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41. NHBS Science Bookstore: Regional Natural History: Americas Handbooks Alberta and the northwest territories view Andrew National Audubon SocietyRegional Nature Guide America's Outdoors Pacific northwest view Bob http://www.nhbs.co.uk/we-sell-books-worldwide/z65mq.html | |
42. Northwest Territories Home regional northwest territories. Includes resources and links to the threethemes of natural resources, history and culture, social equity and http://www.categories.ca/Regional/Northwest_Territories/ |
43. Culture Canada: Archives And Libraries - Northwest Territories history. National Archives of Canada regional Operations Source National Archives.northwest territories Archives Source Prince of Wales Northern Heritage http://culturecanada.gc.ca/chdt/interface/interface2.nsf/engdocBasic/21.7.5.html | |
44. History Of ITK: Land Claims Results from the northwest territories were published in a three volume set of forthe negotiation process shifted from ITC to the regional organizations. http://www.itk.ca/english/itk/history/land_claims.htm | |
45. Company History -- First Air Company history. Air bought 100% of Ptarmigan Airways Ltd., a regional carrier based previouslyserved the Western portion of the northwest territories for over http://www.firstair.ca/About_First_Air/company_history.html | |
46. Suicide In The Northwest Territories: A Descriptive Review for various population subgroups of the northwest territories and for death and mentalhealth history, where available On a regional basis, the further east the http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/pphb-dgspsp/publicat/cdic-mcc/19-4/c_e.html | |
47. Northern Intercity News Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Center, featuring regional history and aboriginal Yellowknife,the capital of Canada's northwest territories, is riding high http://www.city.sapporo.jp/somu/nic/nic12-1/4p.htm | |
48. Civilization.ca - A History Of The Native People Of Canada - Prologue To Period well established in their various territories with their of stimulus diffusion wherebya regional population not West Coast I Late northwest Interior J http://www.civilization.ca/archeo/hnpc/nppro4_e.html | |
49. Genealogy Pages: The World's Premier Genealogy Portal: Regional : Canada Genealogy Pages regional Canada. New Brunswick (4) Newfoundland (2) northwest territories(2), Nova Hits 107). Canadian Genealogy and history Links Listing http://www.genealogypages.com/Regional/Canada/ | |
50. X-Canada Tour Of Regional Events And Contact Information Nova Scotia Newfoundland Labrador northwest territories Yukon Nunavut. CrossCanadaTour of regional Events. FRANÇAIS. X-CANADA. HOME. PARTICIPATE! history. DEMANDS. http://www.canada.marchofwomen.org/en/XCanada/map.html | |
51. Canada WorkinfoNET - Site Map Partnership Agreement; history; Documents Annual Report regional Sites Alberta;British Columbia; Manitoba; northwest territories; Nova Scotia; Nunavut; Ontario;Prince http://www.workinfonet.ca/cwn/en_text/site_e.cfm |
52. Internship Placements L'Anse Aux Meadows. northwest territories Prince of London regional Children's Museum,London; McMichael Inn, Etobicoke; Multicultural history Society, Toronto; http://www.utoronto.ca/museum/program/internship_placements.html | |
53. Nature & Science In Canada Grand Manan, Marine Natural history Museum, Zoology, Grand FallsWindsor,Mary March regional Museum, Geology, Anthro, northwest territories, http://members.aol.com/darwinpage/museums/Canada.htm | |
54. Canadian Archival Resources On The Internet - Alphabetical Listing northwest territories Archives; Nova Scotia Archives and Records Osler Library ofthe history of Medicine Prince Rupert City and regional Archives; Provincial http://www.usask.ca/archives/car/car.html | |
55. Directions Canadian Travel Guides And Maps Provincial, regional, City Guides, Maps, Etc the Canadian Rockies Discover YukonAnd northwest territories Alaska At Own Pace Alaska Yukon history Along the http://www.directions.ca/sections/bookstore/ | |
56. Book Review The Journal Of American History, 86.1 The History regional history, like regional geography, has received a Katherine G. Morrissey'snew book, Mental territories. 1. region of the Pacific northwest, the Inland http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/jah/86.1/br_69.html | |
57. UNBSJ Ward Chipman Library Current Research Geological Survey Of Canada Canadian in the Yellowknife area, northwest territories, Kerr, DE Archean and Paleoproterozoicfault history of the 2000_C18, Integrated regional analysis of the Red Lake http://www.unbsj.ca/library/govdocs/gsc3.htm | |
58. Important Bird Areas In The Northwest Territories And Nunavut s of 50 sites in the northwest territories and Nunavut....... http://www.bsc-eoc.org/iba/regional.cfm?region=NWT&lang=en |
59. History, Yellowknife City (regional Capital) contributors . Yellowknife city (regional capital). history. Indigenousnations have lived around Yellowknife Bay for thousands of years. http://www.greatestcities.com/North_America/Canada/Northwest_Territories/Yellowk | |
60. NWT - Inuvik // Legislative Assembly Of The Northwest Territories The Creation of a New northwest territories Ceremonial Circle 43'W. The town is1086 km northwest of Yellowknife to Inuvik being the regional government centre http://www.assembly.gov.nt.ca/VisitorInfo/NWTMapandHistory/Inuvik.html | |
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