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61. Welcome To GTIOnline - European Commission DG For Energy potential for innovative nonnuclear energy technologies to efficient and more sustainableenergy solutions for Jointly managed by Directorates-general XII http://www.gtionline.org/gti/main/topics.cfm?collection=660 |
62. Idaho National Engineering And Environmental Laboratory next several months, the Department of energy will work of Idaho, stakeholders andthe general public to currently stored at the Idaho nuclear Technology and http://www.inel.gov/ | |
63. White Paper On Nuclear Energy 1998 the PNC Reform Law was passed by the Diet in May 1998 and that matter has been settledfor the time being, the general trends of nuclear energy during the past http://www.mext.go.jp/english/news/1998/06/980604.htm | |
64. HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION According to the Atomic energy Act, the general manager was to discharge Thus, thegeneral manager occasionally helped formulate nuclear policy; usually http://www.osti.gov/opennet/nsi_desc.html | |
65. NEM R&E Home Page by the Department of energy's National nuclear Security Administration StrategicPlan View online or Request Hard-Copy; general Information; Knowledge Base; http://www.nemre.nn.doe.gov/nemre/ | |
66. Atomic Energy Resources In The United Nations System AFFAIRS Resolutions of the First Committee of the general Assembly. IAEA INTERNATIONALATOMIC energy AGENCY Department of nuclear energy Division of nuclear http://www.un.org/partners/civil_society/m-atomic.htm | |
67. General Catalog 1993-95 The University of Arizona 199395 general Catalog. nuclear and energy Engineering(NEE) Engineering Building, Room 200 (520) 621-2551 Professors William L http://catalog.arizona.edu/1993-95/nee.html | |
68. NRDC: The Internet And The Bomb: A Research Guide To Policy And Information Abou An extensive list of research sources from the Natural Resources Defense Council.Category Society Issues Weapons nuclear Directories...... Policy, Technical and Environmental Reports DOELevel general Reports DOE LaboratoryLos Alamos Laboratory Pantex Plant DOE nuclear energy Publications Appendix http://www.nrdc.org/nuclear/nuguide/guinx.asp | |
69. About The Office Of The General Counsel The Assistant general Counsel for Civilian nuclear Programs provides legal supportto DOE's nuclear energy and nuclear fuel cycle programs; energy research and http://www.gc.doe.gov/aboutus.html | |
70. About The Office Of The General Counsel on the homepage of the Office of general Counsel at the United States Departmentof energy at www.gc for legal liability resulting from a nuclear incident in http://www.gc.doe.gov/price-anderson/default.html | |
71. Office Of Nuclear Energy, Science & Technology - DOE ; ARPS Overview*; general Purpose Heat Activities; Joint Departmentof energy and National TECHNOLOGY Generation IV nuclear energy Systems (Gen...... Program http://nuclear.gov/programoffices.html | |
72. Welcome To The OIG Web Site Official HomepageCategory Society Law Law Enforcement Employment Federal Agencies...... of the US Department of energy, Office of result of Office of Inspector general civiland the Department, including the National nuclear Security Administration http://www.ig.doe.gov/ | |
73. TUNL Nuclear Data Project of Light Nuclei provided by Elsevier The energy Levels of in PDF format from Elsevier(nuclear Physics A relating to our publications general Tables general http://www.tunl.duke.edu/nucldata/ | |
74. The WISE [World Information Service On Energy] Link List general ENVIRONMENTAL SITES back to top. Greenpeace International nuclear; LakaDocumentation and research centre on nuclear energy; Laka was founded in the http://www.antenna.nl/wise/links.html | |
75. WISE; Are We Gonna Nuke The Climate?! industry hopes to create new demand for nuclear energy. More nuclear and sustainabilitycsd www.antenna.nl html; About climate change in general www.antenna.nl http://www.antenna.nl/wise/climate/ | |
76. ITA Energy Division: Nuclear Energy general industry definitions for the nuclear power sector foreign markets, and pasttrade events the Department of Commerces energy Division organized http://www.ita.doc.gov/td/energy/nukes.htm | |
77. The Prospects Of Nuclear Energy: 4-5 December 1998, Paris, France But can this general confidence sufficient to support the further expansion of playa valuable role in stimulated a renewed debate on nuclear energy, there was http://www.pugwash.org/reports/ees/ees3.htm | |
78. Jones V. Nuclear Energy Services nuclear energy SERVICES. of last exposure or on the date when the first known manifestationof a disabling symptom occurs. Dorsett v. general Dynamics Corp http://wcc.state.ct.us/crb/1996/3022cra.htm | |
79. 107th Congress Committee On Energy And Commerce Jurisdiction (10) general management of the Department (11) National energy policy generally. (13) Regulation of the domestic nuclear energy industry, including regulation http://www.house.gov/commerce_democrats/108ecjuris.htm | |
80. Category Retrieval (Researcher DDB) Researcher DDB. Research Field. Research Field / nuclear Engineering / nuclearenergy in general (20 cases). MA, nuclear energy in general, (2 cases). http://read.jst.go.jp/ddbs/plsql/KNKY_EG_16ck?code1=M&code2=MA |
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