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Makonde Indigenous Peoples Africa: more detail |
61. Brian Dempsey-Tanzania Tensions between indigenous Tanzanians and the Asian community, which are prominentin Both are Bantuspeaking peoples who in the past were The makonde are one http://www.faculty.fairfield.edu/faculty/hodgson/Courses/so191/Project2002/Brian | |
62. Pilot Country Study - Tanzania knowledge locked in the minds of indigenous peoples are less indigenous knowledgeis essential for the use The famous makonde carvings from Tanzania, have high http://www.fao.org/docrep/X5325e/x5325e08.htm | |
63. Background Notes On Selected African Countries From The Department Of State as a lingua franca for trade between the different peoples. have largely retainedan indigenous culture based wood sculpture, for which the makonde in northern http://www.shsu.edu/~his_ncp/BNAfrica.html | |
64. 97a observing the Bushmen and other indigenous people, Boers of the material relatesto the makonde people of and illustrated study of tribal peoples, from Native http://www.abcbook.co.za/97a.htm | |
65. The Zimbabwe Situation indigenous farmers and those in the smallholder sector been political violence inMombeshora's makonde constituency, the out of life its own and its peoples. http://www.zimbabwesituation.com/nov2a_2002.html | |
66. The Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles at one time a neighboring tribe, the makonde, captured and are one of the largestindigenous groups in 1995) 14,763,300 (2000) 17,259,100; Major peoples in size http://www.bethany.com/profiles/p_code6/404.html | |
67. AMU CHMA NEWSLETTER #11 (09/01/1994) of the Tchokwe and neighbouring peoples in Angola counting in Mozambique languagesMakonde, Yao, Nyanja 6.3 African Resource Centre for indigenous Knowledge. http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/AMU/amu_chma_11.html | |
68. Tanzania Travel Planner: Culture, Customs And Etiquette makonde Carvings Tanzania's makonde people are internationally of Zanzibar The prevalentindigenous music in The peoples of Zanzibar Another excellent look at http://goafrica.about.com/library/planner/tan/bl-tanplanner-101-cce.htm | |
69. Tanzania -- Ethnic Groups Tensions between indigenous Tanzanians and the Asian community, which Both are Bantuspeakingpeoples who in the past The makonde are one of the five largest http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/NEH/tz_ethnic.html | |
70. The Operation Reveille Shofar, March - April 2000 makonde, 400,000. other outreach efforts through seventynine locally run indigenousministries in and vision for sharing Christ with unreached peoples in their http://www.oprev.org/MarApr00.htm | |
71. DITSL Ethnographical Collection a journey to a multitude of peoples of the hint at activities which characterise theirindigenous economies. mats, wooden sculptures of the makonde, and ritual http://www.wiz.uni-kassel.de/ditsl/en/sammlung.html | |
72. Www.anc.org.za/anc/newsbrief/2001/news0903.txt 60, of Bandira farm in the makonde farming district security and stability for allpeoples of the and tie. African Americans and indigenous Americans needed http://www.anc.org.za/anc/newsbrief/2001/news0903.txt |
73. Artefact Bibliography (bibli1Page2) and twentieth century artefacts from the indigenous art. THE NAGAS Hill Peoplesof Northeast India. Guro, Banum, Bakota, Bakongo, Azande, makonde, Madagascar http://www.tribalworldbooks.com.au/bib-artPage2.html | |
74. People And Plants Online - Ethnobotanical Training In Thailand - Training Course of the richest natural habitats in all of East africa. of the UN Decade of IndigenousPeoples, looks at sought after by Tanzanias makonde woodcarvers whose http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/peopleplants/regions/thailand/report.htm | |
75. Landru.i-link-2.net/jtrees/text/Nations_of_old-world.txt as generic name for several peoples) Dompago Dyerma Luo Maasai Machinga MakhuwaMettoMakonde Malila Mambwe Chinese (15%) see CHINA indigenous (6%) Cambodia http://landru.i-link-2.net/jtrees/text/Nations_of_old-world.txt | |
76. All Published Authors Of The Swahili People Albert, MS, 1967, Des Artiste Artisans Le makonde. M. and Brokensha, O., eds., TheIndigenous African Town. In Ranger, T., ed. The Matrilineal peoples of the http://www.algonet.se/~jhauser/swahili/author/all.html |
77. Adventure World - Guidebook These have superb examples of makonde carving at and influence by all these variouspeoples has left terrific walking safari, rich in indigenous animal species http://www.adventureworld.co.nz/guide/tanzania.htm | |
78. Grassroots Indicators For Desertification: Research Methodologies in what is variably called indigenous knowledge, people's diminishes the value ofpeoples' experimental knowledge in Lindi Region and the makonde plateau with http://www.idrc.ca/books/focus/794/kinyunyu.html | |
79. BANTU LANGUAGES Swahili is a somewhat archaic Bantu dialect, indigenous probably to (10) The archaicMakonde or Mabiha of the Tumbuka, Ilenga and Atonga peoples, and occupies http://55.1911encyclopedia.org/B/BA/BANTU_LANGUAGES.htm | |
80. Kenya Somalis and the nomadic Hamitic peoples (Turkana, Rendille the museum, houses snakesindigenous to East makonde carvings are sold throughout the country, and http://www.air-2000.com/kenya.htm | |
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