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41. BIOSIS | Resource Guide | General Vertebrates Barbara Mueum of Natural History VRTPALEO vertebrate paleontology discussion list birdsthroughout the world Western Wildlife general information, photographs http://www.biosis.org/zrdocs/zoolinfo/grp_vert.htm | |
42. BIOSIS | Resource Guide | General Invertebrates paleontology including Type Collection Database search Freshwater Invertebrate Surveyof Suffolk (FISS) information on freshwater invertebrates in general and http://www.biosis.org/zrdocs/zoolinfo/grp_inv.htm | |
43. Paleontology Resources For K-12 Metasite where teachers, librarians, parents and students can preview curriculum related materials.Category Science Earth Sciences paleontology Education Pre-College...... ISGS paleontology Links, Advanced. Collecting localities, databases, general links,miscellaneous, paleobotany, publications, specific fossil forms, societies http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/paleontology.htm |
44. CAIRNS Collections with subject strength in paleontology general. Collection,Level. Aberdeen University. Libraries collection, 3. Glasgow University. http://cairns.lib.strath.ac.uk/CAIRNS/SubjCollSelect.cfm?uSubID=1090 |
45. CAIRNS Mineralogy, Soil chemistry. Paleobotany, Soil classification. paleontology general, Soil physics. Paleozoology - Invertebrates, Soil science in general. http://cairns.lib.strath.ac.uk/CAIRNS/SubjSelect.cfm?uSub2ID=203 |
46. Jurassic Source Home Page JURASSIC SYSTEM. SICILY, September 1222, 2002. Submit your meetingannouncement. top menu. general, and paleontology - general. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/paleonet/Column/Jurassic.Html | |
47. Paleontology In The 21st Century: Paleontology In Museums And Institutes In The museum staff can provide welcome scientific background, enhance collections, andgenerate good will for the institution and for paleontology in general. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/paleonet/paleo21/rr/m&i.html | |
48. Paleontology Links New York paleontology Fossils of the Empire State the Strata In general Overview- including classification; Introduction; Living Fossil; Skeletons From http://www.geology.iupui.edu/classes/g304/Links.htm | |
49. Paleontology Museums Dinosaurs Fossil Forms Localities Professional Oranizations Societies general paleontology Items . Museums. general paleontology Items. http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/science/geological_sciences/servers/paleo.html | |
50. Science Books Natural Hazards; paleontology; Paleoanthropology; Petroleum Coal Geology; Physics(Mechanics..);Protozoology; Quaternary; Remote Sensing; Science general; Seismology; http://www.hceis.com/product/index/paleontology.htm |
51. Directory 540Chemistry 550-Earth Sciences (general Info) 550-Earth Sciences (Geology) 550-EarthSciences (Weather) 560-paleontology (general Info) 560-paleontology http://www.humblehigh.org/library/hu00002.htm | |
52. Paleontology USGS Professional Papers For Sale : Foraminifera, Ostracodes, Conod and Oregon Author Murata Shorter contributions to general geology. palynomorphsof the Mississippi Embayment Author Tschudy Contributions to paleontology. http://www.woodenski.com/2neat/usgspp/fossil.html | |
53. 2neat Books : For Sale - Geology, Hydrology, Mineralogy, Paleontology, Sedimento Specializes in USGS professional papers, offprints of scientific publications and magazines.Category Shopping Publications Books Science Earth Sciences...... and more general Geology Specific States (loads slowly) minerals, etc. with aUS state name in the title. paleontology foraminifera, ostracodes, conodants http://www.woodenski.com/ | |
54. General Information-Principles Of Paleontology (12:121)-University Of Iowa Principles of paleontology (12121) University of Iowa general InformationFall 2002. Instructor Dr. Ann F. Budd, 255 TH, 3351817 http://nmita.geology.uiowa.edu/~prinpal/palinfo.htm | |
55. TheĀ Chair Of Geology And Paleontology (English Page) mineral deposits. The main subjects general geology; paleontology;historical geology; Structural geology and geological; The basis http://www.tsu.edu.ge/eng/chairs_e/ch0507e.htm | |
56. Speleological Society Of Japan President, general, OTA,Masamichi. VicePresident, paleontology, HASEGAWA,Yoshikazu.Council member, general, UENO,Shun-Ichi. KAWANO,Michihiro. Geography, HIRASE,Keiichi. http://www.netlaputa.ne.jp/~ssj/en/what/council-e.html | |
57. San Francisco Bay Area Related Resources University of California Museum of paleontology general Interest. Universityof California Museum of paleontology - K-12 Resources. Contra Costa County http://www.exploratorium.edu/ls/infosources/SFInfo.html | |
58. Science Stuff: Paleontology You are here Home Life Science paleontology. Thumbnail of general Fossil Collection Click to see enlarged image, general Fossil Collection Code 0721 Price http://www.sciencestuff.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Category_Code=Ls-p |
59. Record Unit 7327 - Geological Survey, Branch Of Paleontology And Stratigraphy, R the Section was responsible for the general study of investigations included physiography,stratigraphy, geologic structure, paleontology, sedimentology, and http://www.si.edu/archives/archives/findingaids/FARU7327.htm | |
60. General Information general information about the Department of Geology and paleontology AddressMlynska dolina, pavilon G, SK84215, Bratislava, Slovak Republic http://www.fns.uniba.sk/~kgp/general.htm | |
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