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21. Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders: Who Are They And Where Do They Come From asian americans are persons having origins from East Asia, Southeast Asia Asia Afghan,Bangladeshi, Bhutanese, Indian, Maldivian, Nepali, pakistani, Sri Lankan http://www.ssa.gov/aapi/who.htm | |
22. ICC - Asian Americans & Cancer Cambodian, Chinese, Filipino, Hmong, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Malayan,Mien, Nepalese, pakistani, Sikh, Sri (2) Most asian americans who have http://iccnetwork.org/cancerfacts/cfs3.htm | |
23. The Movies, Race, And Ethnicity Asian Americans Videotapes In focuses on two youthsJohnny, a workingclass white, and Omar, a pakistani. VariousAsian americans relate how they had to assimilate and adapt to a dominant http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/imagesasians.html |
24. Echoes Of Freedom: South Asian Pioneers In California, 1899-1965 pakistani americans commemorating the independenceof Pakistan, Sacramento, California, c. 1950. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/SSEAL/echoes/chapter11/chapter11_2.html | |
25. NCM: Indian And Pakistani Americans Ring In New Year With Candle Light Vigil San Jose, a group of about thirty Indian and pakistani americans came together theFriends of South Asia a Silicon Valley South asian voluntary organization http://news.ncmonline.com/news/view_article.html?article_id=248 |
26. NCM: Pakistani Americans Rally For Peace In Sacramento, CA pakistani americans War Prevention Committee will continue its efforts to bringpeace East asian American Newspapers in California Run Gamut on Iraq Pacific http://news.ncmonline.com/news/view_article.html?article_id=191 |
27. Getting Asian-Americans Into The Picture Japaneseamericans, Korean-americans, Indian-americans, pakistani-americans, SriLankan americans, Hawaiians and other asian-Pacific americans is Corky http://www.tibet.ca/wtnarchive/2002/8/4_3.html | |
28. The White House Initiative On Asian Americans And Pacific Islanders Duong, executive director of the White House Initiative on asian americans and Pacific wasthe former president of the Association of pakistani Physicians in http://www.aapi.gov/news/ksworn.htm | |
29. The White House Initiative On Asian Americans And Pacific Islanders Graduates, President Elect of the Association of pakistani Physicians, Editorial GoodNeighboring Campaign, a movement to improve the image of asian americans. http://www.aapi.gov/advisory.htm | |
30. Asian Americans: Guides To Information Resources, UM Libraries a narrower term may be used, such as asian AMERICAN FAMILIES, or asian americansTUDENTS. JAPANESE americans pakistani americans PACIFIC ISLANDER http://www.lib.umd.edu/MCK/GUIDES/asian_americans.html | |
31. May/June 2001 Valuable Partnerships Help Asian Americans Achieve to expand their influence and assistance to the pakistani, Indian, and Thai holdsthe Excellence Awards Banquet to recognize outstanding asian americans from a http://osdbuweb.dot.gov/translink/may2001/index8.htm |
32. CSU Libraries: Asian Pacific Americans asian Indian americans Cambodian americans Chamorros Chinese Oceanian americansPacific Islander americans pakistani americans Panjabi americans, http://lib.colostate.edu/research/aspacref.html | |
33. Asian American Legal Defense And Education Fund - AALDEF Press to ensure the equal participation of asian americans. The asian American Legal Defenseand Education Korean, Indonesian, Bangladeshi and pakistani origin that http://www.aaldef.org/press.html |
34. Biography Of Mariam Issa She is a pakistani and her father was one of the pioneers of Pakistan. Who'sWho of asian americans® is a registered trademark of asian American Net. http://www.asianamerican.net/bios/Issa-Mariam.html | |
35. News India-Times.com, Online Edition South asian americans, including Indian americans and pakistani americans, appearto have been targeted because they were perceived to be Arab or Muslim. http://www.newsindia-times.com/2002/03/22/roundtable-incidents.html | |
36. CCC - Teaching About Asian Americans - School District Of Philadelphia Curriculu Teaching About asian americans. the School District of Philadelphia, the major asianethnic groups Laotian (Southeast asians), and Indian, pakistani and Bengali http://www.philsch.k12.pa.us/teachers/frameworks/ccc/asian/bodybo0i.htm | |
37. CCC - Asian American Intro - School District Of Philadelphia Curriculum Framewor Who are asian Pacific americans? The most prominent asian American ethnic groupsin the US Laotian, Hmong (Southeast asians) and Indian, pakistani, Sri Lankan http://www.philsch.k12.pa.us/teachers/frameworks/ccc/asian/bodybo0a.htm | |
38. Salon.com Life | Letters There is good reason for pakistani intellectuals to believe that americans demonstratedthat hate crimes against Arab and South asian americans skyrocketed as http://www.salon.com/mwt/letters/2003/03/04/kolker/print.html | |
39. Frequently Asked Questions used in Filipino South asian communities) Generally ie second or later generationChinese americans. for Americanborn confused desi (Indian or pakistani). http://www.lincolnu.edu/~diverse/pollock/asian/faq.htm | |
40. Asian American - Cultural Diversity Books For Schools & Libraries Laotian americans Nepali americans - Pacific Islanders - pakistani americans -Thai americans The Legal System in the United States - asian americans in the http://www.diversity-books.com/AsianAmerican.html | |
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