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         Meningitis:     more books (100)
  1. Die Meningitis Simplex (1866) (German Edition) by Joseph Bierbaum, 2010-09-10
  2. Epidemic Meningitis: Or Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis (1867) by Alfred Stille, 2008-08-18
  3. Application of a Prediction Rule to Discriminate Between Aseptic and Bacterial Meningitis in Adults (Hospital Practice) by Benjamin Doolittle, Amy Alias, 2010-10-03
  4. The Operative Treatment Of Suppurative Meningitis: With Especial Reference To Irrigation Of The Cranial And Spinal Subarachnoid Spaces (1921) by Wells Phillips Eagleton, 2010-09-10
  5. Neonatal sepsis and meningitis by Alistair G. S Philip, 1985
  6. The Etiology And Diagnosis Of Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis: Motto, Keep Watch (1906) by Archibald William Taves, 2010-05-23
  7. A Treatise On Apoplexy: Cerebral Hemorrhage, Cerebral Embolism, Cerebral Gout, Cerebral Rheumatism, And Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis (1873) by John A. Lidell, 2008-08-18
  8. Emerging Strategies in the Fight Against Meningitis
  9. Tuberculous Meningitis: Tuberculomas and Spinal Tuberculosis: A Handbook for Clinicians (Oxford Medical Publications) by Malcolm Parsons, 1988-06-30
  10. Die Meningitis Cerebro-Spinalis Epidemica: Vom Historisch-Geographischen Und Pathologisch-Therapeutischen Standpunkte (German Edition) by August Hirsch, 2010-02-23
  11. Bacterial Meningitis (Contemporary Issues in Infectious Disease Vol 3)
  12. Neonatal Meningitis (Clinics in Developmental Medicine (Mac Keith Press)) by Pamela A. Davies, P. T. Rudd, 1995-01-27
  13. Bacterial Meningitis
  14. Meningitis - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

41. Welcome To InMed
Teaching resources about meningitis for healthcare professionals, produced by a company owned by the National meningitis Trust.

42. Meningokokken Meningitis
Meningokokken- Meningitis
(Meningitis epidemica, eitrige Gehirhautentzündung)
Meningokokken, d.h. gramneg. Bakterien (Neisseria meningitidis)
  • gesunde Bakterienträger (Keime im Nasen-Rachenraum) Erkrankte
Tröpfcheninfektion (d.h. Husten und Niesen)
2 bis 10 Tage
Krankheitsbild Die Erkrankung beginnt mit uncharakteristischen Allgemeinbeschwerden, dann treten zunehmende, schwer behandelbare Kopfschmerzen, Übelkeit, Erbrechen, hohes Fieber, Nackensteife und Bewusstseinsstörungen bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit auf. Zusätzlich besteht bei schweren Verläufen meist auch ein Hautausschlag. Der Erkrankungsbeginn kann dramatisch sein und innerhalb weniger Stunden zur Bewusstlosigkeit führen. In schwersten Fällen der Meningokokken-Erkrankung kann es innerhalb weniger Stunden zum Tod durch Herz-Kreislaufversagen bei massivsten Blutgerinnungsstörungen kommen (Waterhouse-Friderichsen-Syndrom). Diagnose Die Diagnose wird durch die Lumbalpunktion (Kreuzstich) gestellt. Einerseits findet man die massiv entzündlich veränderte Rückenmarksflüssigkeit, andererseits kann man direkt durch entsprechende Färbemaßnahmen die Erreger nachweisen. Außerdem kann der Erreger auch in der Kultur nachgewiesen werden. Behandlung Der wichtigste Faktor für den Ausgang der Erkrankung ist der rasche Einsatz einer Antibiotikatherapie (Penicilline, Cephalosporine). Zusätzlich sind meist auch intensiv-medizinische Maßnahmen erforderlich. Der Ausgang der Erkrankung ist im wesentlichen vom raschen Einsatz einer adäquaten Therapie abhängig. Tödliche

43. New Forest Marathon Association - Now In It's 21st Year!
Full and half marathons with current charities of The National meningitis Trust and the NSPCC.
The Start NEWS FROM THE ASSOCIATION We'd like to welcome all of our National and International supporters, runners and sponsors, who together help us to organise what has become one of the most popular and successful fundraising events in the running calendar. 2003 Entry Forms This years entry forms are now available, in PDF format, for download direct from this web site. Post your entry form in early to ensure you gain yourself a place in our 2003 races. More ... Web Site Updates Please be patient with our Webmistress who, whilst she has unfortunately been ill during the past few months, is now working hard to develop this new site and provide as much information as possible in advance of the NFMA's next annual races. Main Sponsors Mailing List
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44. Meningococcal Meningitis FAQs
Includes Meningococcal Vaccine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)ACIP modifies recommendations for meningitis vaccination Resources College
ACHA supports the new recommendation issued by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), which states that those who provide medical care to college freshmen dormitory residents, should inform students and parents about meningococcal disease and the benefits of vaccination, and provide access to the vaccine for those who wish to reduce their risk of disease. Overview of the Disease
Frequently Asked Questions

Update on MMR Vaccine Availability

News Releases:
This section was developed to provide background information about meningococcal disease to parents, public health employees, practicing physicians, and members of the media.
Recommendations: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has published a new policy statement, "Meningococcal Disease Prevention and Control Strategies for Practice-Based Physicians (Addendum: Recommendations for College Students)." Published December 2000, the AAP statement recognizes ACHA's recommendation for immunization of college students. The statement can be accessed at the

45. The Paws Cave . . .
Personal website of gay couple in Shepherds Bush, West London with information about Botswana, the London leather scene, Gran Canaria, meningitis and fundamentalism.
Click on the paws to come inside our cave.
Updated 5 April
Updated 16 March
(John's Cave in Dutch)
Report of the MR HOIST 2002 CONTEST ESCAPE FROM FUNDAMENTALISM How John Survived BACTERIAL MENINGITIS THE GREAT WET ECLIPSE OF 1999 (in Stuttgart) Last site update: 5th April 2003 visits since 1st Dec 1999.

46. Meningococcal Meningitis FAQ
What is meningococcal meningitis? Meningococcal disease is a rare but potentiallyfatal bacterial infection. What causes meningococcal meningitis?
What is meningococcal meningitis? Meningococcal disease is a rare but potentially fatal bacterial infection. The disease is expressed as either meningococcal meningitis, an inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord or meningococcemia, the presence of bacteria in the blood. What causes meningococcal meningitis? Meningococcal disease is caused by the bacterium Neisseria meningitidis, a leading cause of meningitis and septicemia (or blood poisoning) in the United States. Meningitis is one of the most common manifestations of the disease, although it has been known to cause septic arthritis, pneumonia, brain inflammation and other syndromes. How many people die from meningococcal meningitis each year? Meningococcal disease strikes about 3,000 Americans each year and is responsible for approximately 300 deaths annually. It is estimated that 100 to 125 cases of meningococcal disease occur annually on college campuses and five to 15 students die as a result. How is meningococcal meningitis spread?

47. Angola Briefing Note
The main public health threat is epidemics, particularly malaria, diarrhea disease and meningitis; and malnutrition is a longterm consequence of food shortfall.
Health Topics Search Dept of Emergency And Humanitarian Action Emergency and Humanitarian Action
Health Intelligence Network for Advanced Planning v. 1.5 Humanitarian Links Donor Relations FAQs About EHA ... Contact EHA Health Intelligence
Find out what is happening, in what context, and where.

Click here for documents relating to specific countries or areas of countries:
Afghanistan Albania Angola Benin Bosnia-Herzegovina Botswana Burundi Cambodia Central African Republic Chad China Colombia Congo D.R. Congo Rep. Of Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Djibouti E Timor Egypt El Salvador Eritrea Ethiopia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau India Indonesia Indonesia (Maluku) Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Kenya Korea DPR Kosovo Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Nigeria Pakistan Russian Federation Rwanda Serbia Serbia and Montenegro Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa Sudan Swaziland Syria Tajikistan Tanzania Togo Uganda Uzbekistan W Timor West Bank/Gaza Yugoslavia FR Zambia Zimbabwe Specific Emergency Situations: _West Bank and Gaza Afghanistan Humanitarian Crisis Angola Humanitarian Crisis Balkans Humanitarian Crisis ... Timor Crisis
Briefing note on the potential impact of conflict on health in Iraq Full text
More information about Iraq

Emergencies cited as major threat to human health in Africa, as wars cost Region $15 billion per year

48. Meningitis C Vaccine
You are here Public Health Clinical Quality meningitis C Vaccine, meningitisC Vaccine. Welcome to the Department of Health's meningitis C Vaccine pages.

A-Z site index
Search Links Contact DH ... DH Home You are here: Meningitis C Vaccine Men C Home Background Disease Facts The New Men C Vaccine ... Information and Links Meningitis C Vaccine Welcome to the Department of Health's Meningitis C Vaccine pages. Key facts
  • The UK was the first country to introduce the new meningitis C conjugate (MenC) vaccine
    The MenC vaccine has been part of the routine childhood immunisation programme since November 1999 The MenC vaccine has been well accepted with uptake levels close to 90 per cent Overall, there has been a 90 per cent reduction in the number of cases and deaths from meningococcal group C disease in the age groups targeted by the MenC immunisation programme (under-20 population) - a huge success Young adults may still be at risk. All first year university and college students and people aged between 20 and 24 years of age should be vaccinated against meningitis C
Search Entire site

49. Welcome To ID Care, Inc.
Board Certified infectious diseases group providing patient care and consultation for infectious diseases including tropical and parasitic diseases, meningitis, and immunoglobulin deficiencies.
ID Care, Inc, the largest infectious diseases group in New Jersey, provides expert care and consultations in the field of Infectious Diseases throughout northwestern and central New Jersey. We have offices in: Randolph Hillsborough Madison Princeton New Brunswick Our physicians provide expert consultations for INTERNATIONAL TRAVELERS . All necessary vaccines and medical advice are provided in all of our offices, including vaccination for: Yellow fever Malaria Typhoid fever Meningitis Japanese encephalitis Polio Rabies Diphtheria-tetanus Chickenpox Hepatitis A and B Traveler's diarrhea Altitude sickness. We provide outpatient care and office consultations for common diagnoses such as: Hepatitis Lyme disease HIV infection Pneumonia Wound infections Fever Chronic fatigue syndrome Hospital acquired infections of all types ID CARE Affiliated Hospitals: Hackettstown Community Hospital Newton Memorial Hospital St. Clare's Hospital at Denville

50. Meningitis (Erwachsene)
Das AHCConsilium beschreibt Symptome, Ursachen und Behandlung der Hirnhautentz¼ndung. Das Angebot ist ausschlieŸlich f¼r Mediziner, Apotheker, Pharmamitarbeiter und Studenten dieser Fachrichtungen bestimmt.
Meningitis (Erwachsene) Med. Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Letztes Update: Diagnose Therapie Literaturauswahl Eitrige Meningitis ... Virustatika Diagnose
Akute eitrige Meningitis
Meldepflicht !
Bakterien u. andere Erreger:
Zugrunde liegende Erkrankung oder begleitende Akutsymptomatik als Hinweis auf bestimmte Erreger Erkrankung Erreger AIDS Listerien, Nokardien, Mycobacterium tuberculosis Alkoholismus Streptococcus pneumoniae Dermalsinus Diabetes mellitus Endokarditis Streptococcus pneumoniae, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacteroides spp. Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae Gehirnabszess Anaerobier, Citrobacter (Kinder), Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacteriaceae Hautblutungen Neisseria meningitidis Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae Intensivpatient Intrakranialer Shunt
Enterococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa

51. Hirnhautentzündung (Meningitis) Allgemein
Translate this page meningitis ist eine Entzündung der Hirnhäute (Meningen). Bakterien oder Virensind die häufigsten Verursacher der meningitis. Was ist eine meningitis?
Suche in NetDoktor
Home Startseite Community Neurodermitis Diabetes Depression Aktuell Nachrichten Magazin Newsletter Interaktiv Diskussion Frage den Arzt Teste dich selbst Selbsthilfe ... Quiz Lexikon Krankheiten Medikamente Laborwerte Untersuchungen ... Health Center Themen Reisemedizin
Manfred Schneider
, Arzt
Was ist eine Meningitis?
Bakterien oder Viren
Enzephalitis ). Der Arzt spricht dann von Meningoenzephalitis.
haben ein besonders hohes Risiko, an einer Meningitis zu erkranken.
Wie entsteht eine Meningitis?
  • oder eine
    patienten eine virale Meningitis.
Welche Symptome treten auf?
, hohes Fieber , Erbrechen und Lichtscheu. Selten treten Benommenheit bis hin zum Koma auf. Antibiotika behandelt werden. Wie stellt der Arzt die Diagnose? Lumbalpunktion Liquordiagnostik Blutprobe Die bakterielle Meningitis wird mit Antibiotika Wie ist die Prognose? Quellen Redaktion Dr. med. Katharina Larisch Aktualisierung Nutzungsbedingungen - Wichtige Informationen The documents contained in this web site are presented for information purposes only. The material is in no way intended to replace professional medical care or attention by a qualified practitioner. The materials in this web site cannot and should not be used as a basis for diagnosis or choice of treatment. Click here - Conditions for use - Important legal information HOME: Startseite COMMUNITY: Neurodermitis Diabetes Depression AKTUELL: Nachrichten Magazin Newsletter INTERAKTIV: Diskussion Frage den Arzt Teste dich selbst Selbsthilfe ... Quiz LEXIKON: Krankheiten Medikamente Laborwerte Untersuchungen ... Health Center THEMEN:

52. Meningococcal
Updates on meningitis outbreaks at UW Eau Claire and in the community.
Meningococcal Disease Update News Bureau Schofield Hall 201 Eau Claire, WI 54702
phone: (715) 836-4741
fax: (715) 836-2900
April 30, 2002 April 29, 2002 April 26, 2002 April 25 2002 April 24, 2002 April 22, 2002

Updated: February 25, 2003

53. Simple Facts Sheets: Cryptococcal Meningitis
cryptococcal meningitis. The most common illness caused by the cryptococcus fungusis cryptococcal meningitis. meningitis means swelling of the meninges.
a Simple Facts Sheet from the AIDS Treatment Data Network cryptococcal meningitis Cryptococcal meningitis is a brain infection caused by a fungus called cryptococcus neoformans, which is found mainly in dirt and bird droppings. Many people have been exposed to the cryptococcus fungus at some time during their lives, but the immune system usually stops the fungus from causing illness. When the immune system is weakened by HIV, the fungus can cause illness. The most common illness caused by the cryptococcus fungus is cryptococcal meningitis. Meningitis means swelling of the meninges. The meninges are membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. Cryptococcal meningitis is a serious infection. The symptoms can be similar to other conditions, but it is important to be aware of the possibility of cryptococcal meningitis. Watch for fever, vomiting, headache, nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, and a general feeling of not being well. Sometimes symptoms include a stiff neck and seizures. You may experience all or just a few of these symptoms. The standard treatment for cryptococcal meningitis is amphotericin B , which must be given by intravenous injection. This is usually done in hospital until the infection is brought under control - this part of the treatment is called induction treatment and usually takes less than two weeks. The doctor checks the spinal fluid using a procedure called a spinal tap, and measures what's known as the cryptococcal titer to see if the infection is under control.

54. Christine Wallace - Psychic, Medium, Healer, & Shaman
Christine Wallace is a pyschic, medium, healer and spiritual advisor whose gifts were enhanced after she nearly died from meningitis over ten years ago. Christine also practices Reiki and holds a Doctorate of Comparative Religions.

55. Meningitis Trust
Approved Content Provider for the National Gridfor Learning © 2003 meningitis Trust Ltd
Approved Content Provider for the National Grid for Learning
© 2003 Meningitis Trust Ltd

Website meningitis Hersenvliesontsteking van de administratie Gezondheidszorgvan het ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. Vlaamse overheid.
Meningitis C voor de helft teruggedrongen dankzij vaccinatie


57. Meningitis (Kind)
Das AHCConsilium beschreibt Symptome, Ursachen und Behandlungsm¶glichkeiten dem Hirnhautentz¼ndung bei Kindern. Der Inhalt ist ausschlieŸlich f¼r Mediziner, Apotheker, Pharmamitarbeiter und Studenten dieser Fachrichtungen bestimmt.
Meningitis (Kinder) Med. Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Letztes Update: Diagnose Therapie Literaturauswahl Definition ... Prognose Diagnose
Meningitis bei Kindern
Meldepflicht !
Eitrige Meningitis
Haemophilus influenzae Typ B, Str. pneumoniae (Pneumokokken), N. meningitidis (Meningokokken).
Zugrunde liegende Erkrankung oder begleitende Akutsymptomatik als Hinweis auf bestimmte Erreger Erkrankung Erreger AIDS Listerien, Nokardien, Mycobacterium tuberculosis Alkoholismus Streptococcus pneumoniae Dermalsinus Diabetes mellitus Endokarditis Streptococcus pneumoniae, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacteroides spp. Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae Gehirnabszess Anaerobier, Citrobacter (Kinder), Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacteriaceae Hautblutungen Neisseria meningitidis Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae

58. Dossier Meningitis
Uitgebreide informatie over nekkramp in 3 dossiers.

59. Meningitis
The signs and symptoms of meningitis are variable and, to a great extent, dependon the age of the child with the infection and which bacteria or virus is

Parents Infections
Signs and Symptoms:
The signs and symptoms of meningitis are variable and, to a great extent, depend on the age of the child with the infection and which bacteria or virus is causing it. The first signs may be those common to a number of illnesses, such as fever, lethargy, vomiting, and irritability. Older children may complain of a headache. A stiff neck may be found on examination by a doctor. Seizures occur in about a third of patients with bacterial meningitis and sometimes are the only symptoms. As the disease develops, other symptoms set in: increased irritability with a high-pitched cry (in infants) and difficulty breathing. Newborns with meningitis may lack the classical signs described above and simply be extremely irritable or lethargic (have decreased consciousness). Under usual circumstances, when an infant isn't feeling well, she is comforted when her mother picks her up. With meningitis, we might see something called "paradoxical irritability," when picking up and rocking a child may make her more distressed. This can be a sign of an irritated meninges (the covering of the central nervous system). Other signs that can be seen in an infant with meningitis include jaundice (a yellowish tint to the skin) and a stiffness of the body and of the neck ("neck rigidity"). There may be bulging fontanelles (the "soft spot" at the top/front of the baby's skull where the bones of the skull join and are still open at that age).

60. Meningitis
You may be wondering what the deal is with meningitis because you'veheard frightening stuff about menigitis outbreaks in the news.

Teens Infections
Meningitis, an inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord (the meninges ), is often confused with encephalitis , although it's actually quite different. Encephalitis refers to inflammation of the brain itself, whereas meningitis affects the lining of the brain and spinal cord. You may be wondering what the deal is with meningitis because you've heard frightening stuff about menigitis outbreaks in the news. Although meningitis is a serious infection, learning as much about it as possible can help to put your mind at ease. What Is Meningitis and What Are the Signs and Symptoms?
Inflammation of the brain lining and the cerebrospinal fluid (fluid that circulates in the spaces in and around the brain and spinal cord) is referred to as meningitis. It may be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or other organisms. Meningitis frequently occurs when an infection elsewhere in the body spreads through the blood and into the cerebrospinal fluid. Although most cases of meningitis occur in the first 5 years of life, you can get it at any age.

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