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41. School Leadership Program - Principal Certification Contact the massachusetts Department of can facilitate a portion of the paperworkprocess by bringing copies of your teacher certification and undergraduate http://www.gse.harvard.edu/~slp/principal.html | |
42. U. S. State Teacher Certification Offices of Higher Education, teacher certification and Continuing Division of certificationand Accreditation massachusetts Department of Education certification and http://www.ed.uiuc.edu/CTE/cert/State_Teacher_Cert_Off.html | |
43. Praxis I And II Teacher Certification Tests about the Praxis I and II teacher certification tests NES), headquartered in Amherst,massachusetts. NES provides customized teacher licensing exams in 10 states http://www.cga.state.ct.us/2003/olrdata/ed/rpt/2003-R-0022.htm | |
44. The New Teacher Project: Our Clients massachusetts Department of Education In the summer of 1998, 59 percent of prospectiveteachers failed massachusetts new teacher certification test. http://www.tntp.org/cli/hlt_mass_doe.html | |
45. Teacher Certification Links Maryland certification; massachusetts Educator certification; Michigan Office ofProfessional Preparation and certification Services; Minnesota teacher Licensing; http://www.epi-center.net/jobs/cert.asp | |
46. Mass. Teacher Test Blasted Again academic study has strongly criticized the controversial massachusetts teacher Tests(recently relabeled the massachusetts Educator certification Tests or MECT http://www.fairtest.org/examarts/summer99/Mass._Teacher_Test_Blasted_Again.htm | |
47. ED276302 1984-09-00 Foreign Language Teacher Certification. ERIC Digest. In addition, oral proficiency is evaluated in the Georgia and massachusetts tests. CRITICALISSUES IN FL teacher certification. Increased Demand for FL Teaching. http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed276302.html | |
48. Outcomes - Mass. Educators Certification Tests postbaccalaureate programs leading to initial teacher certification and 15 graduate-levelprograms leading to advanced teacher certification in massachusetts. http://www.bridgew.edu/Depts/EdAllied/mect.htm | |
49. Massachusetts Hall Of Fame For Science Educators - Jim Terlizzi (1993) After two years at Kingsley Hall and his teacher certification completed, Jim wanted Jimand the science faculty try to match the massachusetts Frameworks to http://www.bridgew.edu/mhfse/terlizzi.htm | |
50. MIT, State To Develop New Teacher Program director of teacher preparation and program approval at the massachusetts Departmentof Education. Interested students can begin work towards certification by http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/tt/1992/sep02/26864.html | |
51. Education World ® - Administrators: Teachers Tackle Testing: The Scoop On Teach necessary for entrance to teachereducation programs the most recent test in massachusetts,only Wellesley fast-tracking alternative certification for second http://www.education-world.com/a_admin/admin109.shtml | |
52. Simmons Graduate Programs In Education The massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) is a twopart testingprogram required of the states teacher certification applicants. http://www.simmons.edu/graduate/education/teacher_test_info.html | |
53. Teacher Ed At UD 665, massachusetts Tests (413) 2562892. Michigan, and certification PO Box 30008Lansing, MI 48909, (517) 373-3310, Michigan Test for teacher certification. http://www.udel.edu/teachered/stagen.htm | |
54. Pathways To Teaching childhood, elementary, or middleschool teacher certification. one-year collaborativeteacher preparation program massachusetts Institute for New teachers (MINT http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/educ/pathways.htm | |
55. Teaching Jobs Overseas: Alternative Routes To Teacher Certification massachusetts massachusetts Department of Education, teacher certification Center350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148 (781) 3886600; http//www.doe.mass.edu http://www.joyjobs.com/center/certification.htm | |
56. Bradford College, Teacher Education Program approved by the Commonwealth of massachusetts and is accredited by the NationalAssociation of State Directors of teacher Education and certification (NASDTEC http://www.dmh.net/bradford/teacher/teach_prog.htm | |
57. Phil's Place - Teacher Certification Links teacher certification. Thinking about moving? certification in massachusetts;certification in Michigan; certification in Minnesota; http://phil.mav.net/tchrcert.shtml | |
58. State Level Teacher Certification of Education teacher Education/certification 200 W. Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD21201 Attn Janet Marsh or Virginia Pilato (410) 7670390, massachusetts Dept http://www.aip.org/statistics/trends/reports/teacher.htm | |
59. RIDE- Teacher Preparation, Certification, And Professional Development - General NOTE If you are eligible for certification by enhanced reciprocity, you do not needto meet teacher Contract States Delaware, massachusetts, Ohio, West Virginia. http://www.ridoe.net/teacher_cert/certification/Reciprocity.htm | |
60. ABE Teachers Certification For Massachusetts would be to pass the massachusetts Educator certification Finally, teachers pursuingcertification would have to proficiency in the ABE teacher competencies. http://www.sabes.org/resources/fieldnotes/vol10/f01cert.htm | |
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