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61. TSUFR Library - Online Journal Links Regional US states massachusetts cities Cambridge Education Social Science Women'sStudies Law Journals. Culture Religion Churchstate Issues Journals. http://www.tsufl.edu/library/6/ejnls.htm | |
62. Related Programs - Brown University Center For Environmental Studies Environmental studies; massachusetts Institute of Technology massachusetts MaritimeAcademy, Marine Safety and Environmental Protection. McNeese state Univeristy http://envstudies.brown.edu/Dept/espgm.htm | |
63. Parents Of Graduates Survey Virginia Polytech and state Univ, 1. Wayne state Univ, 1. Univ of Minnesota, Twincities, 4. massachusetts Inst of Technology, 2. Univ of Minnesota, Twin cities,1. http://www.macalester.edu/ir/pog.htm | |
64. NewsDirectory: City Governments Links to over 1900 official US city government sites, sorted by state and telephone area code.Category Regional North America Government Municipal Government...... Louisiana Maine Maryland massachusetts Michigan Minnesota See also County Governmentsstate Governments. http://newsdirectory.com/cities/ | |
65. State And Local Taxes Do Matter: on employment in two of the cities, New York The Beacon Hill Institute's state TaxAnalysis Modeling Program the effects of income tax cuts in massachusetts. http://www.beaconhill.org/BHIStudies/StateTaxNotes902/STaxNotes90902HTMLBHI.htm | |
66. Other Women's Centers University of massachusetts Dartmouth Women's Resource Center. Cloud state UniversityWomen's Center. University of Minnesota, Twin cities, Office for University http://www.tamu.edu/wcenter/othercenters.html | |
67. EPA AWARDS NEARLY $750,000 IN BROWNFIELDS FUNDS TO MA CITIES up these contaminated sites, said massachusetts Environmental Affairs by winningpassage of its statewide brownfield The following cities and towns received http://www.epa.gov/region1/pr/1997/pr051597c.html | |
68. CNS - Chemical And Biological Weapons: Possession And Programs Past And Present cities 106120 Received no program activities and technical advice, and coordinatesubsequent state and federal Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, massachusetts. http://cns.miis.edu/research/cbw/120city.htm | |
69. HB Communications, Inc. - Media Retrieval Systems - Teaching Technologies, Massa of professional and audio, video, and related peripherals and services, to all participatingConnecticut and massachusetts state agencies cities, towns, school http://www.hbcommunications.com/solutions_education.htm | |
70. The Brookings Institution enhance the socioeconomic vitality of cities and their policy paper for targeted local,state and national The Brookings Institution, 1775 massachusetts Ave NW http://www.brook.edu/es/urban/metrocase.htm | |
71. Spirituality University of Minnesota, Twin cities Campus. Indiana University, Indianapolis, andTrimiko Melancon, University of massachusetts, Amherst. Cloud state University. http://www.purdue.edu/bcc/library/bwssch.htm | |
72. Yale African Studies News And Events Short Work of Traditions state Terror and John Higginson History, University ofMassachusetts/Amherst 11am Series Hinterlands, Frontiers, cities, and states http://www.yale.edu/ycias/african/news.htm | |
73. Seattle Public Library - Web Sites & Databases: Municipal Codes Online Links to city and county codes and ordinances around the United states. Produced and maintained by Category Regional North America Government Municipal Government...... massachusetts Belmont Billerica Framingham Longmeadow. Washington Seattle OtherWashington cities See Municipal Wisconsin Wisconsin state Law Library. http://www.spl.org/selectedsites/municode.html | |
74. Web Links Board of Higher Education; massachusetts cities and Towns; School District Profiles;massachusetts Teacher Tests Needs Education Project) state Departments of http://www.gse.harvard.edu/~library/web-links.html | |
75. National Sea Grant Program: 30th Anniversary - The Sea Grant Network at Gainesville University of massachusetts at Dartmouth College University of MichiganWayne state University. Duluth University of Minnesota, Twin cities. http://www.nsgo.seagrant.org/30th/network.html | |
76. Massachusetts 4-H: Our History committee of 4H YFD program state leaders who Extension and of the University ofMassachusetts Amherst YFD professionals situated in towns and cities across MA http://www.mass4h.org/about/history.html | |
77. Granite State Clean Cities Coalition Hampshire is the last New England state to achieve either statewide or local CleanCities status under massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island and Vermont are Clean http://www.granitestatecleancities.org/news/060302 herald.htm | |
78. Story: Calendar - Sep 24, 2002 Washington, DC (www.nigi.com) 2223 massachusetts Executive Leadership Forum. NationalLeague of cities. 5-8 CSG 2002 Annual Meeting and state Leadership Forum http://www.govtech.net/magazine/story.phtml?id=25325 |
79. Construction Management Extensive, searchable database of US state and federal of essays, problems, and casestudies is of Communities Profiles of 351 massachusetts cities and towns. http://www.wit.edu/academics/library/ref_sources/civilengineeringguide.htm | |
80. Massachusetts are initiatives and programs underway or planned for massachusetts. a regional planningagency representing 101 cities and towns as a forum for state and local http://www.urbanfutures.org/state.cfm?state=Massachusetts |
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