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21. Central Library: Resources For Spanish Language And Literature Sites by Subject film. 8/30/02 Go back to Resources for Spanish Language and literature. HumanLanguages Page Spanish lessons, dictionaries, Spanishlanguage http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/central/span.html | |
22. Get Free Music, Mp3 Files, Song Lyrics, Movies, Guitar Tab And Arts Dictionaries film Dictionary. 5 Free film dictionaries. Glossaries of Movie. Performing Artsdictionaries. Emule.com Over 3,700 classical poems. Free literature. http://www.stars21.com/freemorn/en/arts.html | |
23. James A. Gibson Library, Brock University-German Language And Literature Diction used in German language and literature, as well included deal specifically with drama,film, acting and Specialized German/English dictionaries On Line A list http://www.brocku.ca/library/research/german/dict.htm | |
24. Reference Sources In Film and catalogues, part II mentiones sic dictionaries and encyclopedias. in the fieldof the relationship between film and literature. (homepage) Framed http://www.library.cornell.edu/okuref/filmbib.html | |
25. English 108 reference resources including online encyclopedias and dictionaries available via andsubject index to international periodical literature about film. http://www.library.cornell.edu/okuref/english108.html | |
26. ENGL/COMM 3544: Literature And Film film Guides, Encyclopedias, dictionaries. Aaronson, Charles S. InternationalMotion Picture and Television Almanac. literature/film Quarterly. http://www.english.vt.edu/~shall/engl3544/code/sources.htm | |
27. Film And Public Culture | Z. Smith Reynolds Library, Wake Forest University | Re dictionaries AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS. film literature Index (Ref Z5784 M9 F45) Index toarticles in international film journals Readers Guide to Periodical literature http://www.wfu.edu/Library/referenc/guides/filmculture.htm | |
28. UW Libraries - By Subject - Cinema Studies - Reference Sources Reference Sources. Almanacs Bibliographies dictionaries Encyclopedias filmHistory. Bibliographies. film as literature, literature as film. http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/CinemaStudies/cinref.html | |
29. Colby LRC - German Websites GM 234 PostWar German Culture in literature and film. German/English dictionariesin Martin Ramsch's Bookmarks dozens of online dictionaries http http://www.colby.edu/lrc/german.html | |
30. French Studies Program - Resources English dictionaries and Thesauri. film and Videos and CDs. Cultureand literature. Bibliography and Citation Help. Faculty Resources http://inside.bard.edu/french/resource/ | |
31. Beginning Library Research On Film Studies (including Finding Film Criticism) Encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc. Encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc. film as literature,literature as film An Introduction to and Bibliography of film's http://garamond.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/kkerns/filmstud.html | |
32. L&C: Catalog 2002-2003 - Chinese Culture, and Society; Nature in Chinese literature and film; Contemporary literatureand film; Taoist Thought and Increased use of Chinese dictionaries. http://www.lclark.edu/cgi-bin/catalog2002.cgi?chin.dat |
33. Information Resources For Film Studies The Western, REF PN 1995.9 .W4 H3 1983. Cinema dictionaries and Encyclopedias. Indexesto film Reviews Cinematic literature. http://www.library.unr.edu/subjects/guides/film.html | |
34. Links To Science & Engineering Dictionaries Links to dictionaries Glossaries. If nd). Library of film Resources (bibliographieson various film aspects; Univ. Top. literature. Creative http://hrz.uni-paderborn.de/brueckenkurse/Material/Dictionaries/Special_Dictiona | |
35. China WWW Virtual Library - Internet Guide For Chinese Studies (WWW VL/ANU/Heide Annotated list of academic sites dealing with the Greater China area.Category Regional Asia China Guides and Directories...... Geography Economy Society literature Religion Philosophy Art film Movies AreaStudies Medicine Gender Women Studies dictionaries Miscellaneous Other http://sun.sino.uni-heidelberg.de/igcs/ | |
36. French Language & Culture many links to various resources including dictionaries, learning resources FrenchLinks offers links to books, literature, music, art, film, general culture http://multimedia.tamu-commerce.edu/Library/french.htm | |
37. University Of Oregon Library French Language Literature F47 1999 Knight Reference Alphabetically organized dictionaries with appendices Goodsource for basic criticism of western literature. Finding film Information, http://libweb.uoregon.edu/subjguid/history/french.html |
38. University Of Oregon Library Spanish Language Literature dictionaries on specialized vocabulary are also available. T7 R83 Knight ReferenceAn older guide to Spanish literature in translation Finding film Information, http://libweb.uoregon.edu/subjguid/history/spanish.html |
39. Vietnam War In Literature And Memory indexing scholarly articles on language, literature, and film. A Concise Encyclopediaof American literature, Songs, and New York Grove's dictionaries, 1996. http://www.indiana.edu/~libugls/Instruction/vietnamwar.htm | |
40. Qm Main Library Arts Useful Websites A Web of Online dictionaries. Index to theses. literature. WESS WEB Electronictext collections in western European literature. film and THEATRE. http://www.library.qmul.ac.uk/arts/sites.htm | |
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