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21. Araceli Burguete, Elections In Mexico: Indigenous Suffrage Under Protest proposals. Thus, mexico's indigenous peoples have access to the nation'scongress only through participation in the political parties. http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/46/032.html | |
22. Announcing A Gathering Of Indigenous Peoples Of Northern Mexico Announcing a gathering of indigenous peoples of Northern mexico. FromEdwin Bustillos, 26 June 1996. A COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION WORKSHOP http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/41/245.html | |
23. Indigenous Peoples In Mexico Donate to NativeWeb! NativeWeb Shirts, Mugs and MousePads! indigenouspeoples in mexico The Mexican indigenous Rights Movement. http://abyayala.nativeweb.org/mexico/ | |
24. Mythinglinks: Indigenous Peoples Of Latin America: Meso-America: Mexico elections in mexico on July 2nd, will be the most legal ever held. But the escalationof human rights abuses against the indigenous peoples of Chiapas never http://www.mythinglinks.org/ip~mexico.html | |
25. Mythology's Mything Links: Indigenous Peoples -- Latin America indigenous peoples of LATIN AMERICA. mexico El Dia de los Muertos, Day of the DeadMayan Weaving in the Chiapas Highlands of mexico The above page isn't mine http://www.mythinglinks.org/ip~latinamerica.html | |
26. Mexico: Indigenous Law Proposal Approved By Senate: One Step Forward, Two Steps to the members of the National indigenous Congress), and very probably the Chamberof Deputies, are turning their backs on the indigenous peoples of mexico. http://www.globalexchange.org/campaigns/mexico/news/jornada042701.html | |
27. Mexico: Indigenous Rights Law Archive 9/12/02, mexico Court Upholds Indian Law mexico's Supreme Court on rebel supporterswho accused authorities of abandoning the nation's indigenous peoples. http://www.globalexchange.org/campaigns/mexico/news/indigenous.html | |
28. Working With Indigenous Peoples In Mexico And Central America Home Around the World Central America Our work with IndigenousPeoples in mexico and Central America. Community Aid Abroad http://www.caa.org.au/world/latam/indigenous/ | |
29. Central America & Mexico: Oxfam Community Aid Abroad Community Aid Abroad supports local selfhelp development projects in Central America.Category Regional Central America Economic Development...... Oxfam Community Aid Abroad's development program in mexico and Central America aimsto support the rights of the region's indigenous peoples to determine their http://www.caa.org.au/world/latam/ | |
30. VIDEO BY AND ABOUT INDIANS - Indigenous Peoples - Brazil And Mexico Latin American Video Archive Home VIDEO BY AND ABOUT INDIANS indigenous peoples- Brazil and mexico October 1997 Sign up here to receive our free, monthly http://www.lavavideo.org/LAVA/featuredtitles/index.cfm?Features_ID=2 |
31. ACCESS MEXICO'S PEOPLES, INDIGENOUS AND ETHNIC IMMIGRATION - IN MEXICO CONNECT mexico's peoples indigenous,ethnic immigration in mexico Connect - mexico's monthlyezine / magazine devoted to informing about and promoting mexico, her http://www.mexconnect.com/mex_/peoplesindex.html | |
32. Cozumel, Mexico - PAX - Music History Of Indigenous Peoples, Cozumel,Mexico - PA Cozumel, mexico A Museum of Musical History, Culture indigenous peoples Establishedfor the study of indigenous peoples music, history and culture http://www.islacozumel.net/services/pax/ | |
33. The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples In Mexico FI/OP Report, 57th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights MarchApril2001 Palais des Nations, Geneva. The rights of indigenous peoples in mexico. http://www.fiop.org/reports/57/mexico.html |
35. NATIVE-L Mailing List: Threats Against Indigenous Peoples In Mexico threats against indigenous peoples in mexico.omct@iprolink.ch 23 May 1997 063029 http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/nl/9705/0072.html | |
36. NATIVE-L (April 1994): Mexico: Declaration Of Indigenous Peoples mexico Declaration of indigenous peoples. susanodo@web.apc.orgMon, 4 Apr 1994 215300 PDT http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/nl/9404/0057.html | |
37. AI Canada | Human Rights And Indigenous Peoples: Mexico Action Amnesty International has been concerned for many years about abuses against Indigenouspeoples in Honduras, and the failure to investigate these abuses and http://www.amnesty.ca/IndigenousPeoples/actHonduras.htm | |
38. AI Canada | Human Rights And Indigenous Peoples: Mexico Action Please write courteous letters to government authorities in mexico urging thatfull, prompt and independent land and life indigenous peoples' Human Rights. http://www.amnesty.ca/IndigenousPeoples/actMexico.htm | |
39. Loxicha | Indigenous Peoples In Mexico: A Community Terrorized | IFH 2002 more; July 24, 2001 Amnesty International Canada indigenous peoples inmexico A community indigenous peoples in mexico A community Terrorized. http://loxicha.tripod.com/ | |
40. Indigenous Peoples Sites: Ethnic And Minority Studies: Subject Guides: MIT Libra indigenous peoples of mexico in Spanish and English, this page is dedicatedto the people that make up the original inhabitants of present-day mexico. http://libraries.mit.edu/guides/subjects/ethnic/inpesites.html | |
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