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21. Plant Diseases, UM Libraries Dual approach by disease and by host plant. Index gives common and Latin namesof host plants, common names of diseases and Latin names of their pathogens. http://www.lib.umd.edu/MCK/GUIDES/plant_diseases.html | |
22. CABI Bioscience - Plant Diseases & Nematodes The programme focuses on the biology and control of plant diseases causedby fungal, bacterial and nematode pathogens. Its objective http://www.cabi-bioscience.org/Html/nematodes.htm | |
23. F830 Plant Diseases (General) diseases, use F840; diseases of aquatic plants, add M001; diseases of forest insectsor other arthropods as vectors of plant pathogens, use F821 and appropriate http://www.agnic.org/cc/d_f830.html | |
24. F840 Plant Diseases (Physiological) diseases caused by pathogens, use F830F833; plant diseases caused by vectors,use F820-F822 and appropriate plant disease category code, F830-F833; http://www.agnic.org/cc/d_f840.html | |
25. Untitled plant diseases are caused primarily by bacterial, fungal or viral pathogens.Nematodes, microscopic roundworms, are also responsible for plant damage. http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu/urban/cropsci/c06disea/c06disea.html | |
26. Using Compost To Control Plant Diseases Applied on a yearly basis on some crops, this fumigant effectively destroysmost pathogens in soils that cause these plant diseases. http://www.jgpress.com/BCArticles/1999/0699Art5.htm | |
27. Biology And Management Of Plant Diseases And Insect Pests Research plant Pathologist The objective of our research is to investigate thebiology and control of soilborne fungal pathogens causing root diseases of http://www.ars-grin.gov/ars/PacWest/Corvallis/hcrl/biomanage.htm | |
28. Pests - Diseases; Forages Information System pathogens of the Small Grains; Fescue Endophyte Story, The; Foliar diseases; FusariumWilt; Illustrated Encyclopedia of Forage Crop diseases; OnLine Guide plant http://forages.orst.edu/main.cfm?PageID=102 |
29. The Gardening Launch Pad Diseases And Insects Edible Landscaping Index This database lists every perennial plant that is of Diseaseand Pathogen, Names of diseases and pathogens, Silviculture Background http://gardeninglaunchpad.com/DI.html | |
30. Ohio State Plant Pathology | Research | Soil Microbes & Root Pathogens biocontrol agents in the composting and curing processes; identification of microorganismsthat suppress diseases or eradicate plant pathogens when added to http://plantpath.osu.edu/soil.php | |
31. PATH 4280/6280(L) seed treatment Soil fumigation Seed testing and certification Biological controlof plant diseases plant diseases caused by bacterial pathogens Symptoms and http://www.plant.uga.edu/Syllabi/4280.htm | |
32. Elad - Biological Control Of Plant Diseases Dr. Elad has studied biocontrol of plant pathogens since late 1970's control agentsfor use against Gray White Molds and Downy Powdery Mildews diseases on a http://www.agri.gov.il/Units/Kidum/elad.html | |
33. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF FUNGAL AND BACTERIAL PLANT PATHOGENS of plant pathogens. Some examples to the interest of the group are Biocontrol offoliar pathogens (necrotrophs, biotrophs); Biocontrol of soilborne diseases; http://www.agri.gov.il/Depts/IOBCPP/IOBCPP.html | |
34. PLANT PATHOLOGY DEFINITION OF plant PATHOLOGY. The study of plant diseases is known as plant pathology.Infectious diseases are caused by living organisms called pathogens. http://www.hcs.ohio-state.edu/mg/manual/path.htm | |
35. Courses; Entomology & Plant Pathology, The University Of Tennessee ecology, physiology, and genetics of bacterial plant pathogens; infection and ofenvironment, and management of bacterial plant diseases; beneficial plant http://eppserver.ag.utk.edu/courses.htm | |
36. Cornell News: Invasive Plant Study release from and accumulation of natural enemies, including pathogens, the Cornell roleof herbivorous insects and soilborne plant diseases in controlling http://www.news.cornell.edu/releases/Feb03/invasive_release.hrs.html | |
37. A Multilingual, Illustrated Introduction To Plant Pathogens And Diseases G. L. S A Multilingual, Illustrated Introduction to plant pathogens and diseases. GailL. Schumann University of Massachusetts Amherst. FH Tainter Clemson University. http://www.ispp-itsymposium.org.nz/papers/submiss_2/ | |
38. A Multilingual, Illustrated Introduction To Plant Pathogens And Diseases By Gail DISCUSSION. A multilingual, illustrated introduction to plant pathogensand diseases ModeratorCleo D'Arcy 10 Mar - 032239 PM http://www.ispp-itsymposium.org.nz/forums/Forums/papers_week2_schumann.asp | |
39. The Nature Of Diseases In Plants Part I. Basic Biology and Control of plant diseases Causes and spread of plantdisease; How pathogens attack plants; How plants defend against pathogens; http://www.cplpress.com/contents/C200.htm | |
40. Methods For Evaluating Pesticides For Control Of Plant Pathogens Methods for Evaluating Pesticides for Control of plant pathogens. for Control ofFoliar diseases of Tobacco; for Control of Soilborne pathogens on Tobacco. http://www.cplpress.com/contents/C257.htm | |
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