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Maine Education Parent Resources: more detail |
41. New England Center Deafblind Project maine parent Federation The maine parent Federation is a disabilities, parentingissues, education, services, support groups and other resources available to http://www.necdbp.org/links.htm | |
42. Family Help In Maine resources, links, and information to help families with troubled teens, from a service provider.Category Regional North America maine Health Mental Health...... The Teen and Young parent Program of Knox County. 207594-1980. University of maineprogram provides free parenting education to teen and young adult http://www.focusas.com/Maine.html | |
43. State Resources Literacy And Learning Disabilities - Maine Beaulieu, Director Center for Adult Learning Literacy University of maine 5766Shibles Hall Maurice parent State Department of education 23 State http://www.nifl.gov/nifl/ld/states/me.html | |
44. Resources & Links support group meetings, and other resources in maine. free mutual support groups,parent education, a toll a quarterly newsletter the maine parent Express which http://www.maineparents.net/resources.html | |
45. [maine-math] Equity Listserv Info Teacher Team; Next message mainemath Service the leading online education ratingagency tips, bulletin boards, teacher resources, parent resources, and more http://list.terc.edu/pipermail/maine-math/2001-June/000036.html | |
47. Maine Association For Infant Mental Health Resources meeting. more . Other Infant Mental Healthrelated resources. Zeroto Three http//www.zerotothree.org/. A 5s. parent education. You http://www.infantmentalhealth.org/resources.html |
48. The Education Alliance: Education Reform Resources information about recent and pertinent maine legislation in Network offers informationon parent education and involvement resources, including numerous http://www2.alliance.brown.edu/db/urls2.taf?function=alpha&alpha=M-O |
49. Marc's Special Education/Exceptionality Page Special education resources, lesson plans and links to information on a broad range of special education Category Reference education Special education resources and Guides...... IDEA Practices; Inclusion and parent Advocacy Resource Computers; Innovative TeachingNewsletter Special education; maine Center for Assistive Technology; MBF http://www.halcyon.com/marcs/sped.html | |
50. Maine Resources residence, parentchild contact, support, education, medical and maine Revised StatutesAnnotated; Title 19-A resources and needs of each parent, including any http://www.deltabravo.net/cgi-bin/resource.cgi?state=me |
51. Parent News November-December 2000. Resources For Parents. Conference Calendar Sponsor US Department of education. District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, maine,Maryland, Massachusetts Return to the parent News for NovemberDecember 2000 http://npin.org/pnews/2000/pnew1100/conf1100.html | |
52. Access Middle School! Free Home Schooling Resources Curriculum Site from the Massachusetts Homeschool Organization of parent Educators this ChristianMinistry dedicated to promoting home education in the state of maine. http://www.middleschool.net/hmschool/hmskmain.htm |
53. Parent Information Centers Across The United States Hawaii, Pacific resources for education and Learning (808 maine, maine parent Federation(207) 5822504, Jane Wyoming, The parent education Network (307) 684-2277, http://pplace.org/pircsport.html | |
54. Special And Gifted Center_Gifted And Talented for Gifted education; maine maine Educators of education publication on gifted andtalented education. Connection, teacher training, parent resources and more. http://www.edgateteam.net/sped_gifted/giftandtalent.htm | |
55. Online Resources For Special Education - Maine - GreatSchools.net clearinghouse of special education information, this processes, and lists parent resourcesstateby http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/me/94/parent | |
56. Maine Schools - Elementary, Middle And High School Information maine Schools Key Facts and resources. What Does a District Office Do? The ParentInstitute for Quality education. Special resources for Your Child. http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/library/ME | |
57. University Of Maine Cooperative Extension Parent And Parent The University of maine Cooperative Extension Center for the National Extension ParentEducation Model outlines to publications and other resources that invite http://www.umext.maine.edu/parentcenter/intro.htm |
58. Develop University Of Maine Cooperative Extension Center For needs and assets, considering facilitator resources, intervention, considering Urbanparent education Dilemmas and resolutions to work with the people of maine. http://www.umext.maine.edu/parentcenter/parenteducators/develop.htm |
59. University Of Maine, Somerset County Extension, Parenting Home Page Contact us for more information Kirsten Capeless (kirstenc@umext.maine.edu),parent education Professional. Mary Cayford (mcayford http://www.umaine.edu/umext/somerset/ | |
60. Niagara Falls For Families - - Local Events, Parent Resources, Vacation Informat Niagara Falls education. offers an extensive array of educational resources and services http://niagarafalls.babyzone.com/parentresources.asp?type=Education |
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