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Michigan Education Agencies Org: more detail |
61. Legal Services Of Northern Michigan to students eligible for special education. Funded in part by the Legal ServicesCorporation, michigan State Bar Foundation, OSA and Area agencies on Aging http://www.lsnm.org/ | |
62. Educational Technology Cooperative Telecommunications education Commission (MHEC), the michigan Intercollegiate Telecommunications helpof state education agencies and networking Bill Thomas, bill.thomas@sreb.org. http://www.sreb.org/programs/EdTech/telecomm/telecommindex.asp | |
63. CCSSO Map Of States K12 education departments, with directories of schools and districts. From the Council of Chief State School Officers. http://www.ccsso.org/seamenu.html | |
64. MUCC - Michigan United Conservation Clubs Consortium of organizations throughout the state was established in 1937. Find clubs in each district. Washington to the michigan Natural Resources Trust michigan United Conservation Clubs urges all hunters to assist state agencies http://www.mucc.org/ | |
65. Links To SEA School Health Programs MI, School Health Programs Food and Nutrition Program michigan Model for ComprehensiveSchool Health 1998 michigan School Health education Profile Policies for http://www.ccsso.org/seahealth.html |
66. Governance/Organizational Management charter schools and middle schools) in michigan. state leaders devoted to the improvementof education. general comments info@ncrel.org technical information http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/go0cont.htm |
67. State Profiles : Introduction service, also links back to the nationalservice.org home page. To date, more than4,800 michigan residents have qualified for education awards totaling http://www.nationalservice.org/stateprofiles/mi_intro.html | |
68. U.S. Department Of Education Funded Service Providers For Michigan Percy Bates, Director University of michigan 1005 School states, local educationalagencies, school library Regional Technology in education Consortium Kristin http://goal.ncrel.org/edserv/state.asp?state=mi |
69. NCATE: State Education Agency Websites michigan, West Virginia. organization for schools, colleges, and departments of educationin the 7496 fax (202) 2966620 website www.ncate.org ncate@ncate http://www.ncate.org/resources/statelinks.htm | |
70. Equity Assistance Centers Assist school districts and education agencies with issues related for educationalOpportunity University of michigan 1005 School of education 610 East http://www.ed.gov/Programs/bastmp/DAC.htm | |
71. Michigan Commission On Law Enforcement Standards Services to Governmental agencies. michigan Commission on Services Licensing,Certification, Permits Click for Careers and education Opportunities Publications http://www.michigan.gov/msp/1,1607,7-123-1593_3510---,00.html | |
72. Consumer World: Consumer Agencies Office; State and Local Consumer agencies (Pueblo's master Rights Center; 12/2002Michigan Consumer Federation; Center for Financial education; National Charities http://www.consumerworld.org/pages/agencies.htm | |
73. Stateline.org: Education Title I To Local education agencies, By Judy Putnam , The Ann Arbor News MichiganMichigan Granholm Urges Early education To Jennifer Busch, reading to http://www.stateline.org/issue.do?issueId=124 |
74. Great Lakes ADA & IT Center Regional center whose purpose is to provide technical assistance and training to businesses and people Category Regional North America Disability Resources...... or company. The GLDBTAC also partners with agencies throughout the yearto offer general education seminars. The Center's professional http://www.adagreatlakes.org/ | |
75. College And University Accrediting Agencies Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, michigan, Minnesota, Missouri granting institutionsof higher education in Alabama list of specialized accrediting agencies. http://www.onlinecollegedegrees.net/accredited.html | |
76. Directory Of State Grant Agencies Directory of State Grant agencies. Alabama. michigan. michigan Higher education AssistanceAuthority Office of Scholarships and Grants PO Box 30462 Lansing http://www.collegefinancingguide.com/directory.html | |
77. THE MICHIGAN AIDS FUND | OUR GRANTMAKING Planned Parenthood of Northern michigan Region 7, at alternative and vocationaleducation programs, jails sessions held in community agencies utilizing groups http://www.michaidsfund.org/our_grantmaking.html | |
78. Michigan's Civil Service Rules Are Amenable T... [Mackinac Center For Public P While state agencies generally provide their services through michigan's 62,000career civil service employees, as a member of the Commission I can tell you http://www.mackinac.org/3996 | |
79. MESP -- Michigan Education Savings Plan - Press Room MESP michigan education Savings Program, Overview, Investment Options, FAQs, EnrollToday. The state of michigan, its agencies, TFI, TIAA and its affiliates http://www.misaves.com/mi_basketball_kids.html | |
80. Office Of Dispute Resolution to nonprofit and government agencies to provide US Department of Agriculture MichiganSpecial education provides mediation of special education issues between http://www.courts.michigan.gov/scao/dispute/odr.htm | |
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