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41. CNN.com - Sci-Tech - Hong Kong Nanotechnology Researchers Think Small - February and Technology, drawing on faculty from electrical engineering and chemistry departmentsin addition to the physics team. nanotechnology experts from top US http://www.cnn.com/2001/TECH/industry/02/07/hong.kong.nano.idg/ | |
42. Nanotechnology Inventory Physics Chemistry Medicine physics (no. of projects 9) Technology. Chemistry Medicine physics (no. of projects 9) Technology. http://www.smss.uu.se/Nano/inventory/inventory_physics.htm | |
43. EducationGuardian.co.uk | Higher | Thinktank Predicts Nanotechnology Backlash In a paper published in the Institute of physics journal nanotechnology, Canadianresearchers, from the University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics (JCB http://education.guardian.co.uk/higher/sciences/story/0,12243,894756,00.html | |
44. Nanotechnology MSc nanotechnology is one of the fastest growing new areas in science and engineering.The subject arises from the convergence of electronics, physics, chemistry http://www.ee.leeds.ac.uk/nanomsc/ | |
45. Fish & Richardson P.C. - Technology Areas expertise in a variety of technical areas that are important to nanotechnology research,including nanoparticles, solid state physics, MEMS technology, atomic http://www.fr.com/technology/nanotech.cfm?child=nanotech |
46. Institute Of Physics - Media Relations In a paper published today in the Institute of physics journal nanotechnology, Canadianresearchers from the University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics http://physics.iop.org/IOP/Press/PR0803.html | |
47. Impact Factor Of Journals In The Area Of Nanotechnology 1.134 Macromolecules 3.534 Macromolecular Chemistry and physics 1.539 Molecular physics1.774 Nanostructural Materials 1.069 nanotechnology 1.663 Nature 29.491 http://einstein.sc.mahidol.ac.th/nanotech/doc/impact.html | |
48. Nanotechnology R & D Publications and Purified HiPCo Singlewalled Carbon Nanotubes , Chemical physics Letters, Vol. Single-WalledCarbon Nanotubes , International Journal of nanotechnology, Vol http://www.ipt.arc.nasa.gov/nano_rd_publications.html | |
49. Computational Nanotechnology Publications to a Nano Device Design , Accepted nanotechnology (2001). 43. L. Yang and J. Han, Electronic Structure of Deformed Carbon Nanotubes , physics Review Letters http://www.ipt.arc.nasa.gov/computationalpub.html | |
50. Weekly Websights Keywords nanotechnology, physics, nanotubes, STM. Nanoscale physics atPurdue University. http//www.physics.purdue.edu/nanophys/index.html. http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/WEBONLY/websights/web07-03-00.html | |
51. Nanoscale Physics, Purdue University The nanoscale physics group uses various experimental techniques to examine thephysical properties of objects in the Purdue nanotechnology Initiative. http://www.physics.purdue.edu/nanophys/ | |
52. Nanotechnology nanotechnology and physics of nanostructures. General. The activityof the group is in the basic and applied research in the rapidly http://www.phys.jyu.fi/research/nanotech/ | |
53. University Of Alberta Condensed Matter Physics Home Page Material Patterning with Anodic Aluminum Oxide TemplatesMatthew Johnson March19, 2003 Physical Principles of nanotechnology New Graduate physics Course; http://laser.phys.ualberta.ca/ | |
54. Center For Nanotechnology Email. George F. Bertsch physics Home Page E-mail, Karl BöhringerElectrical Engineering Home Page Research Page E-mail. Jeffrey http://www.nano.washington.edu/people/faculty.asp | |
55. Nanotechnology Links This Web site contains a list of accredited medical physics programs. nanotechnologyarchives Rutgers, nanotechnology Archives (at Rutgers) (at Rutgers). http://www.nano.washington.edu/home/links.asp | |
56. AIM - Resources On The Internet - Physics & Materials Science - Materials Scienc See also General Chemistry. Top of PageTop of Page. nanotechnology.The Foresight Institute Links to nanotechnology publications. http://www.library.anl.gov/library/internet/matsci.html | |
57. Nanotechnology - UNIMAT - University Of Nottingham UoN's nanotechnology research reflects this multidisciplinarity and involves bothintra and inter-University collaborations with research groups in physics, http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/unimat/expertise/nanotech/index.phtml | |
58. NRC - Nanotechnology - Work In Canadian Universities Home nanotechnology Related Events Canadian Industry Government Research RelatedLinks, nanotechnology Work in Canadian Universities. physics Cheeke, David. http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/nanotech/work_e.html | |
59. Nanotechnology Symposium molecular structures at Stanford University School of Engineering's NanotechnologySymposium extending the frontiers of human knowledge in the physics of small http://soe.stanford.edu/alumni/nanotechnology_symposium/ | |
60. HANA - Hawaii Advanced Nanotechnology Alliance Hawaii Advanced nanotechnology Alliance physics Prof. Klaus SattlerDepartment of physics and Astronomy Watanabe Hall / 2505 Correa http://www-ee.eng.hawaii.edu/~chiao/hana/physics.htm | |
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