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41. Lycoming County Genealogy Project, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania Welcome to the Lycoming County pennsylvania genealogy Project. Thecounty coordinator is Margaret Steen, pacolycomi@usgennet.org . http://www.usgennet.org/usa/pa/county/lycoming/ | |
42. Lycoming County, Pennsylvania Genealogy Project Census Records. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/pa/county/lycoming/CensusRecords.html |
43. Newberry Library | Pennsylvania Genealogy pennsylvania genealogy. CENSUS. GUIDES. Iscrupe, William L. and Shirley GM Pennsylvanialine a research guide to pennsylvania genealogy and local history. http://www.newberry.org/nl/genealogy/pennsylvania.html | |
44. Pennsylvania Genealogy And Family History pennsylvania genealogy and family history resources including genealogy records,societies, mailing lists, surnames, queries, history and more. http://genealogy.about.com/cs/pennsylvania/ | |
45. Pennsylvania Genealogy Chat Transcript - Pennsylvania Genealogy With Cyndi Howel Learn about pennsylvania genealogy Research online with this free chat transcriptof a chat with special guest Cyndi Howells, of Cyndislist.com. http://genealogy.about.com/library/blchattrans-cyndi2.htm | |
46. Pennsylvania Genealogy, Births, Church Records, Ancestors, Family, Quakers GENEALOGY seal This pennsylvania genealogy web page features a variety of resourcesfamily historians can use to search for their Pennsylvania ancestors. http://www14.inetba.com/pennsylvaniagenealogy/ | |
47. Pennsylvania Genealogy pennsylvania genealogy will help you trace your lineage back to the earliest settlersin the New Colonies. Special Search Request Pricing through 12/25/02. http://pennsylvania-genealogy.com/ | |
48. Genealogy: Pennsylvania Genealogy Sites pennsylvania genealogy sites with surnames, look ups, marriage records, censussites, biographies, death records, military, and libraries to help with your http://www.genealinks.com/states/pa.htm | |
49. Pennsylvania Genealogy Us. Search pennsylvania genealogy Records. Oklahoma Genealogy Databases;Oregon Genealogy Databases; pennsylvania genealogy Databases; Rhode http://www.worldhistory.com/pagenealogy.htm | |
50. Pennsylvania Genealogy River Family Archives; Brenda's Guide to pennsylvania genealogy; http://www.worldhistory.com/PAgenealogy.htm | |
51. Pennsylvania Genealogy, Vital Records, Cemeteries, More - GenealogySpot.com Genealogy Helplist Directory of volunteers will aid researchers. Acts of GenealogicalKindness Find volunteers who will look up information in Pennsylvania. http://www.genealogyspot.com/state/pa.htm | |
52. Pennsylvania Genealogy Research, Photography And Home Histories People the World February 9, 2003 thestar.com (Canada) Genealogy Buffs Uncover 30,2002 CentreDaily.com (Pennsylvania) Amish Children Born with Birth Defect http://www.home-histories.com/headlines.html | |
53. Pennsylvania Genealogy - Pennsylvania Birth Records, Pennsylvania Census Records pennsylvania genealogy Databases. pennsylvania genealogy Databases ClickHere to List ALL Pennsylvania Databases Pennsylvania Birth Records. http://www.allvitalrecords.com/index.asp?state=PA |
54. The Olden Times Genealogy & History: The Novicki Family Collection A pennsylvania genealogy Collection http://theoldentimes.com/novickimain.html | |
55. Pennsylvania Genealogy Books & CD's pennsylvania genealogy Local History Books CD's from Sponsors of TheOldenTimes.comHistoric Newspapers Online Always FREE! Genealogy Books More. http://theoldentimes.com/pa_genealogy_books.html | |
56. Pennsylvania Genealogy pennsylvania genealogy Pennsylvania Digital Archives; Pennsylvania CountyResources at Rootsweb; Pennsylvania State Resources at Rootsweb; http://midatlantic.rootsweb.com/pa/genealogy.html | |
57. Williamsport OnLine - North Central Pennsylvania Genealogy Site City Hotel List WOL Forum - Genealogy - Alumni Dir - E-Mail Dir - My Resume -Classified Ads. Williamsport OnLine - My Portal for North Central Pennsylvania, http://williamsport-pa.com/genealogy/ | |
58. Pennsylvania Genealogy Books From Storbeck's Genealogy books and maps to aid your family history or genealogy researchinto Pennsylvania roots. Storbeck's. pennsylvania genealogy Books. http://www.storbecks.com/Pennsylvania/pabooks.htm |
59. Pennsylvania Genealogy Links: Over 450 Links - Geneology click here to return to homepage. Search 1.6 Billion Names Boldform PennsylvaniaGenealogy Links. Counties All-PA Links, Dauphin, Northampton. http://www.genealogylinks.net/usa/pennsylvania/ | |
60. Pennsylvania Genealogy Links: Over 200 Links - Geneology County.. click here to return to homepage. Search 1.6 Billion Names Boldform pennsylvania genealogy Links. General Links. Adams http://www.genealogylinks.net/usa/pennsylvania/pa-links.htm | |
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