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81. Depository Libraries For Selected States Or Area Codes Federal Depository libraries in Selected States. new mexico. 0386AUniversity of new mexico School of Law Library 1117 Stanford Drive http://www.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/modalldep.cgi?cmd NM |
82. USA Libraries From New Mexico, New York And North Carolina. Use This Forms To Fi Search books in USA libraries from new mexico, new York and North Carolina, bytitle or by author. USA libraries (new mexico, new York, North Carolina). http://www.booksfactory.com/n2.htm | |
83. Museum Association Of Taos - Southwest Research Center - Taos, New Mexico new mexico State University Library Online Archive on new mexico Taos Public LibraryUniversity of Colorado libraries University of new mexico University of http://www.taosmuseums.org/swrc.php | |
84. Libraries-Museums-Parks , Las Cruces , New Mexico, USA librariesMuseums-Parks , Greater Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce BusinessDirectory and Buyers Guide - Las Cruces, new mexico, USA. http://www.lascruces.org/data/Libraries-Museums-Parks.htm | |
85. KinderStart - Arts And Entertainment : Libraries : State Listings : New Mexico Farmington Public libraries The Farmington Public libraries provide materials andservice to reference desk on a variety of topics including new mexico and the http://www.kinderstart.com/artsandentertainment/libraries/statelistings/newmexic | |
86. New Mexico: SEGP Connectivity Survey Results - Internet2 K20 Initiative St.George Manager of Adanced Communication Technology University of new mexico stgeorge@unm listall museums, science centers, zoos, major libraries (other than http://k20.internet2.edu/segp/survey/nm.html | |
87. LIBRARIES IN NEW MEXICO This page is under development. NOTE While every effort is made toensure the accuracy of these pages, errors may occur on occasion. http://www.sosu.edu/lib/newmex.htm | |
88. Modem Friendly Libraries In New Mexico ModemFriendly libraries in new mexico compiled by Joe Lacey 9164The following information has been extracted from the Escapees http://www.joelacey.org/nm.html | |
89. YASIG Links To Libraries With Teen Websites - New Mexico new mexico. We have not identified any public libraries with teen webpages in this state. If you have information regarding one, please http://www.geocities.com/mlayasig/LinksNM.html | |
90. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Reference - Libraries & Archives - Pu 5. Museum of new mexico libraries http//www.museumofnewmexico.org/libraries.htmlAccess schedules for four separate facilities with collections on http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=270795 |
91. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Reference - Libraries & Archives - Un 10. University of new mexico libraries http//www.unm.edu/libraries.html Visitthe Center for Southwest Research, or link to government and Native American http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=174343 |
92. St. John's College - Santa Fe, Meem Library, Services John's community to borrow books free of charge from institutions that belong tothe new mexico Consortium of Academic libraries (eg University of new mexico http://www.sjcsf.edu/library/services.htm | |
93. New Mexico Open Source User Group - Albuquerque - Free Media Libraries new mexico Open Source User Group www.nmosug.org.Open Source Free Media libraries Links. http://www.nmosug.org/Content/links/media_library.htm | |
94. American Libraries News For June 29, 1998 plaintiffs, among them ALA's Freedom to Read Foundation, the new mexico Library Association ahalf wonderful years here, Harris told American libraries, I've http://www.ala.org/alonline/news/1998/980629.html |
95. Desert Links: New Mexico: Education And Reference: Libraries Desert Links Filter All . Arizona . new mexico. http://links.desert.net/links/New_Mexico/Education_And_Reference/Libraries.html | |
96. The New Mexico Fiction List (part 3) new mexico fiction, santa fe public library, new mexico 63 p. UNM. HF/new mexicoHistory. Kelly, Carla. Albuquerque University of new mexico Press, 1975, c1937. (A Zia Albuquerque University of new mexico Press, 1988. (1st ed) 212 p. http://www.ci.santa-fe.nm.us/sfpl/nmfict3.html |
97. Latin American And Iberian Collections And Resources At UNM DILARES Division of Iberian and Latin American Resources and Servicesof the University of new mexico General Library. 3/2003. Open http://elibrary.unm.edu/ibero/ | |
98. Repositories Of Primary Sources: Latin America And The Caribbean Directory of libraries and archives in Latin American countries providing primary source materials on the Latin America region. http://www.uidaho.edu/special-collections/mexico.html | |
99. New Mexico Office Of Cultural Affairs Serves to preserve and develop the state's arts, history and science resources. Link to pages on state monuments and library. http://www.nmoca.com/ | |
100. New Mexico Southwest Links via telnet; SIPI (Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute). OtherLibraries in new mexico; Taos Public Library catalog; RALLYunion http://sfweb.ci.santa-fe.nm.us/sfpl/nmlink2.html |
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