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61. Individually Tailored Health Promotions Can Help Working Women, Research Shows CHAPEL HILL Individually tailored health promotion programs can help jobs in easternNorth carolina who participated associate professor of nutrition at the http://www.unc.edu/news/newsserv/research/mar02/campbell032502.htm | |
62. State-based Physical Activity Program Directory: Search Results 2, State, north carolina State Profile. Program Name, Physical Activityand nutrition (PAN) Grant Program. Partners, State health Dept. http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/DNPAProg/SearchV.asp?State=NC&btnSearch=Display Invento |
63. Priester Conference 2002 - Proposal Submission Form north carolina State University. The Greenville Hospital System in South carolina. andDr. Mira Mehta, Director, Maryland EFNEP, Department of nutrition and Food http://www.nnh.org/newpriester/award02.htm | |
64. School Data north carolina HIV/STD/AIDS Statistics weaknesses of their physical activity and nutritionpolicies and an action plan for improving student health; and involve http://www.nchealthyschools.org/nchealthyschools/htdocs/schooldata.htm | |
65. NC DHHS: What We Do For Families north Carolinians to reduce nutritionrelated risks health care funding for northCarolina's most vulnerable Centers to offer comprehensive health and wellness http://www.dhhs.state.nc.us/docs/issues/health.htm | |
66. Culinary.net : Resources : Links & Contacts : Links Nutrition & Health of OSTRIM® America's 1 Sports nutrition Meat Stick; Mayo health Oasis healthand wellness north carolina Food Safety Information Retrieval System http://www.culinary.net/resources/links/links_nutritionhealth.html | |
67. Coordinated School Health Programs Coordinated School health programs. are comprehensive and have shown to have impacton drug, tobacco, nutrition and other health behaviors Growing healthy http://www.healthbehavior.com/SchoolHealthEd.shtml | |
68. Healthful Living Curriculum north carolina Performance on Year 2000 Child health Objectives. nutrition andYour health Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Fifth Edition. 2000. http://www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/health/bibliography.html | |
69. IQ Health Virginia Staff Profiles Morrow, 1992.) Has presented nutrition seminars to Mason University; Certificate inPublic health Leadership (1999), University of north carolina at Chapel http://www.iqhealthvirginia.com/profile.htm | |
70. Global Health & Fitness Exercise Fitness Health Programs Diet Plans Weight Loss Global health Fitness (GHF) members can now receive a FREE vacation of their OuterBanks, north carolina People come to the Outer Banks when they feel the http://www.global-fitness.com/vacation.html | |
71. The UNC HPDP WISEWOMAN Manual - Articles And Reports and facilitating activities to improve nutrition and increase 63% of the women inNorth carolina, and overweight for CVD ©1999 American health Foundation and http://www.hpdp.unc.edu/wisewoman/articles.htm | |
72. Elizabeth City State University profession schools in north carolina, and interaction Hospital Administration HealthEducation Medical Social Work Nursing nutrition Optometry Parasitology http://www.ecsu.edu/ECSU/StudLife/hcap/index.cfm | |
73. IHP Resource Links 3710908 email csparrow@cnbc.org Cassandra A. Sparrow, Director of health programs. GeneralBaptist State Convention of north carolina health Human http://www.ihpnet.org/health.html | |
74. North Carolina Primary Health Care Association: (Weblinks) of Community health Centers north carolina Pediatric Society NC health informationKids health nutrition Analysis A Rating Guide to nutrition Websites Federal http://www.ncphca.org/links/ncphca_links.htm | |
75. NCSU Grad. Nutrition Program north carolina State University Interdepartmental nutrition Graduate Program. NTR415 Comparative nutrition NTR 419 Human nutrition in health Disease NTR http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/food_science/acdprg/grad-ntr.html | |
76. Welcome To Wellness Services Creating Experiences For Life of the Wellness Services staff to present a health or nutrition topic to WellnessServices, University of north carolina at Wilmington Student Recreation http://www.uncwil.edu/stuaff/SDS/wellness.html | |
77. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 1988November 1988, Renal nutrition Consultant, Columbia Professor, Department ofHealth, Physical Education 1979, The University of north carolina at Chapel http://www.uncwil.edu/aa/department_of_health_and_education.htm | |
78. Comprehensive Center For Inflammatory Disorders by interventions aimed at nutrition, physical activity Funded by north CarolinaDepartment of health and EXPandING health SERVICES TO INCLUDE CVD PREVENTION http://www.dent.unc.edu/research/ccid/currentresearch/community.htm | |
79. Welcome To BeefBoard.org and its two subcommittees Food nutrition Issues and Beef Council; James Sease South carolina Beef Board; Jack Shore - north carolina Beef Council; http://www.beefboard.com/dsp/dsp_locationContent.cfm?locationId=1154 |
80. National Alliance For Nutrition And Activity nutrition Unit; Partnership for health (NC); WIC north CarolinaAssociation of Local nutrition Directors; north Dakota http://www.cspinet.org/nutritionpolicy/nana.html | |
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