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Makonde Indigenous Peoples Africa: more detail |
41. GERMAN EAST AFRICA and are extensively developed on the makonde plateau What may be called the indigenouspopulation consists of has been an immigration of HamitoNegroid peoples. http://45.1911encyclopedia.org/G/GE/GERMAN_EAST_AFRICA.htm | |
42. Mozambique of Mozambique have largely retained an indigenous culture based wood sculpture, forwhich the makonde in northern waves of Bantuspeaking peoples migrated from http://www.madtravels.com/Country.asp?Country=111 |
43. Moz.htm of the northern provinces; the makonde (also of Religion indigenous beliefs (50%),Christian (30%), Muslim (20 to reach the least reached peoples in Mozambique http://www.om.org/fields/rsa/Moz.htm | |
44. Women And Land Tenure Dynamics In Pre-Colonial, Colonial, And Post-Colonial Zimb Despite the settler government's attempts to quiet indigenous opposition, nationalist 20In makonde District, for example, in 1989, two The Shona peoples (3rd. http://www.wws.princeton.edu/~jpia/10.html | |
45. Tanzania. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Bantuspeaking peoples include the Sukuma (the Gogo, Ha, Haya, Hehe, Luguru,makonde, Makua, Ngoni Lugard), Tanganyika had few indigenous large-scale http://www.bartleby.com/65/ta/Tanzania.html | |
46. Shopping Traditional makonde designs are thin elongated human figures is the greatest threatto indigenous forests and of the Maasai and other Kenyan peoples has become http://www.magicalkenya.com/default.nsf/_fsafaris1/9?opendocument&s=9&l=1 |
47. Bibliography On African Traditional Religion Scriptures of African peoples The Sacred Rituals and medicines indigenous healingin An Inquest into makonde Initiation Rites, Pastoral Orientation Service http://www.afrikaworld.net/afrel/atr_bibliography.htm | |
48. Nouvelles Acquisitions - Janvier-mars 1999 Translate this page of the upper Zambezi peoples = Masken-Charactere photo-documentation = Meisterwerkeder makonde / Max Mohl The under-exploited indigenous alcoholic beverages of http://www.unine.ch/ethno/nouvac/nacl1-3.html | |
49. NRI/ SUA Collaborative Research Projects The Case of Hehe and Sangu peoples ofin South In Sustaining the soil indigenous soiland water conservation Gillman, H. Bush Fallowing on the makonde Plateau. http://www.nri.org/NRSP-SAPS/records.htm | |
50. Earth Transformed Ladi Kwali a study of indigenous and modern techniques of Abuja pottery. makondeTöpferei. inidentity and artistry among the Mande-speaking peoples of West http://bailiwick.lib.uiowa.edu/african-ceramic-arts/resources/bibliography.html |
51. Africia -- Bono And O'Niel the majority Bantu tribes, the indigenous KhoikhoiSan Other groups include the Nyamnezi,makonde, Wasya, Chagga spite of the numerous peoples, almost everyone http://home.attbi.com/~nemesis743/Bono_ONielAfrica.htm | |
52. Www.nsf.gov/sbe/bcs/anthro/samples/borgprop.txt Press Beidelman, TO 1967 The Matrilineal peoples of Eastern Development in TanzaniaThe Case of the makonde. HK 1964 A Model of African indigenous Economy and http://www.nsf.gov/sbe/bcs/anthro/samples/borgprop.txt |
53. NSF:SBE/BCS/Cultural Anthropology - Sample Proposal 1967 The Matrilineal peoples of Eastern Tanzania. Political Development in TanzaniaThe Case of the makonde. HK 1964 A Model of African indigenous Economy and http://www.nsf.gov/sbe/bcs/anthro/samples/borgprop.htm | |
54. HOME TEST PAGE There is a peoples Database which includes the Kota, Kuba, Lobi, Luba, Lwalwa, makonde,Mbole, Mossi story architecture, Islam and indigenous African cultures http://www.msu.edu/~metzler/matrix/dream/humanities.html | |
55. Signe Arnfred but in equal measure by indigenous power structures. by Makhuwa, Maconde and Yao peoples,all matrilineal. in northern Mozambique are Makhuwa, makonde and Yao. http://www.codesria.org/Links/Home/Plenary/gender_arnfred.htm | |
56. MEMORY LINES: ART IN THE PAN-AFRICAN WORLD Spirit Mother culturally links the indigenous cultures of embeds adinkra patternsand makonde (Tanzanian) forms is generated when African peoples recover their http://www.ijele.com/ijele/vol1.2/nzegwu2.html | |
57. African Wildlife Foundation: Traveling Within The Kilimanjaro Heartland makonde carvings and other souvenirs are available in the many people still retaintheir indigenous beliefs Bantu and Nilotic peoples moved into the area before http://www.awf.org/safari/travelkilimanjaro.php | |
58. The Urbanisation Of Conflict - African Security Review Vol 9 No 1, 2000 annual fertility rates among the indigenous population, of the Communists predominantlyrepresented the makonde; in Angola There are warrior peoples in many http://www.iss.co.za/PUBS/ASR/9NO1/UrbanisationConflict.html |
59. Report Of The Secretary-General On the Special Rapporteur on Prisons and Conditions of Detention in africa, appointedby 9 (Rev.1), The Rights of indigenous peoples, in French and Spanish; No. http://www.unhchr.ch/Huridocda/Huridoca.nsf/TestFrame/cb6c19fc2593384f802566f900 |
60. Myths And Legends Of The Bantu Frederick Johnson (Dares-Salaam), for his makonde and Iramba 1 Smith and Dale, TheIla-speaking peoples, vol of the Bahutu, as they call the indigenous peasants http://fraktali.849pm.com/text/archive/afr/bantu.htm | |
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