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         Linguistics:     more books (100)
  1. The Anthropology of Language: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology by Harriet Joseph Ottenheimer, 2008-09-30
  2. Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics by John Lyons, 1968-06-01
  3. Anthropological Linguistics: An Introduction (Language in Society) by William Foley, 1997-08-12
  4. Basic Linguistic Theory Volume 2: Grammatical Topics by R. M. W. Dixon, 2009-12-13
  5. Statistics for Linguistics with R: A Practical Introduction (Mouton Textbook) by Stefan Th. Gries, 2010-05-19
  6. Corpora in Applied Linguistics (Cambridge Applied Linguistics) by Susan Hunston, 2002-05-06
  7. Research Methods in Linguistics by Lia Litosseliti, 2010-04-09
  8. Portuguese: A Linguistic Introduction by Milton M. Azevedo, 2005-03-14
  9. Uttering Trees (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs) by Norvin Richards, 2010-03-31
  10. Linguistics for Non-Linguists: A Primer with Exercises (4th Edition) by Frank Parker, Kathryn Riley, 2004-10-22
  11. Language and Culture: Reflective Narratives and the Emergence of Identity (ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series)
  12. An Introduction to Historical Linguistics by Terry Crowley, Claire Bowern, 2010-02-18
  13. Wordcrime: Solving Crime Through Forensic Linguistics by John Olsson, 2009-05-01
  14. Quantitative Corpus Linguistics with R: A Practical Introduction by Stefan Thomas Gries, 2009-02-20

81. UMass Linguistics Department
Department of linguistics. Department of linguistics University of MassachusettsAmherst, MA 01003 Phone (413) 5450885 Fax (413) 545-2792.Category Reference Education
Department of Linguistics Department of Linguistics
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: (413) 545-0885
Fax: (413) 545-2792

82. Centre For Computational Linguistics K.U.Leuven
The main objective of the Centre for Computational linguistics at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Category Computers Artificial Intelligence Research Groups......Centre for Computational linguistics. Welcome to the home page of the Centrefor Computational linguistics (CCL) at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
Centre for Computational Linguistics
Welcome to the home page of the Centre for Computational Linguistics (CCL) at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven . This server offers a survey of the ongoing research and development activities. It also provides details about the conferences, workshops, and lectures organised at the centre. Please send all your questions, suggestions, and problem reports to
Local Information
Other Information

Information Provider: Centre for Computational Linguistics
Comments to the webmaster Last modification: March 26, 2001 URL:

83. Computational Linguistics
Computational linguistics. Conferences. Discourse Web. European Networkin Language and Speech. W3 linguistics. The LINGUIST List.
Computational Linguistics
Frequently Asked Questions

84. Statistical NLP / Corpus-based Computational Linguistics Resources
An annotated list of resources in this field and the allied discipline of statistical natural language processing. Corpora, tools, literature and other resources.
Statistical natural language processing and corpus-based computational linguistics: An annotated list of resources
Tools Taggers Parsers Language models ... Societies
Part of Speech Taggers
Freely downloadable
A fast and flexible implementation of Transformation-Based Learning. Includes a tagger, but also NP chunking, etc.
Original Xerox Tagger
A common lisp HMM tagger available by ftp . There is also an adaptation for Spanish from the CRATER project.
Brill's Transformation-based learning Tagger
A C symbolic tagger. Also available by ftp , and as a Windows version , with stuff for French.
A decision tree based tagger from the University of Stuttgart (Helmut Scmid). It's language independent, but comes complete with parameter files for English, German, French, and Italian. (Solaris and Linux versions.) Used at
Maximum Entropy part of speech tagger
By Adwait Ratnaparkhi. JAVA version now downloadable. A sentence boundary detector is also available. [Helpful hint: This only works with JDK1.1. It

85. Department Of Linguistics, Georgetown University
20022003 linguistics Department Speaker Series. Dr. Heidi Hamilton receives the FulbrightDistinguished Chair in linguistics Award for the Spring 2003 Semester.

About the dept

Academic programs


2002-2003 Linguistics Department Speaker Series Dr. Dell Hymes, University of Virginia
Thursday, April 10 at 11:40 am in ICC 450
"Narrative as Poetry: Another kind of Universal"
Complete 2002-2003 Schedule
Doctors Paul Portner and Raffaella Zanuttini have been awarded a two-year grant from the National Science Foundation Dr. Heidi Hamilton receives the Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Linguistics Award for the Spring 2003 Semester Georgetown University Faculty, Students and Alumni Present Their Research at the 2003 AAAL Conference ...
Six two-year MA-TESL Scholarships
are available for Fall 2003 through Spring 2005. For more information, contact

86. Lexical Functional Grammar
A collection of information on this formalism. Basic information, archive, bibliography, LFG links, email list.
Lexical Functional Grammar
The aim of this document is to provide access to information about various aspects of the grammatical theory known as Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG). Visitors from outside Europe may prefer to use the mirror of this site that exists at Stanford University There is information on the following topics:
  • What is Lexical-Functional Grammar? What are the Best Introductory Books/Articles on LFG? What are the Standard Collections of Papers about LFG? Is there a Bibliography of work in LFG? Is there an Archive of Papers about LFG Are there any publically available LFG Systems Are there any current Grammar Development Efforts Where can I find out about current research directions in LFG Are there any other Resources available Where can I access slides and and teaching material about LFG Is there an LFG mailing list Can I access Selected Items from the LFG mailing list How can I find out about Recent LFG News ( The LFG Bulletin Can I get at this information by email or ftp Is there any information about LFG conferences available? And are the proceedings available
  • 87. Linguistics Web Sites In Japan
    linguistics and LanguageRelated Web Sites in Japan. of linguistics Home Page Tothe Faculty of Arts and Letters Home Page To the Tohoku University Home Page
    Linguistics and Language-Related Web Sites in Japan
    To the Japanese Version (much more comprehensive and largely annotated) This page is maintained by GOTOO Hitosi , associate professor of Linguistics in the Department of Linguistics at the Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University, Sendai, JAPAN. N.B. The Web sites listed below are those having Web pages written in English, French, German, Spanish or some other European language. It should be noted that many Web sites in Japan provide substantial information, quite naturally, in Japanese only. You are, therefore, strongly encouraged to refer to the Japanese version, if you wish to gain complete access to the Web resources located in Japan.
    Online Guides and Search Engine
    Academic Societies and Journals

    88. Anthropological Linguistics
    Concise treatments of various areas of concern in this field, including contact languages and the Whorf hypothesis.
    Topics in Anthropological Linguistics
    Chimpanzee Communication Pidgins and Creoles Structural Linguistics Tonal Languages Whorf Hypothesis World Languages Home

    89. Linguistics Resources
    Quick Search Any. linguistics Resources. linguistics on the Internet. Welcome tothe new, updated Blackwell linguistics Resource Center! Philosophy.

    90. Cognitive Science At CUNY
    Graduate students from a number of disciplines such as computer science, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, educational psychology, and speech and hearing sciences - may tailor their program with this concentration.
  • The Cognitive Science Concentration
  • David Rosenthal, Coordinator [publications] [vCard]
  • NEW Fall 2002 Courses Crosslisted in Cognitive Science
  • Spring 2003 IDS Cognitive Science Course "The Cognitive Unconscious (Smart or Stupid)," Professor Arthur Reber
  • The CUNY Cognitive Science Symposium Discussion Group
  • Web Resources Cognitive Science and Related Disciplines
  • More Web Resources Reference, Libraries, and Bookstores
  • CUNY and Regional Events and Announcements
  • The COGSCI-L Listserv for Cognitive Science at CUNY
  • Affiliated CUNY Ph.D. Programs The Hunger SiteDonate Food for Free to Feed Hungry People (Rev. 1/10/03) Please use this URL COGNITIVE SCIENCE at The CUNY GRADUATE CENTER MAIN MENU:
  • The Cognitive Science Concentration
  • David Rosenthal, Coordinator [publications] [vCard]
  • NEW Fall 2002 Courses Crosslisted in Cognitive Science
  • Spring 2003 IDS Cognitive Science Course "The Cognitive Unconscious (Smart or Stupid)," Professor Arthur Reber
  • The CUNY Cognitive Science Symposium Discussion Group
  • Web Resources Cognitive Science and Related Disciplines
  • More Web Resources Reference, Libraries, and Bookstores
  • 91. Umzug Von Falls Sie nicht automatisch weitergeleitet werden, klicken Sie bitte auf die neue Adresse.

    92. Conversational Implicature Glossary Entry
    From an introductory linguistics course at the University of Western Australia.

    93. Computational Linguistics And Phonetics In Saarbrücken
    Program information, research projects, publication database, a Germanlanguage corpus and discourse Category Computers Artificial Intelligence Education......Homepage of the Department of Computational linguistics and Phoneticsat the University of the Saarland in Saarbrücken, Germany.
    What is...?



    Internal Pages

    Information for Students
    Courses and Registration

    Degree Programmes CL

    Degree Programmes Phonetics

    Student Union CL
    ... European Post-Graduate College Research Research Projects Publications Software and Corpora News What's new? Events Jobs - this page has changed in the past 7 days

    94. Prof. M. McTear
    University of Ulster at Jordanstown. Dialogue modelling, natural language processing, computational linguistics, user modelling.
    Mike McTear BA, MA, PhD
    Further Information

    Contact Details

    95. Home Page
    Curriculum vitae and course information for this Tulane University Associate Professor of Anthropology. Research interests include discourse and Maya languages and linguistics.
    Dr. Judith M. Maxwell, Ixq'anil
    Associate Professor of Anthropology
    Director, Interdisciplinary Program in Linguistics
    Co-Director, Kaqchikel Mayan Summer Program in Guatemala
    Research Interests: Discourse, Mayan Languages and Linguistics, Language
    Planning, Standardization, Cultural and Linguistics Revitalization, Nahuatl
    (Classical and Modern), Mesoamerica Curriculum Vitae
    Course Syllabi

    Oxlajuj Aj: Kaqchikel Course

    Semana Santa
    Email me: The page's WebCounter count says that you are visitor number This page was last updated on

    96. The Homepage Of Integrational Linguistics
    Integrational Linguistics, linguistics, theory of language, theory of grammars, grammar, phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, English, German, Chinese, Spanish Your browser does not support frames.
    The non-frames version of the Homepage of Integrational Linguistics will not be supported after Dec 31, 1999. Please update your browser.
    Die frame-lose Version der Homepage der Integrativen Sprachwissenschaft
    . Le recomendamos, por tanto, que instale un navegador capacitado para visualizar los marcos.

    97. English At Birmingham
    Comprised of the Centre for English Language Studies, Centre for Corpus linguistics, English for International Students, The Shakespeare Institute at Stratford and Medieval Studies. Located in Birmingham, U.K.
    English at Birmingham
    University Fast Find Site Index Schools / Departments Telephone Directory Email Directory Useful Contacts Frequently Asked Questions Directions / Maps Acronym Directory Vacancies ENGLISH AT BIRMINGHAM For Prospective Students
    - Undergraduate Programmes

    - Postgraduate Programmes

    - Erasmus/ Exchange Students
    - For Current Students ...
    - Contact the Department

    English Department Search University Search The Department of English at the University of Birmingham is one of the largest and most diverse in the United Kingdom. If you want to find out more about us Professor Marcus Walsh , the head of department, has written a welcome message for all our visitors.
    • If you want to study with us click on Prospective Students to go to details of the courses we offer.
      If you are currently a student in the department click Current Students to go to resource pages for the courses you are taking.
      If you are a scholar interested in visiting us and making use of our facilities click here
    The department was rated 5 (on a scale of 1 - 5*) in the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise Other Units in the Department: Select one of the following: Centre for Corpus Linguistics Centre for English Language Studies

    98. Computational Linguistics - Resources And Institutions
    IMS Stuttgart. Computational linguistics Resources and Institutions.Resources. Associations, Distribution Agencies, ACL/ACM Special
    IMS Stuttgart
    Computational Linguistics - Resources and Institutions
    See also
    Language Engineering Sector of the European Union
    [English] [German] [French]
    Academic institutions or non-profit research institutions:
    IMS Stuttgart , Tue Jan 14 17:20:47 2003 (

    99. Linguistic Science, School Of Linguistics And Applied Language Studies, Universi

    Advanced Search


    Language Tools
    AltaVista ...
    Ask Jeeves




    School Staff
    Linguist List
    Travel by bus, train or plane National Express Coach Reading Buses Buzz EasyJet ... London Transport Local Information and Entertainment Reading Nightlife Reading Pubs The Hexagon Progress Theatre ... Local News Created by Simon

    100. BUBL LINK: 410 Linguistics
    Computation and Language EPrint Archive A fully automated electronic archive anddistribution server for papers on computational linguistics, natural-language
    BUBL LINK Catalogue of selected Internet resources Home Search Subject Menus A-Z ... About
    410 Linguistics
    Titles Descriptions
  • Computation and Language E-Print Archive
  • Institute of Linguists
  • Linguistics Abstracts Online
  • Linguistics Association of Great Britain ...
  • World Lecture Hall: Linguistics
    All links checked August 2001 Comments:
    Computation and Language E-Print Archive
    A fully automated electronic archive and distribution server for papers on computational linguistics, natural-language processing, speech processing and related fields.
    Author: Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Subjects: linguistics, speech processing
    Location: usa
    Institute of Linguists
    The UK's largest membership organisation for professional translators, interpreters, language educationalists and those using languages in industry and commerce. Author: Institute of Linguists Subjects: linguistics DeweyClass: ResourceType: institution Location: uk
    Linguistics Abstracts Online
    Access to all abstracts published in Linguistics Abstracts since 1985, plus all current material as it becomes available. Author: Blackwell Publishers Subjects: linguistics DeweyClass: ResourceType: article abstracts Location: uk
    Linguistics Association of Great Britain
    A professional association for linguists concerned with the academic study of language (linguistics) rather than with the development of practical language skills. The majority of members are associated with a university department of linguistics, though anyone interested in the field is welcome to join.
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