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121. Dataflow Languages Summarizes advantages, problems. Part of larger study Constructing objectoriented Software in Interactive Graphical programming Environments. http://cbl.leeds.ac.uk/nikos/tex2html/examples/concepts/node36.html |
122. Bryant, Barrett R. University of Alabama at Birmingham programming languages, compiler design, formal semantics, object-oriented technology. http://www.cis.uab.edu/info/faculty/bryant/bryant.html |
123. ResearchIndex From Competition To Amalgamation Of Different Programming Paradigm Describes basic elements (data, actions, tunings, voids, mixtures, ) and principles of programming (stratification, implicit knowledge, limited freedom, ), directed to amalgamating different programming paradigms (imperative, objectoriented, functional, constraint, ) in a unified process of generating computer system models. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/386474.html |
124. Python How To Program By Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, Jonathan P. Liperi, B.A. Wiedermann; Prentice Hall, 2002, ISBN 0130923613, has CDROM. Full introduction for courses in programming basics, Python, Web, object-oriented, GUIs. Prentice Hall http://vig.prenhall.com/catalog/academic/product/1,4096,0130923613,00.html |
125. Scala A general purpose programming language with a special focus on web services. It combines objectoriented, functional and concurrent elements. It is a successor of Funnel. Java-based implementation. http://lamp.epfl.ch/scala/ |
126. QubeOS Multiplatform desktop environment, supports 3 most common desktop OSs DOS, Linux, Windows. Applications based and compiled for Qube run with no need to recompile on supported platforms, as machine code. Uses Object Routing (OR) methods; between objectoriented and structured programming. http://www.qubeos.com/ |
127. OO COBOL Overview COBOL Object Orientation and associated capabilities provides facilities for developing objectoriented programs using the COBOL programming language. Page includes basic concepts and definitions of objects, classes, encapsulation, methods, inheritance and polymorphism. http://www.objs.com/x3h7/oocobol.htm |
128. QA C++ Generation 2000 From programming Research Ltd. It concentrates on objectoriented C++ source code, and provides warnings relating to design, efficiency, reliability, and maintainability of the language. http://www.programmingresearch.com/solutions/qacpp.htm |
129. Object Management Group Object computing industry consortium that defines standards including UML, CORBA and IIOP.Category Computers programming object-oriented Organizations......Sponsored by COMPUWARE. .DOCsec2003 Seventh Annual Workshop http://www.omg.org/ |
130. Www.oonumerics.org Scientific Computing in object-oriented LanguagesCategory Computers programming C++ Class Libraries Numerics...... oonlist A mailing list about object-oriented numerics; Second Workshop on C++ Templateprogramming; Proceedings of the 2000 Workshop on C++ Template programming. http://oonumerics.org/ |
131. A Functional Pattern System For Object-Oriented Design A book that presents a system of 6 patterns for improving OOdesign by incorporating ideas from functional programming. By Thomas KĀ¼hne. http://www-agce.informatik.uni-kl.de/~kuehne/fps/ |
132. Crossroads Feature Articles ACM Crossroads is the student magazine of the Association for Computing Machinery. Crossroads has Category Computers programming Articles ACM Crossroads...... Parallel Computers. Object Oriented programming A Formative Evaluationof ScenarioBased Tools for Learning object-oriented Design; Much http://www.acm.org/crossroads/doc/indices/features.html |
133. Object Oriented Software In Ada 95 2nd Edition The book describes an objectoriented approach to developing software using the programming language Ada 95. http://www.bton.ac.uk/ada95/home.html |
134. Software Engineering With Ada By Grady Booch, Doug Bryan; Addison Wesley Professional, 1994, ISBN 0805306080, 3rd edition. Full introduction to Ada programming, shows how to maximize the potential of Ada using an objectoriented methodology. Addison Wesley http://www.aw.com/catalog/academic/product/1,4096,0805306080,00.html |
135. Object-Oriented Common LISP Stephen Slade (1998). This is probably the best book available on actually using a Common Lisp environment for something other than AI programming. http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~sslade/lisp/ |
136. A Laboratory For Teaching Object-Oriented Thinking The most difficult problem in teaching object oriented programming is gettingthe learner to give up the global knowledge of control that is possible with http://c2.com/doc/oopsla89/paper.html |
137. Pascal For Programming Illiterates Begins with the basics, covering most of the Pascal language. Makes its way to objectoriented Windows programming using Delphi. http://library.advanced.org/11127/ |
138. IC-Prolog As part of Imperial College's Logic programming Group Software Products, this Edinburghstyle, WAM-based version provides multiple threading, an object-oriented layer, TCP interfacing and other features. http://www-lp.doc.ic.ac.uk/software.html |
139. Logtalk An objectoriented extension to the Prolog programming language. It integrates logic programming with object-oriented and event-driven programming. Compatible with most Prolog compilers. Open source http://www.logtalk.org/ |
140. Mike Sherwood Consulting - Portland, Maine Mike Sherwood is a consulting and contract software engineering professional with extensive experience in objectoriented and procedural programming. http://www.mikesherwood.com |
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