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Low Income & Fair Housing Law: more detail |
21. American Civil Liberties Union : Rights Of The Poor : Housing that prohibits community services for lowincome residents from the state's affordablehousing law to its and Minorities Through fair housing Enforcement (06/25 http://www.aclu.org/PoorRights/PoorRightslist.cfm?c=151 |
22. Yale Law School | @YLS | "Bringing Diversity To The Suburbs" - A Commentary By P an agency to calculate the mandated fair shares A better approach to improving optionsfor lowincome families is vouchers and help them find housing in places http://www.law.yale.edu/outside/html/Public_Affairs/277/yls_article.htm | |
24. Affordable Housing home repairs for seniors and low income households. seniors, renters and other claimsof civil law. Midpeninsula Citizens for fair housing offers fair housing http://www.redwoodcityhousing.org/content/content_housing/content_housing_org/co | |
25. New Hampshire Legal Assistance The fair housing Project (FHP) is a program of New Hampshire Legal Assistance,a statewide nonprofit law firm providing legal services to low-income New http://www.nhla.org/nhlafhp.htm | |
26. Ruling On Housing Law A Blow To Battered Women sex discrimination that violated the fair housing Act million people live in publichousing nationally; most Poverty Research in one lowincome neighborhood in http://www.womensenews.org/article.cfm/dyn/aid/863/context/cover/ | |
27. Useful Resources On The Internet National fair housing Advocate Online National housing law Project National law Centeron Homelessness and Poverty National low income housing Coalition Public http://www.larcc.org/common/other.htm | |
28. Bay Area Legal Aid nocost legal services to low-income persons in affordable housing/redevelopment,fair housing and predatory Demonstrated commitment to public interest law. http://www.baylegal.org/jobs1.html | |
29. Untitled by creating permanent fulltime job opportunities for low-income residents of Realtors,distributes the SC Landlord/Tenant law and fair housing law and updates http://business.clemson.edu/copc/commpart.htm | |
30. Fair Housing Project bono attorneys from twelve member law firms, is for many low and very low income individuals Fairhousing work extends beyond litigation and community education http://www.clccrul.org/housing1.htm | |
31. Untitled Document harassment in the workplace, and representing lowincome victims of his JD from HarvardUniversity law School and his Sharon K. Legenza, fair housing Project. http://www.clccrul.org/projdir.htm | |
32. Resources And Links to increase their efforts to aid lowincome families. documentation on public attitudestoward the law. Awareness of the Nation's fair housing laws, addresses http://www.nclihc.org/reslink.html |
33. Links To Resources National law Center on Homelessness and Poverty 202/638 interested in constructinghousing for lowincome renters and HUDs Office of fair housing and Equal http://www.housingtrustscc.org/links.html | |
34. Illinois Legal Aid provide housing to lowincome people with disabilities. Section 1 addresses yourrights under the fair housing Amendments Act. This is a federal law that makes http://www.illinoislegalaid.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.dsp_content&contentID= |
35. Links National Community Reinvestment Coalition; National fair housing; National housingTrust; National law Center on and Poverty; National low income housing Coalition; http://www.change.org/09.htm | |
36. In The News professor in charge of the fair housing initiative in the Finance Division of Chicago'sLaw Department, Leslie A lot of that was for lowincome housing, so this http://www.law.uchicago.edu/news/askow-praise.html | |
37. HOYO Needs You units available to individuals with disabilities who are low income. and bedroom andmeet fair housing standards Issue 3 Compliance with Existing housing law. http://www.onr.com/user/texashoyo/issues.htm | |
38. Institute On Race & Poverty infrastructure, housing, transportation, and law enforcement to avoid concentrationsof lowincome residents to acitvely support fair housing, economic diversity http://www.umn.edu/irp/publications/httoc.htm | |
39. Idaho State Law Library - Alpha Directory - Legal Services IDAHO fair housing COUNCIL. Ensures equal access to housing in Idaho. Provides assistancefor qualifying lowincome residents of Idaho in the areas of family law http://www2.state.id.us/lawlib/alphadr1.htm | |
40. Idaho State Law Library - Subject Directory - Legal Services of disabled individuals; Idaho fair housing Council Ensures equal access to housingin Idaho; assistance for qualifying lowincome residents of Idaho http://www2.state.id.us/lawlib/legaldr1.htm | |
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