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101. San Graal School Of Sacred Geometry The images symbolize different aspects of the unified field theories. They represent the Sacred geometry of Love and Sharing, and are placed here with permission to touch. http://www.sangraal.com/index.htm |
102. Geometry And Topology Full text, free. http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/ |
103. Gathering For Gardner Contains math, puzzle, geometry, illusions, mazes, links, articles and problems. http://www.g4g4.com/ |
104. Ricci A Mathematica package for doing tensor calculations in differential geometry and general relativity. http://www.math.washington.edu/~lee/Ricci/ |
105. Texas Geometry And Topology Conference Held twice a year. Includes almost all universities and colleges in Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. Since 1994, fall meetings have been national events, attracting participants from around the country. http://www.math.tamu.edu/research/workshops/TGTC/ |
106. Math.com Offers free math lessons and homework help, with an emphasis on geometry, algebra, statistics, and calculus. http://www.math.com/ |
107. (USA) Southwestern Center For Arithmetical Algebraic Geometry Based at the University of Arizona, in collaboration with the Universities of New Mexico, Southern California, and Texas. Annual conference. http://swc.math.arizona.edu/~swcenter/ |
108. MAGMA Comprehensive system for algebra, number theory and geometry. Can work with polynomials, matrices, groups, rings, fields, modules, lattices, algebras, graphs, codes, and curves. http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au:8000/u/magma/ |
109. Pi Mu Epsilon Literature Database; Peek For Visualizing 3dimensional objects; Room 8 GeometryBook; Wallpaper Groups. Mathematics Numbers 1,000,000 Digitsof e; Exp(pi*Sqrt(n http://www.tamiu.edu/student/pimuep/ |
110. European Differential Geometry Endeavour (EDGE) A TMR network. Structure, activities, news and resources. http://edge.imada.sdu.dk/ |
111. Zenith Sacred Geometry Healing system clears blockages within a persons energy fields. Tonua G. Brown provides information and practitioners list. http://www.tonuabrown.com/zenith/ |
112. Groups, Geometry And Combinatorics Symposium at the University of Durham, UK; 1626 July 2001. http://www.ma.ic.ac.uk/~ivanov/index.htl |
113. Baker, Alan University of Cambridge. Number theory, transcendence, logarithmic forms, effective methods, Diophantine geometry, Diophantine analysis. Fields medal, FRS. http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/site2000/Staff/baker01.html |
114. International Biometric Group Biometrics information including reports on hand geometry, iris, retina, finger scan, face geometry. IBGs BiometricStore, Comdex and Bio1.com. http://www.biometricgroup.com/ |
115. Geometry Handling Library A library for 2D and 3-D geometric calculation in C, with functions for shape generation, geometric evaluation, intersection, and offsetting and filleting. http://www.pml.co.jp/ghl/index.html |
116. Module PODs Circle $circle = new GeometryCircle $x, $y, $r ($x, $y) = $circle center; $radius= $circle- radius; $area = $circle- area $pi = $GeometryCirclepi;, The http://world.std.com/~swmcd/steven/perl/module_pod.html |
117. Geometry Around Black Holes (Michael Cramer Andersen) A WWW Exhibition in Relativistic Computer Dynamics and Visualization http://www.astro.ku.dk/~cramer/RelViz/ |
118. Fractal Geometry At Yale University Course homepage for the Fractal geometry course at Yale University. http://classes.yale.edu/fractals/Welcome.html |
119. AVirtualSpaceTimeTravelMachine GALLERY -Visual Version- Translate this page GALLERY -Visual Version- DETERMINISTIC FRACTAL geometry Geometrie Fractale Deterministe. DeterministicFractal geometry Geometrie Fractale Deterministe http://www.lactamme.polytechnique.fr/Mosaic/descripteurs/Galerie_DeterministicFr |
120. Nineteenth Century Geometry By Roberto Torretti, Universidad de Chile. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/geometry-19th/ |
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