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41. More Extension Services health Decisions Cornell Food and nutrition Cornell Cooperative health ProgramsCornell Cooperative Extension health, Environmental, and north carolina. http://www.nnh.org/Weblinks/extension2.htm | |
42. Nutrition Services Information north carolina School nutrition Action Committee (SNAC is to coordinate school nutritionactivities that special needs to coordinating health promotion programs http://www.nchealthyschools.org/nchealthyschools/htdocs/nutritionserv.htm | |
43. Table Of Contents: NC Six- County Cardiovascular Health Survey In 1998, north carolina was one of two develop a Comprehensive Cardiovascular health(CVH) Program physical activity and healthy nutrition through environmental http://www.startwithyourheart.com/resources/sixcountycvh/6cntytoc.htm | |
44. Union County North Carolina information to the Union County Register of Deeds and the State of north carolina; andchildren up to age 5 who have a nutrition related health problem. http://www.co.union.nc.us/gov_offices/health/health.htm | |
45. Directory Of Institutions-North Carolina north carolina Agricultural and Technical State University English, English Education,health Education, Human School Education, nutrition, Physical Education http://www.gradprofiles.com/doi-geo/nc.html | |
46. USAID Global Health: Partnerships Council; Population health and nutrition Information Project (PHNIP School of Publichealth; University of north carolina carolina Population Center; http://www.usaid.gov/pop_health/home/Partnerships/ | |
47. Welcome To BeefBoard.org health Professional Influencers, and Human nutrition Research. Council; James Sease South carolina Beef Board; Jack Shore - north carolina Beef Council; http://www.beefboard.org/dsp/dsp_locationContent.cfm?locationId=1154 |
48. Food Bank Of North Carolina north carolina Department of health and Social Services/Division of Public healthSpecial nutrition Services www The Division of Public health covers a http://www.foodbanknc.org/links.html | |
49. UMD PCH :: at the University of north carolina at Chapel developing and implementing publichealth programs, and was County Supplemental Food and nutrition Program for http://www.hhp.umd.edu/dpch/grad/bios_pix/wrobleski.htm | |
50. Dental Health Careers They also teach patients proper oral care regarding nutrition and fluorides, andthe Copyright © 2000 north carolina Department of health and Human http://www.communityhealth.dhhs.state.nc.us/dental/career.htm | |
51. EXTENSION HORSE HUSBANDRY PROGRAMS in 87 of 100 north carolina counties be popular methods of providing nutrition, breeding,business management, facility, waste management health care, selection http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/an_sci/ann_rep94/ramow17.html | |
52. ERS/USDA Briefing Room - Food And Nutrition Assistance Programs: Funding Opportu Anna Maria SiegaRiz University of north carolina at Chapel http://www.ers.usda.gov/Briefing/FoodNutritionAssistance/funding/awards1999.htm | |
53. Safety Links health Page USDA Food and nutrition Information Center Industry New Mexico Occupationalhealth and Safety York Department of Labor north carolina Deptment of http://www.pp.okstate.edu/ehs/links/links.htm | |
54. Graduate Programs-Health Sciences are considering whats preventing people in Western north carolina from eating Dr.Kathy Hosig (nutrition) Department of health Sciences 828227 http://www.wcu.edu/graduate/healthsciences.html | |
55. Colleges Offering Programs In Dietetics/Nutrition Barrett, MS, MPH, RD, LDN University of north carolina at Greensboro Taylor, PhD,RD, LDN, FADA Western carolina University nutrition and Dietetics http://www.ncbdn.org/colleges_and_universities.htm | |
56. Department Of Human Nutrition, Foods And Exercise D., 1998; Determinants of Bone health in Children Director/Instructor; Universityof north carolina at Chapel Hill, MPH., 1982; nutrition Counseling, Behavior http://www.chre.vt.edu/HNFE/faculty.html | |
57. Clinical Nutrition Research Center/about Us disease, cancer and other major societal health problems that are Provide informationto the north carolina community on nutrition research findings. http://www.cnrc.unc.edu/about.htm | |
58. Wake AHEC Types Of Continuing Education in the University of north carolina at Chapel Science, Cytotechnology, Dietetics/nutrition,health Information Management the range of CE programs provided to http://www.wakeahec.org/RHESNew/cetypes.htm | |
59. NC AHEC - Disciplines: Allied Health Cytotechnology, Dietetics/nutrition. The Council for Allied health in north CarolinaThe NC AHEC trends and recommend strategies to ensure north Carolinians have http://www.med.unc.edu/ahec/alliedhealth.htm | |
60. Schools Web Links north carolina healthy Schools http//www.nchealthyschools.org Information on andsocial, staff wellness, health services, nutrition services, physical http://www.eatsmartmovemorenc.com/weblinks/schools.htm | |
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