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101. Medieval English Urban History Historical information about English cities and towns in the Middle Ages, with emphasis on medieval Category Society history By Time Period Middle Ages Daily Life...... medieval City; history of Western Civilization medieval Society The Towns (a verygeneral introduction to distinguishing features of medieval European towns); http://www.trytel.com/~tristan/towns/towns.html |
102. Silver City Renfaire Silver City, New Mexico; October schedule. Renaissance and medieval Faire theme; street performers; general and contact information. http://www.gilanet.com/renfaire |
103. Anduril - Site P¡gina dedicada a la mitologa celta y a la fantasa medieval en general leyendas celtas, El se±or de los anillos, galerias de ilustraciones de dibujantes de fantasa y mu cho m¡s. http://www.anduril-site.net |
104. Excalibur C¡mping medieval. Situaci³n, servicios, instalaciones, plano general, tarifas, reservas y el entorno. http://www.camping-medieval.com/ |
105. Guide To The Collections Information on the general Collection (medieval, Renaissance, and Modern) as well as the collections of American Literature, Western Americana, German Literature and the Osborn Collection. http://www.library.yale.edu/beinecke/blguide.htm |
106. China Classical Music Contains information on Chinese music in general as well as a few instruments in particular. Also has listings of recordings. http://www.medieval.org/music/world/china.html |
107. United Empires Of The Middle Ages medieval reenactment group spans 6th through 16th century with costumes, weapons, and combat. general information, events schedule, contact information. http://www.geocities.com/unitedempiresofthemiddleages |
108. D History General And Old World D. 1. . 1075. history (general). 51. -. 95. Ancient history. 111. -. 203. Medievalhistory. 204. -. 475. Modern history. 501. -. 680. World War I. 731. -. 838. WorldWar II. 839. -. 850. http://www.tlcdelivers.com/tlc/crs/LCSO0007.htm |
109. BUBL LINK / 515 Internet Resources Renaissance History Provides a general survey of Italian history from the Stone Age to the present, coveringmedieval Italy, the Renaissance, the Risorgimento and the World Wars. http://bubl.ac.uk/link/r/renaissancehistory.htm |
110. History Minds medieval history www.castlesof-britain.com. Dedicated to the promotionand study of British Castles. The goals are educating and http://www.history-minds.com/Links.asp?cat=66 |
111. History Minds general history www.24hourmuseum.org.uk. UK Museums, Galleries andHeritage for everyone. more. www.englishcivil-war-society.org. http://www.history-minds.com/Links.asp?cat=64 |
112. Powell's Books - World History-European History General Powell's Books is the largest independent used and new bookstore in the world. We carry an extensive collection of out of print rare, and technical titles http://www.powells.com/subsection/WorldHistoryEuropeanHistoryGeneral.html |
113. Powell's Books - World History-Medieval And Renaissance A portrait of the vibrant civilization of medieval Spain, The http://www.powells.com/subsection/WorldHistoryMedievalandRenaissance.html |
114. Military History Special Andersonville This hell on earth. Primedia history Group.general Orders, No. 11 Plagued by profiteering, speculating black http://militaryhistory.about.com/ |
115. Links To Other Sites For Chinese Studies Guides; China general; China history general; China Ancient andMedieval history; China 19th and Early 20th Century history; China http://acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~phalsall/other.html |
116. IPL General/Reference Collection Middle Ages (Medieval) source materials, articles for the general public and rhodes.edu) Subjects Arts HumanitiesHistoryEuropeMiddle Ages (medieval) Keywords medieval http://www.ipl.org.ar/ref/RR/static/hum30.30.15.html |
117. Help With Your Homework History Resources For The United States general history Resources. If you like little odds and ends of history (as opposedto lists of dates, battles, and dead people, say) try history House. http://www.schoolwork.org/history.html |
118. KCT Library Medieval History edited by Steven Muhlberger stevem@faculty.nipissingu.ca. Behind theromance of chivalry is a great deal of history. Any survey of http://www.chronique.com/Library/MedHistory/medhist.htm |
119. Welcome To AllExperts.com medieval/Renaissance history. European history, medieval history. Generalhistory. Like our site? Recommend us to your friends! Newsletter Signup. http://www.allexperts.com/browse.asp?Meta=431 |
120. Global Access To Educational Sources - World History General World history. Never forget the importance of history. To know nothingof what happened before you took your place on earth, is to http://www.learning.caliberinc.com/whgen6.html |
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