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1. Nonindigenous Plant Pathogens Threaten U.S. Crops And Forests Why pay retail when you can save at Half? Always find low prices on books by Karl Maramorosch and a great selection of new used books. http://www.apsnet.org/online/feature/exotic | |
2. Plant Pathogens The Biocontrol of plant diseases Laboratory (BPDL) is based at the Beltsville discoverand improve methods for biological control of plant pathogens and weeds http://agrifor.ac.uk/browse/cabi/detail/920d83863a69a2d3a2c00e1b388cbb6e.html | |
3. Page Not Found Or Moved Database of fungal pathogens on trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants. Search by pathogen, host or recording authority. http://www.landcare.cri.nz/science/nzpddb/ | |
4. Untitled Document Resources, activities and dialogue relating to the biology, history, economic importance, and other aspects of plant diseases. Developed by University of Illinois, U.S. http://nautilus.outreach.uiuc.edu/ppp/ | |
5. Review Of Plant Pathology - The Online Abstracts Database For Plant Pathology Re Print and online journal on diseases of crop plants, ornamentals and forest trees caused by range of pathogens, nonparasitic diseases and mycorrhizas. Includes content search, abstracts (1992 to present), and registration form for a free trial subscription. http://www.cabi.org/Publishing/Products/JOURNALS/Abstract/RPP/Index.asp | |
6. New, Emerging, And Re-emerging Plant Diseases In The United States R = Reemerging pathogens associated with chemical resistance End of Viral DiseasesDatabase (Sorted by of plant Pathology, North Carolina State University http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/ent/clinic/Emerging/vpath.htm | |
7. An Online Guide To Plant Disease Control, Oregon State University The Online plant Disease Database of over 1 200 plant diseases, images, and control recommendations from the Oregon state University's 2001 Pacific Northwest plant Disease Management Handbook. plant Pathology slide collection, as well as photographs taken by our colleagues. Additional articles from the handbook have been incorporated into the "pathogens http://plant-disease.orst.edu/ | |
8. Plant Diseases On The Forage Information System Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development plant diseases Index Common Namesfor plant diseases CropNet - diseases diseases and pathogens of the Small http://www.forages.css.orst.edu/Topics/Pests/Diseases/ | |
9. Common Names Of Plant Diseases Local Pages Within FIS Root and Crown diseases General plant Disease WWW Sites Forage Information System Last updated Thursday, July 30, 1998 edu/ Topics/ Pests/ diseases/ index. Common Names for plant diseases. CropNet diseases. diseases and pathogens of the Small Grains http://www.apsnet.org/online/common | |
10. PLP208 ECOLOGY OF PLANT PATHOGENS & EPIDEMIOLOGY OF PLANT DISEASES Concept Of Inoculum Potential In Soil And Critical Events In plant Infection. ModelingAnd Forecasting Root diseases. Control Of SoilBorne plant pathogens. http://www.plpnem.ucdavis.edu/PLP/courses/PLP208/PLP208.htm | |
11. Integrated Crop Management - Complete Plant Diseases Index plant. diseases. Complete plant diseases Index. plant diseases Stand reductions in corn due to fungal pathogens and insects (Jun. http://www.ent.iastate.edu/ipm/icm/indices/plantdiseases.html | |
12. PLP120 INTRODUCTION TO PLANT PATHOLOGY important crops in California. Lecture Topics Nature and importanceof plant diseases; Characteristics of major plant pathogens; http://www.plpnem.ucdavis.edu/PLP/courses/PLP120/PLP120.htm | |
13. ARS | Publication Request: Plant Diseases As Potential Limiting Factors For Fora plant vigor, and causing stunting gand dying out of forages on waste applicationsites. This paper reviews observations and studies of diseases and pathogens http://www.nps.ars.usda.gov/publications/publications.htm?SEQ_NO_115=111091 |
14. This Month's Feature On APSnet plant pathogens, through the diseases they cause, influence the distribution of individualsof a species, the genetic variation of that species with respect to http://www.apsnet.org/online/feature/biodiver/Top.html | |
15. Managing Plant Diseases With Biofungicides is composed of beneficial microorganisms, such as specialized fungi and bacteriathat attack and control plant pathogens and the diseases they cause (USDA). http://www.ext.vt.edu/news/periodicals/commhort/2002-11/2002-11-02.html | |
16. Common Plant Diseases - Description And Treatment they tend to grow on the plant and not in Since killing the pathogens is difficultor impossible, prevention is you can prevent a lot of diseases from taking http://www.dgsgardening.btinternet.co.uk/disease.htm | |
17. August 29 4). September 13 Laboratory. Bacterial plant diseases. September 17 Howplants defend themselves against pathogens (Chapter 5). September http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/plantpath/syl2001.htm | |
18. For More Information, Contact Department Of Plant Pathology NDSU identifies plant diseases and other plant health problems for farmers and urbangrowers. The Seed Health Testing Laboratory identifies seed borne pathogens. http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/plantpath/welcome.htm | |
19. Midwest Biological Control News pathogens. In some cases, siderophore production and competitive success in acquiringFe3+ is the mechanism by which biocontrol agents control plant diseases. http://www.entomology.wisc.edu/mbcn/fea303.html | |
20. Plant Pathology PPWS 3104 plant diseases caused by nematodes; Diagnosis of abiotic conditions that causeplant diseases (or disorders); Miscellaneous plant pathogens protozoa, algae http://www.ppws.vt.edu/ppws/academics/courses/ppws3104.html | |
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