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21. CESNUR - Center For Studies On New Religions - CESNUR, Centro Studi Sulle Nuove Established in 1988 and recognized in Italy as a public cultural institution in 1996, CESNUR is an Category Society religion and Spirituality new Religious Movements...... Una riflessione cristiana sul 'new age' Documento a cura document vatican sur leNouvel age (3 Fév. vampires, Vampires, religion and Culture A selection of http://www.cesnur.org/ | |
22. Religion News Service The RNS calls themselves an authoritative source of news about religion, ethics, spirituality and moral issues. They have been reporting for over 60 years, and cover all religions from Christianity to Islam to new age. http://www.religionnews.com/ | |
23. Apologetics Research Resources On Religious Cults And Sects - New Age, Watchman Part One The new age Connection An article from the Christian Research Journal TheNear purpose of these web pages is not to promote one religion even though I http://www.gospelcom.net/apologeticsindex/n00.html | |
24. Coming New World Religion The Baha'i Faith viewed as new age Communism and a false doctrine. Christian perspective. http://www.letusreason.org/Bahai8.htm | |
25. Alternative Religions Link suggestions. (from About.com Guide) http://newage.about.com/religion/newage/cs/runestones/index.htm | |
26. SPIRITUAL PERSISTENCE Spiritual, Afterlife, Death, New Age, Religion, Medium, So The basic message of SP is connection. Site contains thoughts by the owners, chatboardlogs and links.Category Society religion and Spirituality new age Personal Pages...... feelings, meaning, purpose, sense, psychic, vision, religion, religious, otherworldly remember,afterlife, time, family, friends, entity, new age, heaven, god http://www.spiritualpersistence.com/ | |
27. Previous Features Which will it be? Planetary Pole Shift, Asteroid Impact, UFO Visitation, Mass Ascension, Spiritual Initiation, Worldwide Unity, Massive Panic or Life As Usual? Vote your viewpoint concerning the day when so many planets converge in Taurus! http://newage.about.com/religion/newage/library/blpoll005.htm | |
28. The Watchman Expositor: Index Of Cults And Religions new age ideas have historical roots in Christian Science and related Mind Sciencegroups. Profile available. Christianity, Jesus Christ Major world religion http://www.watchman.org/cat95.htm | |
29. Alternative Religions Comprehensive guide from about.com. http://newage.about.com/religion/newage/msubmenu154.htm | |
30. Religious Movements Homepage: Native American Religion A gateway to accessing comprehensive webbased, as well as print, resources about the religions of Category Society religion and Spirituality Native American...... Nature religion in America From the Algonquin Indians to the new age.Chicago University of Chicago Press. Anderson, Edward F., 1980. http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/naspirit.html | |
31. God, Astrology, And The Hollow Earth A synthesis of new age or occult topics and subjects, mainly astrology, religion or spirituality, and hollow earth. http://www.librarising.com | |
32. ANSWERS About RELIGIONS - ChristianAnswers.Net With so many cults and denominations, how can I decide which are true and whichare false? People are confused today with which religion is true. new age. http://www.christiananswers.net/menu-ar1.html | |
33. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | Beware New Age, Vatican Tells Flock Catholics would be better off believing in encounters with aliens than beingsucked into the new age movement, he said. Special report religion in the UK http://www.guardian.co.uk/religion/Story/0,2763,885850,00.html | |
34. Plastic Shaman - New Age Frauds Bulletin from an American Indian activist site detailing the warning signs of a fake/exploitative Native American 'religion'. http://www.geocities.com/ourredearth/plastic.html | |
35. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | Special Report: Religion In The UK Articles from the Guardian newspaper on the state of religion in Britain. Regularly updated.Category Regional Europe Society and Culture religion...... led astray by the growing popularity of new age spiritualism. in England and Wales,yesterday defended himself against new allegations of religion and the arts. http://www.guardian.co.uk/religion/0,2759,179375,00.html | |
36. Christian Apologetics And Research Ministry Large Christian apologetics site dealing with Christian Doctrine, Evolution, Atheism, Cults, tough Category Society religion and Spirituality Christianity Apologetics...... on doctrine, various religious groups (Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.), cults,Evolution, new age, and related subjects. Is it a religion of peace or war http://www.carm.org/ | |
37. World Religions And 101 Cults religions Animism new age Rosicrucianism The Antichrist The End of the World,Second Coming, Armageddon, Rapture, Millennium One World religion Ecumenism http://religion-cults.com/ | |
38. Goodness And Kindness Chabad Chasidism a new age of Jewish Mysticism. Explore Ancient Judaism - Secret Torah Wisdom - about Faith, Soul, religion, Meditation, Prayer, Compassion, Charity and Kindness http://www.kabbalahandbeyond.com | |
39. New Age: and when that happens, it will be the new age , a glorious time with only one nationon earth, one language, one government, one religion, one monetary system http://religion-cults.com/Secret/New-Age/New_Age.htm | |
40. Cults And Religion - Nurelweb: Sources For The Study Of Cults, Sects, New And Hi NURELWEB PRESENTING AN ACADEMIC APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF religion. texts, with theexceptions of Atoms and Ancestors and Glastonbury and the new age can be http://www.ucalgary.ca/~nurelweb/index-b.html | |
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