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41. Links biodiversity conservation in tropical rain forests and other endangered ecosystemsworldwide. marine life Information Network for Britain and Ireland (MarLIN). http://www.eti.uva.nl/Links/link_misc.html | |
42. Endangered Plants & Animals Fish and marine life US National marine Fisheries Service, endangeredfish, sea turtles, whales, dophins, seals and sea lions. Birds http://www.gti.net/mocolib1/species.html | |
43. WAq: Marine Life Profiles: Suggested Readings Hawaiian Monk Seals, endangered endemic. Galeocerdo cuvier. Green Sea Turtle, Cheloniamydas, honu. Hawaiian Stream life (overview Root marine life Profile Page. http://waquarium.otted.hawaii.edu/MLP/biblio.html | |
44. Rodale's Scuba Diving: Diver's Bookstore Rays (Fishes); Identification; Ichthyology; NATURE/FIELD GUIDE BOOKS; marine life Sharks(endangered) Amanda Harman, Casey Horton / Library Binding / Published http://www.scubadiving.com/amazon/marinelife.shtml | |
45. Coral Communities careers Ecology, Natural resources, lifesustaining, Renewable Sun, Coral communitiesand endangered reefs Coral Communities, Ocean facts, marine inhabitants and http://www.eco-pros.com/coral.htm | |
46. ENDANGERED In The Wild : Oceans reefs (see also Spotlight on Threatened marine life). collection of reef fishes andother marine animals for made great strides in saving their endangered reefs http://www.bagheera.com/inthewild/van_anim_coralrf.htm | |
47. ANIMAL AREA! ENDANGERED SPECIES AND ANIMAL RIGHTS! endangered In 1972 Find more information the largest nofishing sanctuary in theUnited States, a 191-square mile area that is rich in coral and marine life. http://www.redjellyfish.com/aa-animal.shtml | |
48. WWF - Canada - WWF - Canada - World Wildlife Fund Canada (WWF-Canada) Canadian branch of the world organization committed to protection of endangered wildlife.Category Society Issues Regional North America Canada...... is dedicated to saving life on Earth endangered species endangered tiger endangeredtigers adopt conservation global conservation marine conservation marine http://www.wwfcanada.org/en/default.asp | |
49. Subject Matter sea lions, fur seals true seals, including many rare and endangered species A wideselection of divers/snorkelers interacting with marine life, over/under shot http://www.seapics.com/info_for_clients/subject_matter.html | |
50. Pew Oceans Commission loss and pollution, endanger native marine life by introducing marine Fish Stocksat Risk of Extinction; Pew Oceans Maine Salmon Hit endangered Species List; DNA http://www.pewoceans.org/inquiry/ | |
51. Marine Life marine life. earth, energy, planets, environmental, miscellaneous, life science,student site, teacher site. animals. anatomy. biology. botany. entomology. endangered.marine. http://www.utdallas.edu/mrg/marine.html | |
52. Pew Oceans Commission the sea dead and dying, this marine life is simply physical and biological integrityof marine habitats affecting if it does harm to the endangered Steller sea http://pewoceans.org/inquiry/fishing/ | |
53. Stock Underwater Photography- Brandon D. Cole Marine Photography- Biography, Sto Sharks. endangered Florida Manatees. Sockeye salmon. Pacific Northwest marinelife. Camouflaged sea life. Intimate portraits to halfin/half-out shots. http://www.brandoncole.com/biography.htm | |
54. Scientists Launch The World's First Marine Life Census : 11/00 a major component of the Census of marine life a 10 and the northern elephant seal,a marine mammal that and blue whales are on the endangered species list http://www.stanford.edu/dept/news/report/news/november29/seacensus-1129.html | |
55. CCC/STSL Press Release - The Sea Turtle Survival League And Save The Manatee Clu commission has full constitutional rulemaking authority over marine life, and listedspecies as defined in s. 372.072(3), except for endangered and threatened http://www.cccturtle.org/n_fwcc.htm | |
56. The Fish Tank (Tropical Fish, Hermit Crabs, Goldfish, Aquarium & Marine Life) Curriculum Bridges marine life (math, language arts, more). Under the Sea UNIT(marine Biology). Attention Jr. Fish Biologists endangered Species. http://members.aol.com/DonnAnCiv/TheFishTank.html | |
57. Marine Life In The Greek Seas Europe's most endangered mammal, and the twelfth most endangered animal in the world Dangerousmarine life Sharks do appear from time to time in Greece, but not http://www.sailing-yacht-charter-greece.com/marine_life.html | |
58. Everglades National Park Animal Profiles Additional resources for teachers are available about birds, reptiles, amphibians,endangered species, mammals, marine life, fish, snails, insects, and spiders http://www.nps.gov/ever/eco/profiles.htm | |
59. Defra, UK; Review Of The Control Of Trade In Endangered Species (Enforcement) Re Review of the Control of Trade in endangered Species (Enforcement) Regulations 1997. BirdCouncil British Deer Society British Divers marine life Rescue British http://www.defra.gov.uk/wildlife-countryside/consult/trade/consultlist.htm | |
60. DEFRA, UK: 2002 News Story - Marine Life Report Highlights Need To Safeguard Our the dangers posed to Britain's marine life by pollution, overfishing and coastaldevelopment, and calls for new legislation to protect endangered species and http://www.defra.gov.uk/news/latest/2002/seareport.htm | |
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