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21. Review Of The View From Nebo: How Archeology Is Rewriting The Bible And Reshapin The View from Nebo How archeology is Rewritingthe Bible and Reshaping the middle east. http://www.danielpipes.org/article/13 | |
22. 2001 Book Reviews Available Electronically, By Daniel Pipes 2001. The View from Nebo How archeology is Rewriting the Bible and Reshapingthe middle east, middle east Quarterly, June 2001. Jerusalem http://www.danielpipes.org/rev/year/2001 | |
23. Eggink's Hurrian Information Page Institute archeology The Archive of Near eastern Studies and archeology conductedby role of the Uruk (Erech) big business establishment in the middle east. http://members.tripod.com/~eggink/hurrian | |
24. Egypt Tours Inc. Web Page Egypt, Iran, Syria, custom, Tailor made packages, upscale tours, Deluxe travel packagesto the middle east, Adventure Travel, archeology, Archeological Tours http://ceg.uiuc.edu/~haggag/travel.html |
25. Codes-help east. 297, 1st Floor, middle east, 892.8899, 2nd Floor, Literature. 350-354.9,Ground Floor, Social Sciences, 913, 2nd Floor, archeology. 355 http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/eng/TAU/AAC/AAC/HELP-copy | |
26. Cary Academy Library - Pathfinders - Middle East Discover breaking news about Syria, arts and culture, business and economy, governmentand politics, and history and archeology. Maps of the middle east, http://web1.caryacademy.org/library/pathfinders/middleeast.htm | |
27. Bhutan Travel: Bhutan Tour, Bhutan Travel Agency Africa Asia Australia Carribean Central America Europe middle east North AmericaOceania South archeology/History, Art/Architecture, Cultural Expeditions. http://www.biztravel.com/TRAVEL/SIT/sit_pages/Bhutan.html | |
28. Foreign Affairs - Book Review - Whose Pharaohs? Archeology, Museums, And Egyptia Passion for Islam Shaping the Modern middle east The Egyptian Experience archeology,Museums, and Egyptian National Identity from Napoleon to World War I. By http://www.foreignaffairs.org/20020501fabook8110/donald-malcolm-reid/whose-phara | |
29. Middle East-01 in the Near east ANRG 116 The archeology of Society in SyroPalestine ANRG 150The Rise and Fall of Ancient Isreal ANRG 162 Peoples of the middle east http://provost.ucsd.edu/roosevelt/academics/RegSpec/Middle East-01.htm | |
30. Academic Islamic Studies And Middle East Studies Web Sites Association. See especially the wellorganized page of links MESLinks middle east Anthropology and archeology on the Internet. http://www.uga.edu/islam/MESCenters.html | |
31. Fares Center For Eastern Mediterranean Studies - Tufts University CR 98, Music Prayer Jewish Tradition, Summit. CR 120, Armenian Art, archeology Politics, L. Der Manuelian. HIST 03, Contemporary middle east, Fawaz. http://farescenter.tufts.edu/courses.asp | |
32. Cool Middle East Links The Ancient World Web Geography Index The middle and Near dozens of fascinating sitescovering ancient Near east art and archeology, Mesopotamian astronomy http://azar.yvod.com/mej/cool.links1.html |
33. Middle East middle east. archeology and the Bible. Submit questions and view answers to previousquestions about Biblical archeology. Exploring Ancient World Cultures. http://www.sermonillustrator.org/divineglimpses/middle_east.htm |
34. ELCA Middle East Connections -- Accompaniment & Travel book, but indispensable to anyone interested in the archeology behind the sites.Holy Land Travel Directory, by Americans for middle east Understanding (AMEU http://www.elca.org/middleeast/accompaniment.html | |
35. Middle East Resources Art and archeology; University of Utah; Harvard University, Center for middle easternStudies; University of Toronto (Canada); Durham University,(UK) middle east http://infomanage.com/middleeast/ | |
36. The World Of The Middle East Links to dozens of sites that discuss ancient art and archeology, or Mesopotamian,astronomy, AssyroBabylonian mythology Site Historical Issues, middle east. http://www.hhs.helena.k12.mt.us/O'Connor/MidEast.html | |
37. Visiting The National Museum Of Natural History With School Groups - Tours And C technological developments; discover the diverse cultures of the ancient middle east;investigate the process and techniques of archeology, discuss early forms http://www.mnh.si.edu/museum/education/2000/tours_carts.html | |
38. Middle East, Study Abroad, Claremont McKenna College ISRAEL Until the situation in the middle east has stabilized and the State ofthe Negev offers courses taught in English in archeology, ecology, Judaic http://offcampus.academic.claremontmckenna.edu/studyabroad/middle-east.htm | |
39. Print Index: Middle East: Abstracts And Index Perkins Reference Print Indexes middle east Abstracts and Index. Covers anthropology,archeology, art, business, current affairs, economics, education, history http://www.lib.duke.edu/reference/printindex/middleea.htm | |
40. Duke University Public Policy Studies Bruce Kuniholm (Turkey, Modern middle east). Modern Islam) EricMeyers (Judaic Studies, Near eastern and Biblical archeology) Carol Meyers http://w3fp.arizona.edu/mesassoc/Directory/Duke.htm | |
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