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41. Office Of Pupil Transportation - The New York City Department Of Education general education PUPIL TRANSPORTATION POLICIES, PROCEDURES AND ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS. containedherein provide students who are new york City residents with http://www.opt-osfns.org/opt/eligibility/ge_yellowbus.asp | |
42. Local Ireland: Local New York: /Education And Learning Local Ireland Logo. new york. Search Local Ireland About Ireland. Educationand Learning in other counties, Belfast. http://new-york.local.ie/education_and_learning/general/ | |
43. The New York Times NYC Emergency Information general new york City emergency information and referrals Aspecial fund of the new york City Board of education helps address http://www.nytimes.com/national/resources/ | |
44. Investigative Reports From The Office Of Inspector General Washington, DC, November 8, 2002; Prison term for Defrauding Department of education.new york, NY, October 2, 2002; California Department of education agrees to http://www.ed.gov/offices/OIG/ireports.htm | |
45. New York Statewide Resource Center For Geriatric Education Geriatrics (general). new york Springer. please contact Carolyn I. Wright, Ph.D.Executive Director NYS Resource Center for Geriatric education SUNY Upstate http://www.universityhospital.org/geriatric_education/bibgeriatrics.html | |
46. University At Buffalo: Center For Teaching And Learning Resources - ASSESSMENT III. Campus Based Assessment of general education The State Universityof new york, Office of Academic Affairs, general education Initiative. http://wings.buffalo.edu/vpaa/ctlr/files/assessment.htm | |
47. UNESCO - MEDIA SERVICES be launched at United Nations Headquarters in new york tomorrow (February PresidentPutin and Directorgeneral Matsuura discuss education, science and http://www.unesco.org/bpi/eng/pis/ |
48. IMentor Home Sitemap Join Our Mailing List and is itself another good general resource Leadership, education, and Athletics inPartnership (LEAP) implements year Model Programs in new york City There are http://www.imentor.org/resources/general.jsp |
49. New York Academy Of Sciences Programs as well as others from business, government, education, and the general publicto NewYork Meetings Lectures, panels, debates, workshops, symposia, and http://www.nyas.org/scitech/ | |
50. New York City Reference education resources; school, colleges and universities. electronics; new york state.guides; health and medicine; history; bus; car service/limo; general; street; subway; http://www.panix.com/clay/nyc/ | |
51. Developing Educational Standards - New York new york Empire State Partnerships Project The Empire State meet the demands of thestate's new learning standards with the arts as well as education in general http://edstandards.org/StSt/NewYork.html | |
52. Sitemap - Federal Reserve Bank Of New York Untapped Urban Market Conference Upstate new york Publications Visiting Circulars(offsite) Payments Systems general Information Payments Economic education. http://www.ny.frb.org/sitemap.html | |
53. New York Lottery new york Lottery's Educator of the Week promotion recognizes How can my school getan education Wins! package do profits go to the state general fund instead http://www.nylottery.org/ny/nyStore/cgi-bin/ProdSubEV_Cat_305_NavRoot_305.htm | |
54. Welcome To New York Law School - Home Page newsletter-style site featuring information about projects at the Law School, new additions, links Category Society Law Law Schools United States new york...... general Law School Information 212431-2100 Office of Coalition for Consumer BankruptcyDebtor education, founded and headed by new york Law School http://www.nyls.edu/ | |
55. New York State Department Of Environmental Conservation Subject Index herbicide Heritage Program, new york Natural Heritage Environmental Justice hotlines,general household hazardous safety hunter education hunting licenses http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/site/subject.html | |
56. THE GRADUATE CENTER, CUNY The Ph.D.-granting institution of The City University of new york. Offering graduate and doctorate Category Reference education United States new york CUNY...... Continuing education. to Admissions The Graduate Center, The City University ofnew york, 365 Fifth Avenue, new york, NY 100164309 general Telephone 1 http://www.gc.cuny.edu/ | |
57. Courant Institute Of Mathematical Sciences Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.Category Science Math North America United States...... new york University is among the nation's largest private arts, public administration,medicine, dentistry, education, and social work. general Information. http://www.cims.nyu.edu/ | |
58. HireNursing | Nursing Jobs And Resume Tools, Nurse Education And Career Resource Offers company overview, job database search and resume posting for a variety of healthcare professions.Category Business Healthcare Employment...... resume,training,elearning,education,resume,cv research,sales,los angeles,new york,boston,cambridge cme,trauma,oncology,surgical,surgery,general,midwife,midwives http://www.hirenursing.com/ | |
59. New York City Ballet | Education Resources Mission. The mission of the new york City Ballet's education Department is that helpfoster an understanding and appreciation of ballet in general and the http://www.nycballet.com/programs/programs.html | |
60. General Links Home general Links, March Los Angeles Times; medianews.org; MSNBC; new york Times; Editors;Association of Alternative newsweeklies; Broadcast education Association; http://www.journalismjobs.com/Resources.cfm | |
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