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121. Ransom Center Collections French General Information http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/collections/french/info/ |
122. Stanford Music Library Located in the Braun Music Center at Stanford University, Stanford, California. Includes collections, resources, services, facilities and general information. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/music/music.html |
123. Archives And Special Collections Policy, location, general overview of the holdings in the College Archives and of the components of Special collections. http://www.stkate.edu/library/spcoll/spcoll.html#arch |
124. Special Collections Rare, unusual, and specialty items, other than those in the Archives or the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. Overview and general description of special collections at both the College of St. Benedict and St. John's University, list of incunabula at St. John's. http://www.csbsju.edu/library/speccoll/index.html |
125. Archway Exporters Pvt., Ltd India. Diversified manufacturing and general trade company, active in textiles, chemicals, handicrafts, tableware and cancles. collections of hand and machine made buttons and toggles, from buffalo horn. http://www.archwayindia.com/ |
126. The Harlem Renaissance A guide to the life, creativity and revolution inspired by the Harlem Renaissance. Featuring the history, general information, and collections of art, poetry, and prose. http://www.nku.edu/~diesmanj/harlem.html |
127. PPLD Photodigitization Project - Purchasing Information Library District to photo Archivist. Special collections. PikesPeak Library District. PO Box 1579. Colorado Springs, CO 809011579. http://library.ppld.org/SpecialCollections/Project/PurchasingInfo.asp |
128. Horwhenua Libraries Information on library catalogue, historical collections, general library services, Internet tutorial and Friends of the Library What's new News New Books How Koha happened http://www.library.org.nz |
129. South Texas College Of Law Library general contact and services information, online catalogs, special collections, electronic databases, and legal research resources. http://www.stcl.edu/library/libhome.html |
130. Rare Books And Special Collections This collection of books, manuscripts, photographs, maps, prints, broadsides, and other printed ephemera may be accessed by the general public. http://www.lib.rochester.edu/rbk/rarehome.htm |
131. Thinkstock Extensive, general stock family of sites featuring comp images, digital downloads, and CDs. Includes health, clouds, concept, and texture collections. http://www.thinkstock.com/ |
132. Meditation Research Information about meditation research in general, and about Osho's meditations specifically. In depth research and collections of articles. http://www.meditationresearch.com |
133. The Bonsai Sites.com Network Range of bonsai resources, including general websites, collections, clubs and online nurseries. Site submission feature. http://www.bonsaisites.com |
134. Dilimetin And Dilimetin Business and commercial litigation, employment, real estate, medical malpractice, general negligence, personal injury, trusts and estates, criminal defense, and collections. http://www.nyc-lawyers.com/ |
135. Conservation/Preservation Information For The General Public general Preservation of Records What should I do with wet Should I digitize my photocollection Preserving Family collections; Care of Books; Care of Works of Art http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/bytopic/genpub/ |
136. Shanker And Associates general practice firm, focusing on collections, with offices in New York City, and Totowa, New Jersey. http://www.shankerlaw.com/ |
137. Yake University, Beinecke Library Special Collections (MS Vault Montgomery) Includes detailed description of correspondence and poetry manuscripts. http://webtext.library.yale.edu/beinflat/general.MONT.HTM |
138. Los Angeles Zoo general zoo information including what's new at the zoo, animal collections, and conservation efforts. http://www.lazoo.org/ |
139. Library Resources And Services The Mechanics Institute located in San Francisco allows access to their general interest chess library. collections include chess books, magazines, newspapers, videotapes, and reference databases. http://www.milibrary.org/librlist.html |
140. Guide To The Collections Information on the general Collection (Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern) as well as the collections of American Literature, Western Americana, German Literature and the Osborn Collection. http://www.library.yale.edu/beinecke/blguide.htm |
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