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Natural & Human-made Disasters Index: more detail |
1. Geohazards/index The aims of the Geohazards and Remote Sensing program of the IHC are 1) To developresearch projects on natural and humanmade disasters through collaboration http://www.fiu.edu/~longoria/geohazards/ | |
2. Preventing Technological Disasters natural and humanmade disasters. natural disasters. human-made disasters. Comparison of natural and human-made Name index. Subject index. List of Tables. http://www.scitechpub.com/evan.htm | |
3. Red Cross Red Crescent - Disaster Types: Population Movement or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflict, situations of generalized violence,violations of human rights or natural or humanmade disasters, and who http://www.ifrc.org/what/disasters/types/popmov/index.asp | |
4. DISASTERS PROJECT Understanding Earthquakes. natural humanmade disasters, Earthquakes Australian Severe Weather - main index (photo site - remember to read copyright) http://burnsidess.qld.edu.au/disasters_project.htm | |
5. OPLIN: Society & Culture > Issues Of The Day index.cfm?ID=560123-283 Information about preparing for and coping with the consequencesof natural and human-made disasters. Hate Crimes ./index.cfm?ID=560 http://www.oplin.lib.oh.us/index.cfm?id=560-123 |
6. OPLIN: Current Events > Issues Of The Day index.cfm?ID=6123-283 Information about preparing for and coping with the consequencesof natural and human-made disasters. Hate Crimes ./index.cfm?ID=6-123 http://www.oplin.lib.oh.us/index.cfm?id=6-123 |
7. ICTD News For 20 November 2002 PrevDate NextThread PrevThread NextDate indexThread index that work tomitigate, prepare for, and respond to natural and humanmade disasters. http://www.sdnp.undp.org/observatory/lstarch/msg00954.html | |
8. UMCOR Hotline, 01/03/03, Print-Friendly who suffer from hunger, poverty, natural and humanmade disasters. Telephone 1-800-841-1235Web http//gbgm-umc.org/UMCOR-Hotline/ UMCOR Hotline index Page. http://gbgm-umc.org/umcor-hotline/20030103.stm | |
9. Heritage At Risk 2001-2002: Libraries At Risk Among humanmade catastrophes, armed conflicts are differentiated armed conflict butalso against natural disasters. AppendicesReport 2001 indexReport 2000 http://www.international.icomos.org/risk/2001/ifla2001.htm | |
10. Northeast CAPT: FAQ Alphabetical Index preparedness plans. Are there resources available that will enableus to be better prepared for natural and humanmade disasters? http://www.northeastcapt.org/PRODUCTS/faq/faq_alphabetical.html | |
11. Urban Search And Rescue: FAQ: Index Page What sorts of disasters are most likely for New The most underrated natural threatfor northern regions to technological and other humanmade hazards - such as http://www.usar.govt.nz/usarwebsite.nsf/wpg_URL/FAQ-Index?OpenDocument |
12. Southern Union Focus Topic 2 Hope in Crisis In time of natural or humanmade disasters, the Church http//www.adventist.org/news/data/2001/08/1001619698/index.html.enhttp http://www.southernunion.com/newsbrief.html | |
13. Sustainability News Index Global financial losses from natural disasters were, in 1999 The level of weatherrelateddisasters has climbed to climate change due to human-made emissions. http://www.sustreport.org/news/geo3.html | |
14. Untitled Document s website at http//dnr.state.il.us/grants/index.htm through preparation of an emergencyresponse plan to both natural and humanmade disasters, says Kent http://dnr.state.il.us/pubaffairs/2002/Dec/2002-dec17.htm | |
15. Natural Disasters Set To Cost Over $ 70 Billion the team, said There have been over 500 major natural disasters already this ExecutiveDirector, said Climate change, linked with humanmade emissions, is http://www.grida.no/news/index.cfm?requestedMonth=10&requestedYear=2002 |
16. Programme Index - Communication And Media Programmes The focus is not on providing relief for natural disasters, but onhelping in the resolution of humanmade conflicts. Programmes http://www.wacc.org.uk/our_work/regions/index_programmes.html | |
18. State Differences In Reported Healthy Days Among Adults -- United States, 1993-1 the construct validity of the index in this population composition, socioeconomicfactors, climate, natural and humanmade disasters, environmental quality http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00051786.htm | |
19. Health And Environment | Canadian Success Stories | Canada At The World Summit O air quality;; health implications of natural and humanmade disasters;; sound management TheChildren's UV index and Sun Awareness Program is an elementary http://www.canada2002earthsummit.gc.ca/sd_action/stories/health_env_e.cfm | |
20. NIMH - Helping Children And Adolescents Cope With Violence And Disasters site http//www.mentalhealth.org/cmhs/emergencyservices/index.htm. Psychologicalresponses of children to natural and humanmade disasters I. Children's http://www.nimh.nih.gov/publicat/violence.cfm | |
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