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Native American Directories & Pub: more detail | |||||
61. New Reference Books local. E98.W8 B38 2001 native american women a biographical dictionary directories. guidefor undergraduate students English and american literature / Nancy http://www.library.wwu.edu/ref/newbooks/archives/refapr02.htm | |
62. UM-Flint Catalog -- Mexican American And Latino Studies of native american, Hispanic, and African american cultures through of historicaland other novels influenced by native traditions listed as EDU 438 and pub 438 http://www.flint.umich.edu/departments/catalog/cas/mas.html | |
63. American Literature Workshop Related Resources www.geocities.com/~spanoudi/pub.html 67 journals, writers, newsgroups and other similardirectories. native american literature, incomplete indexes by tribe or http://www.salzburgseminar.org/ASC/csacl/progs/lit98/webresources.htm | |
64. Anthro-l: August-1994: MISC> The Fourth World Documentation Project (fwd) Site ftp//ftp.netcom.com/pub/ariel/www Other native gopher sites 5. native AmericanGopher Sites World Documentation Project file directories and information. http://www.anatomy.usyd.edu.au/danny/anthropology/anthro-l/archive/august-1994/0 | |
65. Research Guides: Genealogy native american Genealogical Sourcebook. Directory of Scots Banished to the americanPlantations, 16501775 Roots above, or use one of the directories or search http://sshl.ucsd.edu/guides/Genealogy.html | |
66. MULTICULTURALISM Also biographical sketches of american Indians and statistical data on native peopleof and Maps Catalog Applications directories Bookstore Libraries http://www.hofstra.edu/Libraries/Axinn/axinn_bibliogr_mulcul.cfm | |
67. Religion Resources Facts (Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Handbooks, directories, etc.). The Encyclopediaof native american Religions an and obscure North american religious groups http://www.swem.wm.edu/Resources/Subject/religionp.htm | |
68. UW Library - Library Guide - Anthropology Guides and directories. of the american Indian Ref E76.2.R4 1993 Porter Statisticalrecord of native North americans Handbook of South american Indians, 19461959 http://www.lib.uwaterloo.ca/libguides/9-1.html | |
69. Www.murdoch.edu.au/elaw/issues/v2n1/netw1.txt uwm.edu Path=UWM Information/native american Net Server L; USENETs soc.culture.native;Subscription details be available in a standard directories such as http://www.murdoch.edu.au/elaw/issues/v2n1/netw1.txt | |
70. Bibliography Of American Indian Studies Materials: Part 1 The University Libraries has a variety of directories available by Denver, CO ArrowstarPub., c1985 Wilson quarto E76.2 .N37x; native american Directory Alaska http://subject.lib.umn.edu/socsci/amindbib1.html | |
71. Sources Of Information - Religious Studies Encyclopedia of native american Religions. Almanacs, directories, Atlases. Directoryof African american Religious Bodies A Compendium by the Howard University http://gaelnet.stmarys-ca.edu/study/religion/relstudsoi.html | |
72. Criminal Justice and journals of the ethnic, minority, and native american press Handbooks, Fact Booksand directories. College Park american Correctional Association, 2000/2001 http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/crjs/resguide/crim.htm | |
73. Reference Materials E98.R3 H73 1991 Encyclopedia of native american shamanism sacred ceremonies ofNorth directories and Yearbooks. Philadelphia american Jewish Committee . http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/cm/religion/reference.htm | |
74. Multicultural Studies - ELi Research Guides - UWF Libraries directories. american Indian and Alaskan native Areas Population Census 1990 http//govinfo.library.orst.edu/cgibin/aian-stateamerican Indians and http://www.lib.uwf.edu/eli/Social/Multicultural.shtml | |
75. DIRECTORIES of addresses and information about organizations dealing with native american affairs. U3W461983 Whos who in american music classical. INTERNET directories. http://www.lib.jjay.cuny.edu/research/dir2.html | |
76. CSU Libraries: Art Resources: Print N40.S78 REF; St. James Guide to native North american Artists.Editor, Roger Matuz. 3volumes. F1218.6 .O95 2001 REF. directories american Art Directory. http://lib.colostate.edu/research/hum/artprint.html | |
77. Surfing The Net For The Law - URLs Company listings, directories, statistical data, international trade southern culture,Afro american, Asian, Celtic French, Latino, Jewish and native american. http://www.nellco.org/GENERAL/SURFING.HTM | |
78. Institut D'études Canadiennes - Institute Of Canadian Studies on the 1969 White Paper http//www.aincinac.gc.ca/pr/pub/fnc/index_e.html. WWW VirtualLibrary - american Indians Index of native american Book Resources http://www.uottawa.ca/academic/arts/cdn/firstnationsresources.htm | |
79. Museum3 Anthropological archives; directories; Anthropological museums and co Publisher GarlandPub Binding Hardcover History; History; native american; North american http://www4.wave.co.nz/~jollyroger/museum3/museum3.html | |
80. Diversity And Health Care keywords for Medline searches, directories, statistical sources american Indian andAlaska native, African american growing segment of the american population. http://www.library.miami.edu/staff/lmc/ethnopsy.html | |
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