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New Jersey School Media Centers: more detail | ||||
21. The FRHSD Media Centers Webpage Has Moved! 7, 2002, by Susan L. Oates, Educational media Specialist, Manalapan High schoolFreehold Regional High school District Englishtown, new jersey USA. http://homepage.mac.com/soates/MC/frhsdmc.html | |
22. Table 417.--Selected Statistics On Public School Library/media Centers, By State , Selected statistics on public school library/media centers, by state 2.83 (0.86) 1.41 (0.24) new jersey ..39.1 (6.8 http://nces.ed.gov/pubs99/digest98/d98t417.asp | |
23. The Condition Of Education 1997/Supplemental Table 6-4 Percentage of public school library media centers that offered services and equipment,by state school year 1993 21.4 39.8 8.2 51.2 17.4 new jersey 39.1 28.5 http://nces.ed.gov/pubs/ce/c9706d04.html | |
24. Education Week - Registration - Access Restricted new jersey. INSTRUCTIONAL COMPUTERS. (2001), Classrooms, 10.7. Computer labs, 14.9.Libraries/media centers, 73.5. Statewide. ? National school Lunch Program, Eligible,? http://www.edweek.org/sreports/tc02/state_data.cfm?slug=35nj_data.h21 |
25. New Jersey LSTA Five Year Plan, Part 2 as listed in the publication new jersey Public Library other types of librariescollege libraries, school library media centers and institutional http://sussex.njstatelib.org/njlib/lsta/fivept2.htm | |
26. New Jersey LSTA Five Year Plan, Part 3 as listed in the publication new jersey Public Library All libraries (academic,institutional, public, school library media centers and special http://sussex.njstatelib.org/njlib/lsta/fivept3.htm | |
27. LI 855 - Issues In School Library Media Centers Syllabus Model Information Literacy Guidelines. (1994, Sept.) Colorado Educational MediaAssociation. new jersey government labels school librarians non http://academic.emporia.edu/hickeyci/li861/861bib.html | |
28. TCR Educational Craft Centers: Mid-Atlantic new jersey. The school holds regular day and evening classes 52 weeks out of theyear A full course schedule for 1998 in all media is offered throughout the http://www.craftsreport.com/resources/educational/midatlantic.html | |
29. Linda Lubben, K-4 Principal, Chief School Administrator. K8 school offering a mission statement, staff directories, calendars, and community links.Category Regional North America H Holland Township Education...... GREAT LINKS. media centers. Board of Education/Chief school Administrator. Clickfor Milford, new jersey Forecast. These pages last updated March 7, 2003. http://hts.k12.nj.us/ | |
30. EDUCAUSE '99 / "Celebrating New Beginnings" new jersey City University. new jersey Institute of Technology. new media centers.new Mexico State University. new school University. new York University. NextEd. http://www.educause.edu/asp/conf/orglist.asp?LETTER=N&MEETING=e99 |
31. College Of Education And Human Services - Seton Hall University that are certified by the state of new jersey. technology orientation sought by manyschool districts today administer K12 educational media centers and school http://education.shu.edu/academicprograms/edstudies/profdev/ed_media.html |
32. Education, Professional Experience, & Teaching Experience Databases in the Social Sciences and Humanities; school media centers; Researchor 19891996, Adjunct Professor, The William Paterson University of new jersey. http://pages.prodigy.net/mradford/av-education.html | |
33. Standards For School Library Media Centers In The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts L. Spirt. Administering the school Library media Center. 3rd ed. newProvidence, new jersey RR Bowker, 1992. Latest edition http://www.doe.mass.edu/mailings/1997/lmstandards3.html | |
34. Educational Technology Training Centers five National schools of Excellence and Best High school in new jersey. 1,000 networkedmultimedia Internetlinked stations in 11 media centers (each with 30 http://www.tcnj.org/support/ettc/middlesex.htm |
35. AT&T Learning Network of Web pages maintained by K12 school libraries and media centers worldwide. RESOURCESFOR new jersey LIBRARIANS new jersey Library Association (NJLA http://www.att.com/learningnetwork/communities/librarians.html | |
36. America Connects Consortium: nonlinear editing, web site development, and streaming media. centers, inschooland after-school arts programs in new York City, new jersey, Chicago and http://www2.ctcnet.org/lists/panel1/0003.htm | |
37. More Resources: Bibliography A Curriculum Guide for school Library media centers. of Research Assignments. schoolLibrary Journal Berkeley Heights, new jersey Library Learning Resources http://www.pathwaysmodel.com/resources/more/bibliography/ | |
38. Contest Finalists toone student-to-computer ratio in classrooms, labs, and media centers. North HunterdonVoorhees High school District, Annandale, new jersey This high http://www.national.com/appinfo/thinclient/contest_finalists.html | |
39. School Library Journal | Reed Business Information for the thirdgrade teacher from new jersey who gets school boards and administratorsare beginning to the merits of staffed library media centers when they http://slj.reviewsnews.com/esec/Article_152998.htm | |
40. Highlights - September 2000 media Association of new jersey, active in NJLA, and a strong, articulate advocatefor cooperation between public libraries and school media centers. http://www.hrlc.org/highlite/0009.htm | |
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