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21. Tdctrade.com - Hong Kong Trade Development Council AME Info middle east Country Guide Provides an overview on an overview on its geography,infrastructure, economy in Iran Covers the general investment policy http://my.tdctrade.com/webdir/directory_detail.asp?catid=2&subcatid=133 |
22. Foreign Government/Middle East And North Africa laws, treaties, and general political information; source for culture, politics, economics,geography, news, and Asian continent, Caucasus, middle east, and the http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/forme.html | |
23. Vignette> Offices & Contacts > General Contact Information general Vignette Contact Information Contact Vignette using following addresses inyour geography North America vignette.com Europe/middle east/Africa euroinfo http://www.vignette.com/contacts | |
24. Gold Rush 911 Historical geography. 912 Graphic representations of earth. 955 general historyof Asia Iran. 956 general history of Asia middle east (Near east). http://goldrush.coalliance.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=DDCHelp&ddc=900 |
25. Aaron's Indexes ~ Geography Aarons geography Index. general. The Fools of Chelm. Tapiwas Uncle. ByNancy Farmer From Do You Know Me. PublishedStories on Stage. middle east. http://www.aaronshep.com/indexes/geography.html | |
26. Asia Bookroom: Comparative Cultural Studies, Asia east Asia - general. Asia - Photography, Asian middle eastern Art, China - general History, China - geography, China - Han http://www.oldbookroom.com/currentlists_xAsia/hom.htm | |
27. History, Geography And Culture Of The Middle East Archeology, history, facts and general information, food, maps, pictures Geographyand Maps. Topical maps, Le Monde diplomatique good middle east section (you http://www.meactivist.org/pages/Learn/History Geo Culture.shtml | |
28. List ownership Land policy Land use Landgeneral Location M Methodology Metropolitanstudies middle east Migration Modeling Moshavim Municipal geography N Negev http://www.bgu.ac.il/NCRD/bib1/kwords.htm | |
29. University Of Richmond Experts Guide geography (general); geography (Physical); Geomorphology; middle east; middle east(Gender); middle east (PalestinianIsraeli conflict); middle east (US http://oncampus.richmond.edu/news/experts/ | |
30. JRULM Subject Specialist: Geography: Classification H212 Europe economic geography, including EEC. H221 Scandinavia. H341 England andWales general; and specific topics. H421 South West Asia; middle east. http://rylibweb.man.ac.uk/geography/geogclas.html | |
31. Classification c cartography. d physical geography geomorphology. eu regional geography. eAfrica. f Far east Australia. g middle east. h India. k Europe, general. http://www.worcester.ox.ac.uk/admissions/ugrad/library/classification.htm | |
32. Geography Of The Middle East GEOG 423 within the Multicultural Studies component of the general Education program at January14, 16 Introduction to the geography of the middle east January 21 http://mama.indstate.edu/users/mouldmey/sygms03.html | |
33. FOCUS On JORDAN - General Information general INFORMATION on JORDAN. geography Location middle east, between Israeland Saudi Arabia Map references Africa, middle east, Standard Time Zones of http://www.focusmm.com/jordan/jo_giamn.htm | |
34. Global Trivia Trivia And Quizzes Quiz 28, middle east Knowledge This is a general knowledge quiz of the middleeast geography, history, people . Tough, 149, Mar 16 01, faliero. http://www.funtrivia.com/dir/235.html | |
35. Preble County District Library OnLine Resources Network Maps Gazetteers middle east North Africa Ohio Preble County, OhioRichmond Wayne County, Indiana Travel geography general United States http://www.pcdl.lib.oh.us/reference/travel/travel.htm | |
36. News General Interest News general Interest, lesson for students, teachers, parents, and geography ormap Israel and The middle east Category newsletter Frequency weekly Traffic http://www.webscoutlists.com/listing/1500 |
37. General Catalog 102. WORLD REGIONAL geography (1 course) A comparative study of the world regionsincluding Latin America, South and east Asia, the middle east and Europe. http://www.gustavus.edu/oncampus/academics/general_catalog/current/geog.cfm | |
38. The Graham School Of General Studies: Summer Quarter general background on Islam and the geography of the area, we will also review thesocial, cultural, religious and political transformations of the middle east http://grahamschool.uchicago.edu/summer/courses.cfm?courseid=1162 |
39. Geography 154 GEOGRAPHY OF THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA J. Abercrombie Tel (202) 9946185 (geography office) E C William Spencer, The MiddleEast (Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, 2000 T 1/21, general History, Held 13-31 Spencer http://www.gwu.edu/~geog/spring03/geog154-abercrombie.html | |
40. ARCHIVE: GCU Cultural Geography Courses GCU 328 geography of middle east and North Africa. of relevant physical, economic,and cultural phenomena in the middle east and North general Studies SB, G. http://www.asu.edu/aad/catalogs/fall_2002/gcu.html | |
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