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Low Income & Fair Housing Law: more detail |
81. Housing And Community Development organizations whose programs provide direct public services to low and very lowincome residents with fair housing Services Asian law Alliance. (408) 2879710. http://www.sccplanning.org/planning/content/PlansPolicy/PlansPolicy_Housing_and_ |
82. Renting A Home - Finding An Aparment fair housing Complaints. assistance programs, home improvement and repair loansand grants, and selfhelp housing loans to low income individuals and http://www.realestateconsumerguide.com/real_estate/renting/ | |
83. Community Reinvestment Links problems, and is broadly active on disability issues, including fair housing. surethat capital is used effectively in low and moderate income communities. http://www.ncrc.org/links.html | |
84. Welcome To The Florida Housing Coalition to serve both the fair housing advocacy community housing, by improving existing housingconditions, including expanding and enforcing lowincome tenants' and http://www.flhousing.org/resources_sn.asp | |
85. IHDA Housing Tax Credits types of affordable housing advocates a fair shot at tax program (in this case, housing)is unprecedented making concerning each state's lowincome housing needs http://www.ihda.org/lihtc.htm | |
86. The Northwest Indian Housing Association Official Web Site www.ncsha.org National fair housing http//fairhousing.com org National Leased housingAssociation http net/~hudnlha/ National low income housing Coalition www http://www.nwiha.org/link.html | |
87. Zmag Online the fair share doctrine by enacting the fair housing Act on Affordable housing tooversee the development of low and moderate-income housing throughout the http://www.zmag.org/zmagsite/oct2002/commentary/burzio1002.htm | |
88. NYS DHCR - New York State Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Regulations NYS DHCR New York State low-income housing Tax Credit Regulations http://www.dhcr.state.ny.us/ocd/progs/taxcr/ocdtax10.htm | |
89. American Civil Liberties Union : Connecticut Supreme Court Puts Teeth Back Into Court decision that restores the state's affordable housing law to its the Connecticuthousing Coalition, and the Connecticut fair housing Center jointly filed http://www.aclu.org/PoorRights/PoorRights.cfm?ID=7351&c=151 |
90. NC Justice And Community Development Center Housing Information The Justice Center works cooperatively with the North Carolina low income housing http://www.ncjustice.org/housing.htm | |
91. Illinois Legal Aid fair housing Resources. markets, including legal action, housing counseling, education NationalLowincome housing Coalition Educates, organizes and advocates to http://www.illinoislegalaid.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.dsp_content&contentID= |
92. Clark County Legal Services and representation to eligible low income residents of to see our client income eligibilitychart. fraud scams; public and private housing violations; Special http://clarkcountylegal.com/ | |
93. Projects The goal of the FPP attorneys is to ensure that lowincome parents in danger of losingtheir children to state custody Public Benefits Employment law Center. http://www.rils.org/projects.htm | |
94. Housing CHAPA CHAPA helps low and moderate income people find Coalition to Preserve theFair housing Act The Coalition has been formed in response to several http://alliance.unh.edu/WebP/hou.html | |
95. Ann Arbor Legal Services, Mediation, And Consumer Services lowcost mediation services to individuals and orientation, disability, source ofincome, or student Provides fair housing testing, advice, advocacy, attorney http://www.arborweb.com/cg/t0116.html | |
96. LegalScholar.com - Legal Information, State And Federal Law, Legal Employment An Welcome to LegalScholar.com! fair housing law http://www.legalscholar.com/links/fairhousinglaw.html | |
97. Southern Oregon Fair Housing Project Clearinghouse of info targets tenants in the region, offering avenues to such resources as orgs, agencies, govt. sites and complaint forums. http://www.efn.org/~fairhous | |
98. LSEM - Economic Development LSEM began a process of pulling together partners to create low incomehousing within the area. After two years of advocacy with http://www.lsem-mi.org/Econ_Dev.html | |
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