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81. Indigenous Peoples: Websites National Profile of the indigenous peoples of mexico http//www.sedesol.gob.mx/perfiles/nacional/english/Information about the indigenous peoples of mexico http://www.sandiego.edu/lrc/broaderborders/indigenous_w.html | |
82. European Matters - Mexico A. whereas the new political situation has created unexpected hopes for nationalreconciliation between the indigenous peoples of mexico and the rest of the http://www.hrwf.net/newhrwf/html/european_matters_-_mexico.html | |
83. IV - Mar 2001 - Mexico 1 The Zapatistas have engaged in a dialogue with the other indigenous peoples of mexico,with the workers and peasants, and above all, with the youth who are the http://www.3bh.org.uk/IV/main/IV Archive/IV329/IVP Mar1.htm | |
84. Juan Diego, Protector Of The Indigenous Peoples And Model For The The practice of human sacrifice ended in mexico and the indigenous peoples werereconciled to their Spanish conquerors, intermarried with them and formed the http://www.catholicmarketing.com/trade_journal/2002-q2-juan_diego.htm |
85. 3avg02 to renew push for Indian rights Monica Medel, EFE 8/3/2002 A law extending fullrecognition of the rights and autonomy of mexico's indigenous peoples is the http://www.dostje.org/Aguas/Novice/3avg02.htm | |
86. Indigenous Peoples In Latin America - LANIC Translate this page http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/indigenous/ | |
87. The Indigenous People Of Mexico: Photograph Exhibition At UT http://www.utexas.edu/depts/cmas/platt.htm | |
88. Amnesty International - Library - Americas Indigenous Peoples - of the continent's indigenous peoples vocally reclaimed 2000, or the adoption in Mexicoof inadequate and controversial indigenous legislation which http://web.amnesty.org/802568F7005C4453/0/80256AB9000584F680256C4E005B4BCD?Open |
89. Puerto Vallarta - Mexico Magico - PVMirror.com E-Newspaper mexico MAGICO. 000033 Visit since November 3, 2002 Location of indigenous peoplesin mexico continues 2nd Part. by Prof. German Estrada July 15, 2002. http://www.pvmirror.com/mexicomagico/indig2.html | |
90. 1Up Info > Tula, Ancient City, Mexico (Mesoamerican Indigenous Peoples) - Encycl Tula, ancient city, mexico. Related Category Mesoamerican IndigenousPeoples. Tulat ´lä Pronunciation Key, ancient city in the http://www.1upinfo.com/encyclopedia/T/TulaMex.html | |
91. Mexican And Latin American Literature: Selected Sources Selected sources prepared by Laura M. Boyer, CSU Stanislaus Library.Category Arts Literature World Literature Latin American...... de mexico Mexican Writer's Dictionary Horizonte de Poesia Mexicana Mexican GenreFiction Mexican Poetry/Songs/Dances Poesia Mexicana indigenous LITERATURE. http://wwwlibrary.csustan.edu/lboyer/modern_languages/mexican.htm | |
92. Puerto Vallarta - Mexico Magico - PVMirror.com E-Newspaper mexico MAGICO. 000058 Visit since October 29, 2002 Chapter 2. LOCATION of Indigenouspeoples in mexico 1st Part. by Prof. German Estrada July 8, 2002. http://www.pvmirror.com/mexicomagico/indig1.html | |
93. Native Web Native Web has moved! The new URL is www.nativeweb.org http://web.maxwell.syr.edu/nativeweb | |
94. Native Web Native Web. has moved! The new URL is www.nativeweb.org http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/nativeweb/ | |
95. CIDCM | Home Center for International Development and Conflict Management (CIDCM), http://www.cidcm.umd.edu/ | |
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