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21. BIOSIS | Resource Guide | Birds - Ornithology, Birding & Bird Clubs Ornithological societies are listed under Bird Organizations Ornithological Web Library(OWL) library of sites devoted to wild birds their study ornithology http://www.biosis.org.uk/zrdocs/zoolinfo/bird_bir.htm | |
22. BIOSIS | Resource Guide | Birds - Organizations to aviculture among pet owners, hobbyists, avicultural societies, zoos, veterinarians papersand short notes on Australian ornithology, particularly those http://www.biosis.org.uk/zrdocs/zoolinfo/bird_org.htm | |
23. BIOME OMNI VETGATE BIORESEARCH NATURAL SELECTION AGRIFOR Link To conservation. Neotropical Bird Club; Bird watching; Birds/societies, etc.;ornithology/societies, etc.; Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center. http://nature.ac.uk/browse/591.98.html | |
24. BIOME OMNI VETGATE BIORESEARCH NATURAL SELECTION AGRIFOR Link To Hong Kong Bird Watching Society; Bird watching; Birds/societies, etc.; ornithology/societies,etc.; Hong Kong moths investigating the zoogeography http://nature.ac.uk/browse/591.95.html | |
25. About Marine Ornithology Under a joint venture agreement, Marine ornithology is now managed bya Steering Committee appointed by supporting seabird societies. http://www.marineornithology.org/about.html | |
26. California Academy Of Sciences - Research - Ornithology And Mammalogy Bird Mammal Books from the Department of ornithology Mammalogy. Males Causesand Consequences of Variation PM Kappeler Primate societies - BB Smuts et al http://www.calacademy.org/research/bmammals/O&Mbooks/o&mbooks_tmammals.html | |
27. California Academy Of Sciences - Research - Ornithology And Mammalogy Research Associate Honorary Fellow Department of ornithology Mammalogy Membershipin Professional societies American Society of Mammalogists Animal http://www.calacademy.org/research/bmammals/grathbun.html | |
28. Wilson Ornithological Society The Wilson Society, founded in 1888, is a worldwide organization of nearly 2500 people who share Category Science Biology Zoology Chordates ornithology...... of which are published jointly by the Ornithological societies of North Society ofCanadian Ornithologists, the Society of Caribbean ornithology, The Waterbird http://www.ummz.lsa.umich.edu/birds/wos.html | |
29. BIRDWEB.html Collection of resources for people who conduct research on or need information about birds. Division Category Science Biology Zoology Chordates ornithology...... Ornithological Council (includes information on Ornithological societies of North CornellLaboratory of ornithology Includes Birdsource, projects to monitor http://www.ummz.lsa.umich.edu/birds/ | |
30. British Bird And Bird Watching Clubs And Societies Guide to Britains Bird Clubs societies National Bodies. BTO British Trust forornithology The British Trust for ornithology has existed since 1933 as an http://www.birdsofbritain.co.uk/bird-clubs/national.htm | |
31. State And Provincial Ornithological Societies Ornithological societies of North America links to the American OrnithologistsUnion Bird Records Committee VSO (Virginia Society of ornithology) Home Page http://www.ksbirds.org/kos/state_os.htm | |
32. Birding.com - Ornithology of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia or Cornell Laboratory of ornithology or Pennsylvania Birdnetis the umbrella site for all US ornithological societies. http://www.birding.com/Ornithology.asp | |
33. Professional Societies of Canadian Ornithologists, the Society of Caribbean ornithology, The Waterbird TheOrnithological Newsletter provides news about the societies, requests for http://www.people.virginia.edu/~mtk4m/Professional Societies.htm | |
34. Ecospectra Services - Ecospectra Link Library - Birds Council Ontario Field Ornithologists Operation Rubythroat ORNITHL The ScientificDiscussion of ornithology - Archives Ornithological societies of North http://www.ecospectra.com/lib_birds.htm | |
35. Ecospectra Services - Ecospectra Link Library - Professional Societies And Non-p Professional societies and Nonprofit Organizations. of American Foresters Societyof Canadian Ornithologists Society of Caribbean ornithology Society of http://www.ecospectra.com/lib_societies_organizations.htm | |
36. Internet Resources North America Ornithological societies of North America. Links to national ornithologicalweb sites, many state, regional, and local ornithology socities in http://www.citadel.edu/library/biologyoz.htm | |
37. Fat Birder - Links > Ornithology > Conservation Audubon Society and the Cornell Laboratory of ornithology, BirdSource is the feralcat population, presenting British animal welfare societies (humane societies http://www.fatbirder.com/links/ornithology/conservation.html | |
38. Zoology Societies, Associations, Centers, Institutes And Organizations Scholarly societies Project Biology Categories include Botany ; General Biology Environment ; Molecular Biology ; Zoology. Cornell Lab of ornithology. http://www.academicinfo.net/zooorg.html | |
39. WWW Links At The O.W.L. - The Ornithological Web Library: Ornithological Field S Professional societies. Balear d' Ornitologia i Defensa de a Naturalesa BalearicsBrussels, Ornithological Working Group Canberra ornithology Group Pacific http://www.aves.net/the-owl/blnkmuse.htm | |
40. Family List IABO. ornithology International Ornithological Committee - XXIII. Palynology- International Federation of Palynological societies. Parasitology http://www.iubs.org/test/sciememb/scm-all.htm | |
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