior problems,” like, running away.
The majority of youth under 12 are not involved in serious crimes. The small numbers of youth under 12 who do engage in serious crimes can be dealt with more effectivly by child welfare or mental health agenicies when parents cannot deal with the problems. Youth under twleve who commit serious crimes can be dealt with through a variety of ways:
  • police can apprehend and place a child in a foster home or temporary care facility; courts can require that a child be supervised by child welfare agency; a child can be removed and placed in a foster home on a temporary or permanet basis.
Written By: Amy Sheppard
November 2000 Home About Us Law-On-Line Youth Justice ... Contact

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