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61. Chaiya's Sephardic World: Jews In Medieval Spain went aviking there, too); there's even a whole Horde of mongols, each with eventhough the Catholic Church plays a huge role in medieval history and culture http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/8636/chaiya.html | |
62. ART HISTORY RESOURCES: Part 7 Art Of The Middle Ages The Centuries (through IranSaga, Persian history and Culture) mongols; Ilkhans 1; The mongols; Ilkhans -2; Early Islamic Period; Early medieval Period (Eleventh http://witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHmedieval.html | |
63. Don Croner's WorldWideWanders: Mongolia | Best Books Mongolian Nomadic Society A Reconstruction of the 'medieval' history of Mongoliaby BatOchir Bold, Bold Bat-Ochir. The Story of the mongols Whom We Call the http://www.doncroner.com/Mongolia/MonBook.html | |
64. Links What options did Kublai Khan and the mongols face as medieval Sourcebook Anna ComnenaThe Bad Manners of A Prince Rise of Islam Islamic history Crusade http://ias.berkeley.edu/orias/travelink.htm | |
65. Academic Info: Russian History Resources - Kievan-Appanage mongols and the Muscovite State in PreCzarist Era the Tatars was written in 1243. From the medieval Sourcebook. on 29 November 2001 Russian history went online http://www.academicinfo.net/russhistmed.html | |
66. Hist Tues. March 4 Discussion of texts on the mongols and Prester John. Thurs.March 6. Penguin Atlas of medieval history, pp. 9091. Tues. April 15. http://www.majbill.vt.edu/history/acuffel/laterMA.htm | |
67. Topics For Developing Global History Social Problems About.com medieval history pages, Topics in Mongol history articles, including TheMongol Military Might, and The spiritual qualities of the mongols http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/plegal/ppa/ghl5.html | |
68. Research_course_Rome Antti Ruotsala, University of Helsinki The Crusades and the mongols Conflict or 14-18Seminar on future research training in medieval history in Scandinavia. http://www.sdu.dk/Hum/kvj/rome2001.html | |
69. HallEuropeanHistory.com Kalka River 1223 Genghiz Khan's An excellent account of the mongols and medieval Russia This newtitle from Osprey really gave me a new perspective on history. http://halleuropeanhistory.com/index.php/Mode/product/AsinSearch/1841762334/name |
70. Suchmaschine Acoon - Webkatalog The Realm of The mongols Large amount of information on Mongol society, historyand culture. The Year 1000 Discusses medieval attitudes to the end of the http://www.acoon.de/cgi-bin/showcat.exe?cat=Top/Society/History/By_Time_Period/M |
71. The Secret History Of The Mongols Homepage The Secret history of the mongols is the first literary monument concerning themongols. only immediate source of information about medieval mongolian life http://altaica.narod.ru/shengl.htm | |
72. More Links To World History httpafe.easia.columbia.edumongols Philosophical Development and Gender EquationsSOUTH ASIAN history India, Ancient, medieval, Colonization, Philosophy http://www.hyperhistory.net/apwh/links/bookmark.htm | |
73. History Department University Of Kansas Undergrad Courses Britain and Ireland to 1200 CE 540 medieval France 542 340 The history of the SecondWorld War 350 The 589 Modern Japan 592 Huns, Turks, and mongols The Nomad http://www.history.ku.edu/Undergrad Folder/Undergrad Course Listings.htm | |
74. SearchUK - Finds It Fast! Knights and Armor Dedicated to the history of the Early medieval Resources forBritain, Ireland, and Brittany The Realm of The mongols - Large amount of http://www.searchuk.com/Top/Society/History/By_Time_Period/Middle_Ages/ | |
75. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Medieval Russia (History) Kievan Rus Mongol Invasion; Russian history, 9th 12th mongols Emergence of Moscow;Russia the Mongol Ruskaia Pravda- medieval Law, 11th century AD; The Lay http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Reg | |
76. History Links Early Japanese history and Feudalism The Rise and Fall of the mongols Global Tradeand Interactions See medieval Europe Crusades for information on Guilds. http://www.socialstudies.ws/watcanz/history_links.html | |
77. Links To Other Web Sites of movies dealing with medieval history, ranging from Crusades, Arthurian England,medieval women, transgendered Renaissance, the mongols, medieval fantasy and http://www.dohistory.org/on_your_own/links.html | |
78. Department Of History history of Early medieval Ages Relations of the Roman and Byzantine Empire withGermans, mongols and Slaves up till the VII century Tel 071/ 3752 519 email http://www.hist.uni.wroc.pl/en/staff/ | |
79. Mongols Encounter the mongols at the sites in these directories. General Mongol historyOverviews and examinations of general Mongol history in the Middle Ages. http://historymedren.about.com/cs/mongols/ | |
80. Medieval Sourcebook: The Tatars: A 13th Century Description Source Book. The Sourcebook is a collection of public domain and copypermittedtexts related to medieval and Byzantine history. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/tartars.html | |
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