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Peoples Temple & Jonestown Mass Suicide: more detail | |||||||||
61. Ask Jeeves: Search Results For "People Temple" http//foia.fbi.gov/jonestown.htm 10. Jim Jones led 408 of his followers in the PeoplesTemple Church to a mass suicidemurder and was himself shot to http://webster.directhit.com/webster/search.aspx?qry=People Temple |
62. Seductive Poison : A Jonestown Survivor's Story Of Life And Death In The Peoples of one womans seven years in the peoples temple, culminating in the mass suicidejust months after she escaped from the dystopian community of jonestown. http://hallbiographies.com/leaders/169.shtml | |
63. NEWSFLASH What was the real motivation of the mass suicide at jonestown. Was peoples Templean innocuous community that was being unjustly harassed or were there http://www.jonestown.com/order/newsflash.htm | |
64. Jimjones.html about 16 temple members decided that they wanted to leave jonestown with the The Peoplestemple organization did not survive the mass suicide/murder in http://hercules.gcsu.edu/~rviau/jimjones.html | |
65. The History Of Jonestown The History of jonestown. In 1978, 913 followers of Jim Jones and the peoples Templecommitted a mass suicide in northern Guyana at a site called, jonestown. http://www.meta-religion.com/New_religious_groups/Articles/history_of_jonestown. | |
66. Fragile Millennial Groups to jonestown and was leaving with some longtime peoples temple members. The jonestownmass suicide and murders were prompted by stresses within the community http://www.loyno.edu/~wessing/law/Encyclopedia/5.fragile.html | |
67. 1 09-18-88 11:37 Aed Jonestown `diary Of The Dead' Resurfaces SAN FRANCISCO (UPI 1 0918-88 1137 aed jonestown `diary of people died a decade ago in a mass murder-suicideat written by Mike Prokes, a lieutenant of peoples temple leader the http://www.skepticfiles.org/cultinfo/jonesdc3.htm | |
68. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Eight Boxes Of Correspondence And Memos From The Peoples T AP) Eight boxes of correspondence and memos from the peoples temple commune atJonestown, Guyana, where 913 people died in a mass suicide 10 years ago, have http://www.skepticfiles.org/cultinfo/jonesdoc.htm | |
69. 1978 Massacre was the gathering at central pavilion in jonestown. The choice that peoples Templemembers saw on that Jones claimed the mass suicide a revoultionary act and http://conncoll.edu/academics/departments/relstudies/290/newage/1978.html | |
70. Seductive Poison: A Survivor Of Jonestown Shares Her Story was a place where devoted peoples temple members believed constantly spoke of a revolutionarymass suicide, and Layton over the minds of jonestown residents to http://www.deborahlayton.com/ | |
71. Reviews For Seductive Poison of one woman's seven years in the peoples temple, culminating in the mass suicidejust months after she escaped from the dystopian community of jonestown. http://www.deborahlayton.com/reviews.html | |
72. Guyana Outpost: Wayne's Guyana Page of the largest mass suicide in modern history. Deborah Layton lived in Jonestownbut did not die there. Among the few members of Jim Jones' peoples temple to http://guyana.gwebworks.com/features/jonestown_survivor.shtml | |
73. USA Today (Magazine): JONESTOWN MASSACRE: The Unrevealed Story. suicide of hundreds of people in jonestown, Guyana. of more than $26,000,000, plannedmass murder (not and financial manager of the peoples temple in California http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m1272/2644_127/53630954/p1/article.jhtml?term= |
74. Hist300work in 1973, the first possibility of mass suicide by the to what would become known asJonestown in Guyana named for the leader of the peoples temple, members and http://www.trincoll.edu/~jmiller/hist300w.htm | |
75. Jonestown Within a few months of the mass deaths, other People's temple collection of US StateDepartment records on jonestown and the peoples temple www.icehouse.net http://www.factnet.org/cults/jonestown/20_years_later.html?FACTNet |
76. The Xenu Bookstore of Life and Death in the peoples temple The author Leo Ryan to investigate Jonestownwith her affidavit The threat and possibility of mass suicide by members http://home.snafu.de/tilman/bookstore.html | |
77. Uganda Toll Tops Jonestown The toll surpasses the November 1978 peoples temple tragedy. The jonestown mass suicideand killings claimed 913 lives in the jungles of Guyana, including that http://www.people.virginia.edu/~ccf4f/magic/millenial6.html | |
78. Totse.com | The Unanswered Questions Of Jonestown sinker, the mythology that the greatest mass murder in Ten years after jonestown,the truth of November of the Ryan assassination or the peoples temple massacre http://totse.com/en/conspiracy/institutional_analysis/jones.html | |
79. The Government Psychiatric Torture Site as being on the scene at the mass killings, a original $600,000 down payment on theJonestown lease to How did peoples temple amass more than $15 million, most http://www.mk-resistance.com/jonestown.html |
80. Religious Movements Homepage: People's Temple (Jonestown) Article examines the jonestown tragedy on its twentieth anniversary. Find a list of related sites, such as the jonestown Memorial Project. http://cti.itc.virginia.edu/~jkh8x/soc257/nrms/Jonestwn.html | |
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