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61. Physics And Astronomy Reference physics / science reference, physical constants, online unit conversions, periodic table of elements, exact time, fundamental physical formulae and equations. http://www.physlink.com/Reference/Index.cfm | |
62. JosseyBass :: Encyclopedia Of Applied Physics, Index Volumes 1-19 JosseyBass, Encyclopedia of Applied physics, index Volumes119 by George L. Trigg, Edmund H. Immergut. http://www.josseybass.com/cda/product/0,,3527294776|desc|2651,00.html | |
63. JosseyBass :: Encyclopedia Of Applied Physics, Index Volumes 1-23 JosseyBass, Encyclopedia of Applied physics, index Volumes 123 by George L. Trigg(Editor), Eduardo S. Vera (Associate Editor), Walter Greulich (Associate http://www.josseybass.com/cda/product/0,,3527293051|desc|2651,00.html | |
64. The Net Advance Of Physics MIT resource providing discussions at various levels of sophistication that cover all areas of physics.Category Science physics...... HIERARCHICAL index. Igor Ivanov's physics ENCYCLOPEDIA @ Net Advance of physicsA collection of annotated links to physics sites of interest, organized by topic http://web.mit.edu/redingtn/www/netadv/welcome.html | |
65. Wiley Canada :: Encyclopedia Of Applied Physics, Index Volumes 1-19 Wiley Canada, Encyclopedia of Applied physics, index Volumes119 by George L. Trigg, Edmund H. Immergut. http://www.wileycanada.com/cda/product/0,,3527294776|desc|2651,00.html | |
66. Atmospheric Chemistry Research activities include cloud physics and chemistry, aerosol chemistry and physics, wet and 'occult' deposition, and urban pollution. http://www.isao.bo.cnr.it/~chimatmo/atm_chem/index.html | |
67. Wiley Canada :: Encyclopedia Of Applied Physics, Index Volumes 1-23 Wiley Canada, Encyclopedia of Applied physics, index Volumes 123 by George L. Trigg(Editor), Eduardo S. Vera (Associate Editor), Walter Greulich (Associate http://www.wileycanada.com/cda/product/0,,3527293051,00.html | |
68. PCMI @ MathForum: HSTP 2002: Physics - Index Park City Mathematics Institute HSTP Summer 2002 WorkingGroup physics in the Mathematics Curriculum. http://mathforum.org/pcmi/hstp/sum2002/wg/physics/ | |
69. IAS/PCMI 2001 Physics - Index Park City Mathematics Institute 2001 2001 PCMI WorkingGroup physics in the Mathematics Curriculum. http://mathforum.org/pcmi/hstp/sum2001/wg/physics/ | |
70. Physics Opportunities At A Muon Collider Fermilab index of muon collider talks. Fermilab index of muon colliderphysics papers, organized by topic. BNL muon collider documents page. http://www.hep.princeton.edu/mumu/physics/ | |
71. Manual For TAs And AIs, UT Austin Physics - Index http://zippy.ph.utexas.edu/~rcorrado/TAmanual/ | |
72. WileyEurope :: Encyclopedia Of Applied Physics, Index Volumes 1-23 WileyEurope, Encyclopedia of Applied physics, index Volumes 123 by George L. Trigg(Editor), Eduardo S. Vera (Associate Editor), Walter Greulich (Associate http://www.wileyeurope.com/cda/product/0,,3527293051,00.html | |
73. Physics Department Museum Includes a virtual tour and a catalog of the museum's collection. http://www.physics.uq.edu.au/physics_museum/index.shtml | |
74. Pfeiffer :: Encyclopedia Of Applied Physics, Index Volumes 1-23 Pfeiffer, Encyclopedia of Applied physics, index Volumes 123 by George L. Trigg(Editor), Eduardo S. Vera (Associate Editor), Walter Greulich (Associate Editor http://www.pfeiffer.com/cda/product/0,,3527293051|desc|2651,00.html | |
75. Tibetan Particle Physics - Preface While Western physics describes matter and energy well, it doesn't really address the fundamental question of ontology, how things exist, nor does it deal with the nature of human perception as a determinant of the way things seem to exist to us. Buddhism offers a view of the world that is capable of explaining these things in one seamless paradigm, while western science is fragmented into ever more subdisciplines that are often at odds with each other. http://www.cyborganic.com/people/gizard/Tibud/Mad/index.html | |
76. Info.cern.ch/hypertext/DataSources/bySubject/Physics/Overview.html Similar pages CSU Facucity of physics (index). Gas adn Plasma. There is a Council awarding the degree of Candidateof Science (Solid State physics). Main page Section index. http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/DataSources/bySubject/Physics/Overview.html |
77. Center For History Of Physics Home Page Has a mission to preserve and make known the history of modern physics and allied sciences including Category Science physics History...... International catalog of sources for history of physics allied fields Findingaids Book catalog. Sign up for free enewsletter! History Center Site index. http://www.aip.org/history/ | |
78. Ask The Experts Ask questions and check out the archives, organized by topic. http://www.physlink.com/Education/AskExperts/Index.cfm | |
79. Physics -- Index physics. index. Diploma of the First Cycle (kandidaat) in physics. Diplomaof the Second Cycle (licentiaat) in physics. Doctoral Training in physics. http://aivwww.rug.ac.be/Studentenadministratie/Studiegids/2002/EN/STUDY/L/L300/I | |
80. Engineering Physics -- Index Engineering physics. index. Predoctoral Training in Engineering physics.Diploma of the Second Cycle (burgerlijk ingenieur) in Engineering physics. http://aivwww.rug.ac.be/Studentenadministratie/Studiegids/2002/EN/STUDY/M/M500/I | |
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