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21. Olympic Games Ancient olympics, modern olympics, Winter games, Summer games, competition, events.gold medal, silver medal, bronze medal, olympic symbol, amateur athlete, olympicgames http://eduscapes.com/42explore/olympics.htm |
22. IMA Hero: Olympic Games - Modern Books Series). Eyewitness olympics (DK). olympic Jokes Funny Side Up Series.modern olympic games (Middleton, Haydn. olympics). Historical http://www.imahero.com/bookstore/olympicgames/ogmodern_bookstore.htm | |
23. Olympic Games Web Sites, Sydney, Atlanta, Athens ... A list of links to summer olympics sites.Category Sports Events olympics Summer games...... ABC Sydney olympics. About.com olympics Site. Almanaque dos Jogos OlĂmpicos.Ancient modern olympics. Ancient olympic games Virtual Museum. Athens 2004. http://www.runnersweb.com/running/olympics.html | |
24. Olympic Games Medallists Complete list of medallists in all sports at both Summer and Winter olympic games.Category Sports Events olympics...... The modern olympics were first held in 1896 The games are held every 4 years (thisperiod not officially recognised by the International olympic Committee, was http://www.gbrathletics.com/olympic/ | |
25. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Apr. 6, 1896: First Modern Olympics Held (On This Day Apr. 6, 1896 First modern olympics Held. GENERAL World Book Online Articleon olympic games; All About the olympics; An olympic games Primer; http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/Teacher/Resourc | |
26. Olympic_links The First olympic games, 1896. History of the modern olympics. olympic InformationCenter. The olympic games. olympics Virtual Library. Summer games through Time. http://www.palmdps.act.edu.au/olympic/olympic.htm | |
27. Olympic Games - Athens 2004 - Greece - Olympics The modern olympics Coubertin and the Greek Dimitrios Vikelas that the games werebrought desire could be brought about with the revival of the olympic games. http://www.aroundgreece.com/olympics-modern.html | |
28. Ancient Olympic Games - Athens 2004 - Greece - History Of The Olympics the first modern olympics , the games are finally returning home to their birthplace;Athens will be holding the 2004 olympics. The olympic games are probably http://www.aroundgreece.com/olympics.html | |
29. No. 1137: America At The First Modern Olympics de Coubertin, called for an olympic revival. He believed the games would createinternational harmony. His efforts led to the first modern olympics in Athens http://www.uh.edu/engines/epi1137.htm | |
30. Teaching With The 2000 Sydney Olympic Games - Lesson Plans, Units, Ideas, Classr compare the ancient olympics with modern olympics, write a olympics and Teamwork TeachersGrades 68 - This Students explore the olympic games and traditions. http://www.atozteacherstuff.com/themes/olympics.shtml | |
31. Olympics—History Of The Modern Olympic Games @Large, The 2002 olympic games History Of The modern olympic games,The olympic games were held in Olympia, Greece for almost 1200 http://www.slb.com/seed/en/watch/olympics/history.htm | |
32. Corey And Laura's Olympic Site We love the olympics so we decided to create some web pages that helpus to better organize what we learn about the modern olympic games. http://www.janecky.com/olympics/ | |
33. Modern Olympics Bibliography 21 (08225- 3327-8). Gr. 6-9. Story of the founder of the modern olympics andthe early development of the games. The olympic games in Transition. Ed. http://www.ala.org/rusa/hs/eve_olybib.html |
34. Modern olympic games By Sammy In 1896 the modern olympics started in Greece. olympicgames by Sara Baron Pierre De Coubertin made the modern olympics. http://www.summergames.homestead.com/Modern.html | |
35. Olympics On-Line Theme Unit Page 1 2. The modern olympic games began over 100 years ago, in 1896. Askstudents if they can name some of the American cities in which http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonrepro/lessonplans/theme/olympics01.htm | |
36. Olympic Games And Literature the Origins of the modern olympic games, Chicago The University of Chicago Press,1981. Mandell, Richard D. The First modern olympics, Berkeley University of http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~arete/syllabi/olsen.html | |
37. Olympic WebQuest - Student Page You and your classmates are going to travel through time to explore the olympicsfrom Ancient Greece through the future of the modern olympic games. http://web54.sd54.k12.il.us/vrkit/supplements/sixth/olympics/student.htm | |
38. Modern Olympic Games became interested in reviving the olympic games when he structures including thosethat housed the Ancient olympics. were taking place in modern societies that http://web54.sd54.k12.il.us/vrkit/supplements/sixth/olympics/3modern_games.htm | |
39. Olympic Games: The Modern Olympics olympic games The modern olympics. The modern revival of the olympic games is duein a large measure to the efforts of Pierre, baron de Coubertin, of France. http://www.slider.com/enc/39000/Olympic_games_The_Modern_Olympics.htm | |
40. Copernicus Education Gateway About the 1896 Athens games Explore the Birth of the modern olympics, fromThe New York Times; Follow the schedule of first modern olympic games. http://www.edgate.com/summergames/inactive/olympic_facts/ | |
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