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41. BEHS Library Bonny Eagle High School Library maine libraries on the Web. Return toMSAD 6 Libraries Home Page. maine libraries on the World Wide Web. http://www.sad6.k12.me.us/libs/other_libraries.html | |
42. Jesus Bills Fill Maine Libraries Jesus Bills Fill maine libraries. Story Posted by Blake on Monday October28 2002, @ 0849PM Read 108 Times. from the everywhere dept. http://www.lisnews.com/article.php3?sid=20021028204917 |
43. Virtual Reference All maine libraries Offer Online Reference Resources. Thousands of Journals andother materials available for use both in libraries, schools, and homes. http://www.old-town.lib.me.us/reference.htm | |
44. A Resolution Supporting ALA Legal Action Against CIPA WHEREAS, maine libraries and librarians are partners with parents and work to helptheir communities become information literate by teaching them to access http://www.ala.org/alaorg/oif/maineresolution.html |
45. Maine - Libraries Maine Internet Sites Libraries. maine libraries on the WorldWide Web. maine libraries Index. Auburn Public Library. http://avcnet.bates.edu/lpl/ref/maine/library.html | |
46. Links libraries in Maine, as well as academic libraries, special libraries, state governmentlibraries, and other resources, go to maine libraries Online, a service http://www.rocklandlibrary.org/links.html | |
47. Hoppa - Libraries In Maine Libraries in Maine. Waterboro Public Library. East Waterboro, Libraries Universityof Southern maine libraries. Portland, Libraries, Universities Fogler Library. http://hoppa.com/us/ng/me/Libraries/ | |
48. Carver Memorial Library Links Page Carver Memorial Library Links. maine libraries Searsport District HighSchool Media Center; Maine State Library; Maine Library Directory. http://www.carver.lib.me.us/links.html | |
49. NELIE Job Listings For Maine The Memo is updated during the first week of each month. maine librarieson the Web. Although this is not an employment site, it http://www.albany.edu/sisp/nelie/me/me.html | |
50. Book And Library Resources Internet Public Library Lewiston Public Library Library of Congress Home Page LibrarySpotMAINECAT NetPAC maine libraries on the World Wide Web Maine Library http://www.gpl.lib.me.us/UltLib.htm | |
51. CBB Library And Information Services Government Documents, Any Maine Info Net library. Audio books, CBB libraries. Videos,CBB libraries. Allow at least 5 days for material from other maine libraries. http://www.cbbnet.org/help/cbbrequest.html | |
52. Welcome To Adobe GoLive 5 Limited License The University of maine libraries grants to nonprofit educationalinstitutions, and other non-profit institutions such as public libraries, a http://www.learn.maine.edu/ocls/tutorials/copyrightpolicy.html | |
53. Maine Libraries logo campaign proposal. maine libraries 2002. . http://www.ideaofnorth.com/work/mllogo1.html | |
54. Down East - Maine Information Links TOP OF PAGE Libraries Maine State Library www.state.me.us/msl/ Mainesonline library systemthe gateway to maine libraries. TOP OF PAGE http://www.downeast.com/links_maine.html | |
55. Innovative 9910 maine libraries will be linked together and share resources using INNReach,Innovative's union catalog and resource sharing software. http://www.biblio-tech.com/BTR999/October_99/innovative_9910.html | |
56. Links Books Libraries and Catalogs. Maine State Library. maine libraries on the Web. Maine Schoolsand Library Network (MSLN). University of Maine System Libraries (URSUS). http://www.wells.lib.me.us/linksboo.html | |
57. Maine Library Jobs For Information Professionals And Librarians NELIE Employment Maine includes individual job postings as well as links to otherMaine job resources. Jobs in maine libraries are also listed online. http://www.lisjobs.com/states/maine.htm | |
58. Bowdoin College Library Research - FAQ You must have your card to check out library materials. Is it trueI can check things out from other maine libraries? Partly true. http://library.bowdoin.edu/1st/faq.shtml | |
59. Acadian Archives: Links National Library of Canada / Bibliothèque nationale du Canada. URSUS Universityof maine libraries. GEOGRAPHICAL NAME SEARCH US Geographical Names. http://www.umfk.maine.edu/archives/links.htm | |
60. DMC Library The DMC library is connected to other University of maine librariesby URSUS, an online catalog of University holdings. Patrons http://server.dmc.maine.edu/html/library.html | |
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