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Pen Pal Databases & Sites Teach: more detail |
41. Just For Teachers! preschool co-op, and getting a home school pen pal. Access to other ERIC resourcesand educational sites”. URL http//www.ed.gov/databases/ERIC_Digests/index http://www.up.net/~jolove/teachers |
42. Strategic Studies and books, or perform a keyword search of its databases. links to more than 40 *studentsafe*sites on the Through Fables, and the E-mail pen pal Connection. http://www.strategicstudies.com/html/primary_grades.htm | |
43. Primary Grades Resources and books, or perform a keyword search of its databases. Fluency Through Fables, andthe Email pen pal Connection Web sites and Resources for K-6w A collection http://www.strategicstudies.com/eduOnlinepgr.html | |
44. Bomis: The Reference/Education/K Through 12/Homework Helpers Ring fire safety tips, resources to develop pen pal exchanges Internet databases for Educationand Research. You can search for sites by elementary, middle school, or http://www.bomis.com/rings/Mk_through_12-homework_helpers-reference/ | |
45. Education Resources in other countries for email classroom pen-pal and project very nice collectionof reviewed music sites, and you for download, as well as databases that can http://www.educationindex.com/educator/ | |
46. EHeadline News: Homework Center Internet databases for Education and Research Thematically integrated finest kidsand teen sites - homework, music and resources to develop pen pal exchanges. http://eheadlines.tripod.com/Categories/Kids/homework.htm | |
47. SITES FOR SORE EYES: It offers pen pal/keypal opportunities for the exchange of ideas. http//www.ed.gov/databases/ERIC_Digests/index. alist of over 700 web sites for children and http://www.escalate.ac.uk/exchange/websearch/links.php3 | |
48. School Of Education -- Purdue University Calumet partner with schools in other countries for projects and penpal email. All-purposeresource for links to key sites, online databases, discussion groups http://education.calumet.purdue.edu/welcome.htm | |
49. PEDIA:All The Sites About Tertiary Education We Know. education resource featuring archives, news, databases, forums, interactivity alsois a database of world museum sites. Fables, and the Email pen pal Connection http://www.pedia.gr/links/lin-3-thmia.html | |
50. Beyond The Classroom Walls Telnet is often used to search databases such as library should be offered so thatthe pen pal relations will not notes as well as links to other web sites. http://www.eiu.edu/~mediasrv/iaectJournal/1998/08chen.htm | |
51. Internet For Teachers - Peter Dignan & Gerri Gribi 1) Reference databases, Journals and more. and Interesting Websites, by Subject Area(Including pen pal links). partly by how many other important sites link to http://creativefolk.com/teachers.html | |
52. EngLinks University, Northridge, have collected sites and curriculum the Internet's best searchengines, databases, indexes, and EF also includes pen pal contacts, chat http://home.earthlink.net/~jgritter/resources/englinks.htm | |
53. Year 2000 Project Volunteers applications; researching email pen pal programs; gathering into VolunteerMatch andother online databases to recruit resources; reviewed web sites that allow http://www.serviceleader.org/vv/volsY2K.html | |
54. Annual Report 2002 Annual Campaign 5%; Links to online fundraising sites with extensive information,and databases on obtaining music, books, teacher materials, pen pal program to http://www.tolovechildren.org/reports/report02.html | |
55. Library & Information Services - Subject Guide web page making info and links to pen pal and listserv is a collection of links toInternet sites, mostly on basis for preparing a lesson to teach the items http://www2.smcvt.edu/library/resources/subjectguide/TESL_ESL.htm | |
56. Educational Web Portals clubs, cub reporting, international penpal relationships and The only databases includedare those which over 200,000 reviewed web sites, rubrics, educational http://www.bhsu.edu/education/edfaculty/lturner/Web Portals.htm | |
57. Untitled I started with email, pen-pal exchange projects Specialized databases http//lib.nmsu.edu/subject/bord authorbefore incorporating elements into your own sites. http://www.bu.edu/mfeldman/paper2/ | |
58. Georg W. Koester's Bookmarks Administration Home Page Business databases @Internets put up in San DiegoHeaven'sGate Mirror sites dating, friendship, marriage pen pal service featuring http://personal.netwrx.net/gk/bookmark.htm | |
59. 3.Specific Technology And Uses Return to pen Pals page and visit other sites. of other FL, click on the French penpal page then later Goal Two Examine range of Uses for Online databases. http://www.ea.pvt.k12.pa.us/htm/Units/Upper/modlang/out3.htm | |
60. Meeting Place Network - Matchmaking Sites of one of the largest photo databases on the net Asia Bride.com Philippine penpaltours, mail order brides Atlanta Matchmaker pen-pals, matchmaking, chat, e-mail http://meeting-place.net/matchmaking.shtml | |
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