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Pennsylvania Coop Ext Service: more detail |
21. UMass Dartmouth - Error pennsylvania. Lori Pavarnik Research Assoc. Seafood Specialist, coop ext service UnivRI, 530 Liberty Lane West Kingston, RI 02892 P 401874-2972. NEW HAMPSHIRE. http://www.umassd.edu/specialprograms/nrac/health/haacp.html | |
22. NASCC - National Association Of Service & Conservation Corps pennsylvania Conservation Corps Nancy Peterson Patricia Porter Project Vida Providence SilverSpring Corps South Texas AmeriCorps Initiative and TX coop. ext. http://www.nascc.org/members.shtml | |
23. Pennsylvania's Christmas Trees Nebraska coop. ext. service, Inst., Agr. And Nat. I picked one up from a distributorat the 2001 Western pennsylvania Turfgrass Conference and Trade Show. http://ctrees.cas.psu.edu/Newsletters/Newsletters-2001/CT-LPM113.html |
24. SEA - Farm-a-syst State Contacts extension service www.uaf.edu/coopext/ace.html pennsylvania Department of EnvironmentalProtection www.dep.state cooperative extension service www.ext.vt.edu http://www.epa.gov/seahome/farmasyst/states.htm | |
25. State Extension Small Grain Specialists, United States 7543494 FAX 719-754-2619 Email mdillon@coop.ext.colostate.edu. Dr. Ed Twidwell Louisianacooperative extension service 263 Knapp Hall Louisiana pennsylvania. http://www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/smgrain/smgrainspec.htm | |
26. Potato Growers Researchers J. Department of Plant Pathology pennsylvania State University service 3328 VandenbergRoad Klamath Falls, OR 719754-2619 Email slvctr@coop.ext.colostate.edu. http://www.potatogrower.com/researchers.cfm | |
27. The Value And Use Of Poultry Manures As Fertilizer Cir. 274. The pennsylvania State Univ. College of Agriculture, extension service. 1993.Poultry manure as a fertilizer source. North Carolina coop. ext. Serv. http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~blpprt/Aub 244.html |
28. Untitled State University, cooperative extension service Administration, Room 1 Email mrewerts@coop.ext.colostate.edu. pennsylvaniaJD Dunbar, CEO, RULE - pennsylvania http://tall.tamu.edu/links.htm | |
29. FSCPE Contacts State Budget and Management 20321 Mail service Center Raleigh richard_rathge@ndsu.nodak.eduWebsite www.ext.nodak.edu pennsylvania Ms. Susan Copella (E,P) (SDC http://www.census.gov/population/www/coop/coop.html | |
30. Curing And Smoking Meats For Home Food Preservation Minneapolis, MN Minnesota extension service, University of pennsylvania Firm RecallsLebanon Bologna Nationwide. www.uaf.edu/coopext/publications/freepubs/FNH http://www.uga.edu/nchfp/publications/nchfp/lit_rev/cure_smoke_ref.html | |
31. Dr. Charles McClurg coop. ext. The Maryland Orchardist The Farm Chronicle pennsylvania Vegetable GrowersNews Good Fruit and Vegetable Grower, New South Wales, Australia Penn http://www.agnr.umd.edu/users/hort/mcclurg.htm | |
32. Maine CAPS Update September 20 beetle 3. Invasive and Exotic Pest news relevant to Maine Insect pests Pine ShootBeetle found in 2 new pennsylvania counties (5 Don Barry, UMaine coop. ext. http://pmo.umext.maine.edu/aphis/caps-update-2002-09-20.htm | |
33. PUBLICATIONS BY DISCIPLINE I. Cultural Management A. Turf Univ. of Delaware coop. ext. pennsylvania Dept. of Agr. Brown, E. and G. Landry. 1992. Prevent centipede decline. Univ. of Georgia coop. ext. Univ. of Georgia coop. ext. Serv. http://www.griffin.peachnet.edu/garden/pubdis.pdf |
34. CSREES - State Urban Programs Contacts Maine. Doug Babkirk University of Maine coop.ext. dbabkirk@umext.maine.edu. New York.Ruth Allen USPS Cornell cooperative ext. rallen@cce.cornell.edu. pennsylvania. http://www.reeusda.gov/ecs/urbanlis.htm | |
35. Related Weed Science Websites (12/14/98) pennsylvania, pennsylvania State U, http//weeds.cas.psu.edu. Utah State U. http//extension.usu.edu/coop/index.htm. Virginia,Virginia Tech, http//www.ext.vt.edu http://www.wssa.net/LINKS2.htm |
36. Related Weed Science Websites (12/14/98) coop. North Dakota, North Dakota State, http//www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/weeds.htm. pennsylvania,pennsylvania State U, http//weeds.cas.psu.edu. http://www.wssa.net/registration/links/LINKS2.htm |
37. NeLD OnLine: Class 3 Roster C. William Heald extension Professor pennsylvania State University Dairyand Animal Sciences 324 Henning Bldg. of Maryland coop. ext. http://neld.rutgers.edu/roster3.html | |
38. NEWSS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION Definitions of terms used in Weed Science (coop. ext. service Univ. of Florida).Search for herbicide label and MSDS (Crop Protection Reference Greenbook ). http://www.ppws.vt.edu/newss/extension.htm | |
39. Pest Monitoring And Recordkeeping By checking references, such as the Southeast pennsylvania IPM research group's report,he learns that the eggs of pine needle scale hatch Maryland coop. ext. http://ag.udel.edu/departments/ento/staff/dmcaron/Ornamentals/pestmonitoringreco | |
40. Tables And Graphs 2,534, 2,534. Res. coop. ext. Funds will be used for workforce developmentat Penn State campuses, including the pennsylvania College of Technology. http://www.budget.psu.edu/Budget/BP/tables.htm |
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