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North Carolina Cities & Communities Geography: more detail | ||||||
41. German Page Library, Karlsruhe); Websites of German cities; German cities communities DasPortal in Berlin Wall Site at University of north carolina; Zehlendorf Aktuell. http://faculty.washington.edu/~krumme/germanpage.html | |
42. Urban Nexus placed on social entrepreneurship, learning communities, and non Towards a New Rolefor cities in a Regional Technology Strategies, Carrboro, north carolina, USA http://www.cprn.com/family/Urban/files/Urban-1_e.htm | |
43. North Carolina Progress Board - Resources Welcome to the Institute The north carolina Institute of term interest of our cities,existing suburbs, small towns, rural communities, or wilderness http://theprogressboard.org/recommends.htm | |
44. Sense Of Community Project Team measuring the health of cities and communities include delinquency, urban communities,and juvenile Clinical Psychology from north carolina Central University http://www.msu.edu/user/socomm/team.htm | |
45. Barton College Library History And Social Sciences Databases And Web Sites 158 north carolina towns and cities from the of thousands of primary sources fromboth communities. state government officials and citizens of north carolina. http://library2.barton.edu/librarydatabases/history2.asp | |
46. Urban And Community Design cities, Towns communities Net links to information about planned communities. onyour lot in Ohio, Washington, Virginia, north carolina, Florida and http://architecture.about.com/cs/urbandesign/ | |
47. Association Of American Geographers Divided communities and Contested Landscapes Migration, Development and of sevenEnglish cities, 19711996 Migration into Piedmont north carolina Presenter(s http://convention.allacademic.com/aag2003/topic2.html?topic_id=32 |
48. North Carolina for north carolina's Growing communities (1999) (policy Before Politics in north carolinaTransportation (1999 Growth Will Harm American cities (2001) Contains http://www.urbanfutures.org/state.cfm?state=North Carolina |
49. World Almanac For Kids has about 520 municipalities; most larger cities use the north carolina is the leadingtextileproducing state in in such Piedmont Plateau communities as High http://www.worldalmanacforkids.com/explore/states/northcarolina.html | |
50. Trinity Court And Pritchard Park, Chapel Hill, Orange County: Chapter Two: Geogr Thirteen public housing communities are scattered predominantly around downtown isone of the three cities forming north carolina's prominent Research http://www.hsl.unc.edu/phpapers/TC1999/TCCh2.htm | |
51. G-Gov NPR worked with north carolina, Federal Emergency Management federal government couldhelp communities and police Survey data could help cities prevent crime. http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/npr/initiati/linkinginfo.html | |
52. GIA Core Links Oxnard, CA PD; Greensboro north carolina Police; InfoTech Europe's Crime Mappingand Analysis web site. cities and communities SanGIS San Diego; SANDAG - San http://athens.pop.psu.edu/gia/links.cfm |
53. A Profile Of Hispanic Newcomers To North Carolina Although most Hispanics settling in north carolina are of most populous, and mostcosmopolitan cities in the Hispanic newcomers are from communities in Central http://www.iog.unc.edu/pubs/electronicversions/pg/hispan.htm | |
54. The Community Networking Handbook: Web Links Coalition for Healthier cities and communities. Capacity Building A Workbookin-Progressfor Rural communities. north carolina Community Information Gateway. http://www.libsci.sc.edu/stephen/CNHandbook/links.htm | |
55. New Urbanism Resource Index News to articles and resources related to sprawl, new urbanism and related topics.Category Society Issues Growth and Sprawl Resource Directories...... Blockade NR fighting to save communities from urban NR - urban sprawl issues forRaleigh, north carolina. A Poisonous Brew for American cities NR, Randal O http://bradley.bradley.edu/~ajh/nu.htm | |
56. CUMarketingDept.com: Bookstore: Psychographic & Affluent Marketing: The New Geog He names Austin, Texas, and Raleigh, north carolina, as prototypes. including Tribes,but The New geography is his The Death and Life of Great American cities. http://www.cumarketingdept.com/bookstore/index.cfm?fuseaction=showBook&BookID=10 |
57. HOOKERTON, NORTH CAROLINA A SMALL COMMUNITY RESCUED BY DUCKWEED innovation in wastewater treatment throughout north carolina (Town of support aperson in large cities such as as it does in Hookerton and like communities. http://www.ntrnet.net/~skilli/NC Geographer Article2.htm |
58. NorthCarolina.com - A Brief Tour Of Coastal Carolina is speckled with hundreds of farming communities who trace nightlife of all militarybase cities, plus the their first stop on their north carolina tours in http://www.northcarolina.com/stories/coastaltour.htm | |
59. Urban Research Monitor September/October 2001 Cultures, communities, Identities Cultural Strategies for Participation activityin four cities Neun, David Trends and Policies in north carolina Washington, DC http://www.huduser.org/periodicals/urm/urm_09_2001/urm2.html |
60. Statesville NC: 1997 All-America City Winners improve the image of the cities and make A healthy communities initiative activelyengages local citizens healthcare to all citizens of Western north carolina. http://www.statesvilleweb.com/allamerica/winners.html | |
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